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homeprevnext Name
homeprevnext Name Strings
homeprevnext Contributors
    Kurt Akeley  
    Jason Allen  
    Bob Beretta  
    Pat Brown  
    Matt Craighead  
    Cass Everitt  
    Mark Galvan  
    Michael Gold  
    Evan Hart  
    Jeff Juliano  
    Mark Kilgard  
    Dale Kirkland  
    Jon Leech  
    Bill Licea-Kane  
    Barthold Lichtenbelt  
    Kent Lin  
    Rob Mace  
    Teri Morrison  
    Paul Puey  
    Ian Romanick  
    John Rosasco  
    R. Jason Sams  
    Jeremy Sandmel  
    Mark Segal  
    Avinash Seetharamaiah  
    Folker Schamel  
    Daniel Vogel  
    Eric Werness  
    Cliff Woolley  
homeprevnext Contacts
    Jeff Juliano, NVIDIA Corporation (jjuliano 'at'  
    Jeremy Sandmel, ATI Research (jsandmel 'at'  
homeprevnext Status
    Approved by the ARB "superbuffers" Working Group on January 31, 2005.  
    Despite being controlled by the ARB WG, this is not an officially  
    approved ARB extension at this time, thus the "EXT" tag.  
homeprevnext Version
    Last Modified Date: January 31, 2005  
    Revision: #109  
homeprevnext Number
homeprevnext Dependencies
    WGL_ARB_make_current_read affects the definition of this extension.  
    GLX 1.3 / GLX_SGI_make_current_read affects the definition of this  
    ATI_draw_buffers affects the definition of this extension.  
    ARB_draw_buffers affects the definition of this extension.  
    ARB_fragment_program affects the definition of this extension.  
    ARB_fragment_shader affects the definition of this extension.  
    ARB_vertex_shader affects the definition of this extension.  
    Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 1.5 specification.  
homeprevnext Overview
    This extension defines a simple interface for drawing to rendering  
    destinations other than the buffers provided to the GL by the  
    In this extension, these newly defined rendering destinations are  
    known collectively as "framebuffer-attachable images".  This  
    extension provides a mechanism for attaching framebuffer-attachable  
    images to the GL framebuffer as one of the standard GL logical  
    buffers: color, depth, and stencil.  (Attaching a  
    framebuffer-attachable image to the accum logical buffer is left for  
    a future extension to define).  When a framebuffer-attachable image  
    is attached to the framebuffer, it is used as the source and  
    destination of fragment operations as described in Chapter 4.  
    By allowing the use of a framebuffer-attachable image as a rendering  
    destination, this extension enables a form of "offscreen" rendering.  
    Furthermore, "render to texture" is supported by allowing the images  
    of a texture to be used as framebuffer-attachable images.  A  
    particular image of a texture object is selected for use as a  
    framebuffer-attachable image by specifying the mipmap level, cube  
    map face (for a cube map texture), and z-offset (for a 3D texture)  
    that identifies the image.  The "render to texture" semantics of  
    this extension are similar to performing traditional rendering to  
    the framebuffer, followed immediately by a call to CopyTexSubImage.  
    However, by using this extension instead, an application can achieve  
    the same effect, but with the advantage that the GL can usually  
    eliminate the data copy that would have been incurred by calling  
    This extension also defines a new GL object type, called a  
    "renderbuffer", which encapsulates a single 2D pixel image.  The  
    image of renderbuffer can be used as a framebuffer-attachable image  
    for generalized offscreen rendering and it also provides a means to  
    support rendering to GL logical buffer types which have no  
    corresponding texture format (stencil, accum, etc).  A renderbuffer  
    is similar to a texture in that both renderbuffers and textures can  
    be independently allocated and shared among multiple contexts.  The  
    framework defined by this extension is general enough that support  
    for attaching images from GL objects other than textures and  
    renderbuffers could be added by layered extensions.  
    To facilitate efficient switching between collections of  
    framebuffer-attachable images, this extension introduces another new  
    GL object, called a framebuffer object.  A framebuffer object  
    contains the state that defines the traditional GL framebuffer,  
    including its set of images.  Prior to this extension, it was the  
    window-system which defined and managed this collection of images,  
    traditionally by grouping them into a "drawable".  The window-system  
    API's would also provide a function (i.e., wglMakeCurrent,  
    glXMakeCurrent, aglSetDrawable, etc.) to bind a drawable with a GL  
    context (as is done in the WGL_ARB_pbuffer extension).  In this  
    extension however, this functionality is subsumed by the GL and the  
    GL provides the function BindFramebufferEXT to bind a framebuffer  
    object to the current context.  Later, the context can bind back to  
    the window-system-provided framebuffer in order to display rendered  
    Previous extensions that enabled rendering to a texture have been  
    much more complicated.  One example is the combination of  
    ARB_pbuffer and ARB_render_texture, both of which are window-system  
    extensions.  This combination requires calling MakeCurrent, an  
    operation that may be expensive, to switch between the window and  
    the pbuffer drawables.  An application must create one pbuffer per  
    renderable texture in order to portably use ARB_render_texture.  An  
    application must maintain at least one GL context per texture  
    format, because each context can only operate on a single  
    pixelformat or FBConfig.  All of these characteristics make  
    ARB_render_texture both inefficient and cumbersome to use.  
    EXT_framebuffer_object, on the other hand, is both simpler to use  
    and more efficient than ARB_render_texture.  The  
    EXT_framebuffer_object API is contained wholly within the GL API and  
    has no (non-portable) window-system components.  Under  
    EXT_framebuffer_object, it is not necessary to create a second GL  
    context when rendering to a texture image whose format differs from  
    that of the window.  Finally, unlike the pbuffers of  
    ARB_render_texture, a single framebuffer object can facilitate  
    rendering to an unlimited number of texture objects.  
homeprevnext Glossary of Helpful Terms
        logical buffer:  
            One of the color, depth, or stencil buffers of the  
            The collection of logical buffers and associated state  
            defining where the output of GL rendering is directed.  
            an object which consists of one or more 2D arrays of pixel  
            images and associated state that can be used as a source of  
            data during the texture-mapping process described in section  
        texture image:  
            one of the 2D arrays of pixels that are part of a texture  
            object as defined in section 3.8.  Texture images contain  
            and define the texels of the texture object.  
            A new type of storage object which contains a single 2D  
            array of pixels and associated state that can be used as a  
            destination for pixel data written during the rendering  
            process described in Chapter 4.  
        renderbuffer image:  
            The 2D array of pixels that is part of a renderbuffer  
            object.  A renderbuffer image contains and defines the  
            pixels of the renderbuffer object.  
        framebuffer-attachable image:  
            A 2D pixel image that can be attached to one of the logical  
            buffer attachment points of a framebuffer object.  Texture  
            images and renderbuffer images are two examples of  
            framebuffer-attachable images.  
        attachment point:  
            The set of state which references a specific  
            framebuffer-attachable image, and allows that  
            framebuffer-attachable image to be used to store the  
            contents of a logical buffer of a framebuffer object.  There  
            is an attachment point state vector for each color, depth,  
            and stencil buffer of a framebuffer.  
            The act of connecting one object to another object.  
            An "attach" operation is similar to a "bind" operation in  
            that both represent a reference to the attached or bound  
            object for the purpose of managing object lifetimes and both  
            enable manipulation of the state of the attached or bound  
            However, an "attach" is also different from a "bind" in that  
            "binding" an unused object creates a new object, while  
            "attaching" does not.  Additionally, "bind" establishes a  
            connection between a context and an object, while "attach"  
            establishes a connection between two objects.  
            Finally, if object "A" is attached to object "B" and object  
            "B" is bound to context "C", then in most respects, we treat  
            "A" as if it is <implicitly> bound to "C".  
        framebuffer attachment completeness:  
            Similar to texture "mipmap" or "cube" completeness from  
            section 3.8.10, defines a minimum set of criteria for  
            framebuffer attachment points.  (for complete definition,  
            see section  
        framebuffer completeness:  
            Similar to texture "mipmap cube completeness", defines a  
            composite set of "completeness" requirements and  
            relationships among the attached framebuffer-attachable  
            images.  (for complete definition, see section  
homeprevnext Issues
    Breaking from past convention, the very large issues section has  
    been moved to the end of the document.  It can be found after  
    Examples, before Revision History.  
homeprevnext New Procedures and Functions
    boolean IsRenderbufferEXT(uint renderbuffer);  
    void BindRenderbufferEXT(enum target, uint renderbuffer);  
    void DeleteRenderbuffersEXT(sizei n, const uint *renderbuffers);  
    void GenRenderbuffersEXT(sizei n, uint *renderbuffers);  
    void RenderbufferStorageEXT(enum target, enum internalformat,  
                                sizei width, sizei height);  
    void GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(enum target, enum pname, int* params);  
    boolean IsFramebufferEXT(uint framebuffer);  
    void BindFramebufferEXT(enum target, uint framebuffer);  
    void DeleteFramebuffersEXT(sizei n, const uint *framebuffers);  
    void GenFramebuffersEXT(sizei n, uint *framebuffers);  
    enum CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(enum target);  
    void FramebufferTexture1DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                 enum textarget, uint texture,  
                                 int level);  
    void FramebufferTexture2DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                 enum textarget, uint texture,  
                                 int level);  
    void FramebufferTexture3DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                 enum textarget, uint texture,  
                                 int level, int zoffset);  
    void FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                    enum renderbuffertarget, uint renderbuffer);  
    void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                                enum pname, int *params);  
    void GenerateMipmapEXT(enum target);  
New Types  
homeprevnext New Tokens
    Accepted by the <target> parameter of BindFramebufferEXT,  
    CheckFramebufferStatusEXT, FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT, and  
        FRAMEBUFFER_EXT                     0x8D40  
    Accepted by the <target> parameter of BindRenderbufferEXT,  
    RenderbufferStorageEXT, and GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT, and  
    returned by GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT:  
        RENDERBUFFER_EXT                    0x8D41  
    Accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of  
        STENCIL_INDEX_EXT                   0x8D45  
        STENCIL_INDEX1_EXT                  0x8D46  
        STENCIL_INDEX4_EXT                  0x8D47  
        STENCIL_INDEX8_EXT                  0x8D48  
        STENCIL_INDEX16_EXT                 0x8D49  
    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT:  
        RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT              0x8D42  
        RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_EXT             0x8D43  
    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of  
    Accepted by the <attachment> parameter of  
    FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT, FramebufferRenderbufferEXT, and  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT                0x8CE0  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT                0x8CE1  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT                0x8CE2  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT                0x8CE3  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT4_EXT                0x8CE4  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT5_EXT                0x8CE5  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT6_EXT                0x8CE6  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT7_EXT                0x8CE7  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT8_EXT                0x8CE8  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT9_EXT                0x8CE9  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT10_EXT               0x8CEA  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT11_EXT               0x8CEB  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT12_EXT               0x8CEC  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT13_EXT               0x8CED  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT14_EXT               0x8CEE  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENT15_EXT               0x8CEF  
        DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT                 0x8D00  
        STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT               0x8D20  
    Returned by CheckFramebufferStatusEXT():  
        FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT                          0x8CD5  
        FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT                       0x8CDD  
        FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS_ERROR_EXT                      0x8CDE  
    Accepted by GetIntegerv():  
        FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT             0x8CA6  
        RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_EXT            0x8CA7  
        MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT           0x8CDF  
        MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT           0x84E8  
    Returned by GetError():  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.5 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
    "The GL interacts with two classes of framebuffers:  
    window-system-provided framebuffers and application-created  
    framebuffers.  There is always one window-system-provided  
    framebuffer, while application-created framebuffers can be created  
    as desired.  These two types of framebuffer are distinguished  
    primarily by the interface for configuring and managing their state.  
    The effects of GL commands on the window-system-provided framebuffer  
    are ultimately controlled by the window-system that allocates  
    framebuffer resources.  It is the window-system that determines  
    which portions of this framebuffer the GL may access at any given  
    time and that communicates to the GL how those portions are  
    structured.  Therefore, there are no GL commands to configure the  
    window-system-provided framebuffer.  Similarly, display of  
    framebuffer contents on a CRT monitor (including the transformation  
    of individual framebuffer values by such techniques as gamma  
    correction) is not addressed by the GL.  Framebuffer configuration  
    occurs outside of the GL in conjunction with the window-system.  
    The initialization of a GL context itself occurs when the  
    window-system allocates a window for GL rendering and is influenced  
    by the state of the window-system-provided framebuffer."  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Rasterization)
    In section 3.6.4, page 102, add the following text to the definiton  
    of DrawPixels:  
    "If the object bound to FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is not "framebuffer  
    complete" (as defined in section, then an attempt to call  
    DrawPixels will generate the error  
    In subsection "Automatic Mipmap Generation" to section 3.8.8,  
    replace the first paragraph with the following text:  
    "If the value of texture parameter GENERATE MIPMAP is TRUE and a  
    change is made to the interior or border texels of the level[base]  
    array of a mipmap by one of the texture image specification  
    operations defined in sections 3.8.1 through 3.8.3, then a complete  
    set of mipmap arrays (as defined in section 3.8.10) will be  
    computed.  Array levels level[base] + 1 through p are replaced with  
    arrays derived from the modified level[base], regardless of their  
    previous contents.  All other mipmap arrays, including the  
    level[base] array, are left unchanged by this computation."  
    Add a new subsection "Manual Mipmap Generation" to section 3.8.8,  
    after "Automatic Mipmap Generation":  
    "Manual Mipmap Generation  
    Mipmaps can be generated manually with the command  
      void GenerateMipmapEXT(enum target);  
    where <target> is one of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP,  
    or TEXTURE_3D.  Mipmap generation affects the texture image attached  
    to <target>.  For cube map textures, INVALID_OPERATION is generated  
    if the texture bound to <target> is not cube complete, as defined in  
    section 3.8.10.  
    Mipmap generation replaces texture array levels level[base] + 1  
    through q with arrays derived from the level[base] array, as  
    described above under Automatic Mipmap Generation.  All other mipmap  
    arrays, including the level[base] array, are left unchanged by this  
    computation.  For arrays in the range level[base] through q,  
    inclusive, automatic and manual mipmap generation generate the same  
    derived arrays, given identical level[base] arrays."  
    Modify the third paragraph of section 3.8.12, page 157, to read:  
    "Texture objects are deleted by calling  
        void DeleteTextures( sizei n, uint *textures );  
    textures contains n names of texture objects to be deleted.  After a  
    texture object is deleted, it has no contents or dimensionality, and  
    its name is again unused.  If a texture that is currently bound to  
    one of the targets TEXTURE 1D, TEXTURE 2D, TEXTURE 3D, or TEXTURE  
    CUBE MAP is deleted, it is as though BindTexture had been executed  
    with the same target and texture zero.  Additionally, special care  
    must be taken when deleting a texture if any of the images of the  
    texture are attached to a framebuffer object.  See section  
    for details.  
    Unused names in textures are silently ignored, as is the value  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer)
    On page 170, in the introduction to chapter 4, modify the first  
    three paragraphs to read as follows:  
    "The framebuffer consists of a set of pixels arranged as a  
    two-dimensional array.  The height and width of this array may vary  
    from one GL implementation to another.  For purposes of this  
    discussion, each pixel in the framebuffer is simply a set of some  
    number of bits.  The number of bits per pixel may also vary  
    depending on the particular GL implementation or context.  
    Further there are two classes of framebuffers: the default  
    framebuffer supplied by the window-system-provided and  
    application-created framebuffer objects.  Every GL context has a  
    single default window-system-provided framebuffer.  Applications can  
    optionally create additional non-displayable framebuffer objects.  
    (For more information on application-created framebuffer objects see  
    section 4.4)  
    Corresponding bits from each pixel in the framebuffer are grouped  
    together into a bitplane; each bitplane contains a single bit from  
    each pixel.  These bitplanes are grouped into several logical  
    buffers.  These are the color, depth, stencil, and accumulation  
    buffers.  The color buffer actually consists of a number of buffers,  
    and these color buffers serve related but slightly different  
    purposes depending on whether the GL is bound to the default  
    window-system-provided framebuffer or to an application-created  
    framebuffer object.  
    For the default window-system-provided framebuffer, the color  
    buffers are: the front left buffer, the front right buffer, the back  
    left buffer, the back right buffer, and some number of auxiliary  
    buffers.  Typically, the contents of the front buffers are displayed  
    on a color monitor while the contents of the back buffers are  
    invisible.  (Monoscopic contexts display only the front left buffer;  
    stereoscopic contexts display both the front left and the front  
    right buffers.)  The contents of the auxiliary buffers are never  
    visible.  All color buffers must have the same number of bitplanes,  
    although an implementation or context may choose not to provide  
    right buffers, back buffers, or auxiliary buffers at all.  Further,  
    an implementation or context may not provide depth, stencil, or  
    accumulation buffers.  
    For application-created framebuffer objects, the color buffers are  
    not visible, and consequently the names of the color buffers are not  
    related to a display device.  The names of the color buffers of an  
    application-created framebuffer object are: COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT  
    through COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT.  The names of the depth and stencil  
    more information about the buffers of an application-created  
    framebuffer object, see section 4.4.2.  To be considered framebuffer  
    complete (see section 4.4.4), all color buffers attached to an  
    application-created framebuffer object must have the same number of  
    bitplanes.  Depth and stencil buffers may optionally be attached to  
    application-created framebuffers as well.  
    Color buffers consist of either unsigned integer color indices or R,  
    G, B, and, optionally, A unsigned integer values.  The number of  
    bitplanes in each of the color buffers, the depth buffer, the  
    stencil buffer, and the accumulation buffer is dependent on the  
    currently bound framebuffer.  For the default framebuffer, the  
    number of bitplanes is fixed.  For application-created framebuffer  
    objects, however, the number of bitplanes in a given logical buffer  
    may change if the state of the corresponding framebuffer attachment  
    or attached image changes (see sections 4.4.2 and 4.4.5).  If an  
    accumulation buffer is provided, it must have at least as many  
    bitplanes per R, G, and B color component as do the color buffers."  
    Add a new paragraph to the end of section 4.1.1, page 171:  
    "While an application-created framebuffer object is bound to  
    FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, the pixel ownership test always passes.  The pixels  
    of application-created frambuffer objects are always owned by the  
    GL, not the window system.  Only while the window-system-provided  
    framebuffer named zero is bound to FRAMEBUFFER_EXT does the window  
    system control pixel ownership."  
    Change section 4.1.5, page 174, third paragraph, first two sentences  
    to read as follows:  
    "<ref> is an integer reference value that is used in the unsigned  
    stencil comparison.  Stencil comparison operations and queries of  
    <ref> use the value of <ref> clamped to the range [0, (2^s) - 1],  
    where s is the current number of bits in the stencil buffer."  
    Change section 4.2.1, to read as follows:  
    "The first such operation is controlling the buffer into which color  
    values are written.  This is accomplished with  
        void DrawBuffer( enum buf );  
    <buf> defines a buffer or set of buffers for writing.  Acceptable  
    values for <buf> depend on whether the GL is using the default  
    window-system-provided framebuffer (i.e., FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is  
    zero), or an application-created framebuffer object (i.e.,  
    FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is non-zero).  In the initial state, the GL  
    is bound to the the window-system-provided framebuffer.  For more  
    information about application-created framebuffer objects, see  
    section 4.4.  
    When the GL is bound to the window-system-provided framebuffer, then  
    <buf> is a symbolic constant specifying zero, one, two, or four  
    buffers for writing.  For the window-system-provided framebuffer,  
    <buf> must be one of NONE, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT,  
    through AUXn, where n + 1 is the number of available auxiliary  
    buffers specified in the implementation dependent state variable,  
    AUX_BUFFERS.  These constants refer to the four potentially visible  
    buffers front left, front right, back left, and back right, and to  
    the auxiliary buffers.  Arguments other than AUXi that omit  
    reference to LEFT or RIGHT refer to both left and right buffers.  
    Arguments other than AUXi that omit reference to FRONT or BACK refer  
    to both front and back buffers.  AUXi enables drawing only to  
    auxiliary buffer i.  Each AUXi adheres to AUXi = AUX0 + i.  
    When the GL is bound to an application-created framebuffer object,  
    then <buf> is a symbolic constant specifying a single color buffer  
    for writing.  In this case, <buf> must be either NONE or one of  
    the number of available attachable color buffers, specified in the  
    implementation-dependent state variable, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT.  
    Specifying COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT enables drawing only to the image  
    attached to the framebuffer at COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT.  Each  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + i.  The intial value of DRAW_BUFFER for  
    application-created framebuffer objects is COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT.  
    The constants and the buffers they indicate are summarized in Table  
    If the GL is bound to the window-system-provided framebuffer and  
    DrawBuffer is supplied with a constant (other than NONE) that does  
    not indicate any of the color buffers allocated to the GL context by  
    the window-system, then the error INVALID_OPERATION results.  
    If the GL is bound to an application-created framebuffer object,  
    DrawBuffers is supplied with a COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT constant, and  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT, then the error INVALID_OPERATION results.  
    The command  
        void DrawBuffers( sizei n, const enum *bufs );  
    defines the draw buffers to which all fragment colors are written.  
    <n> specifies the number of buffers in <bufs>.  <bufs> is a pointer  
    to an array of symbolic constants specifying the buffer to which  
    each fragment color is written.  
    Acceptable values for the constants in <bufs> depend on whether the  
    GL is using the default window-system-provided framebuffer (i.e.,  
    FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is zero), or an application-created  
    framebuffer object (i.e., FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is non-zero).  For  
    more information about application-created framebuffer objects, see  
    section 4.4.  
    If the GL is bound to the default window-system-provided  
    framebuffer, then the constants must be one of NONE, FRONT_LEFT,  
    FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, or AUX0 through AUXm, where m+1  
    is the number of available auxiliary buffers.  Otherwise,  
    INVALID_OPERATION is generated.  If one of the constants names a  
    color buffer that is not available, then INVALID_OPERATION is  
    If the GL is bound to an application-created framebuffer object,  
    then each of the constants must be either NONE or one of  
    the number of available attachable color buffers, specified in the  
    implementation-dependent state variable, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT.  
    Specifying COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT enables drawing to the image  
    attached to the framebuffer at COLOR_ATTACHMENTi.  Each  
    attachment i, then INVALID_OPERATION is generated.  
    In both cases, the draw buffers being defined correspond in order to  
    the respective fragment colors.  The draw buffer for fragment colors  
    beyond <n> is set to NONE.  
    Except for NONE, a buffer may not appear more then once in the array  
    pointed to by bufs.  Specifying a buffer more then once will result  
    in the error INVALID_OPERATION.  
    If fixed-function fragment shading is being performed, DrawBuffers  
    specifies a set of draw buffers into which the fragment color is  
    If a fragment shader writes to "gl_FragColor", DrawBuffers specifies  
    a set of draw buffers into which the single fragment color defined  
    by "gl_FragColor" is written.  If a fragment shader writes to gl  
    FragData, DrawBuffers specifies a set of draw buffers into which  
    each of the multiple fragment colors defined by "gl_FragData" are  
    separately written.  If a fragment shader writes to neither gl  
    FragColor nor "gl_FragData", the values of the fragment colors  
    following shader execution are undefined, and may differ for each  
    fragment color.  
    The maximum number of draw buffers is implementation dependent and  
    must be at least 1.  The number of draw buffers supported can be  
    queried by calling GetIntegerv with the symbolic constant  
    For both window-system-provided and application-created  
    framebuffers, the constants FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, and  
    FRONT_AND_BACK are not valid in the <bufs> array passed to  
    DrawBuffers, and will result in the error INVALID_OPERATION.  This  
    restriction is because these constants may themselves refer to  
    multiple buffers, as shown in table 4.4.  
    If the GL is bound to the window-system-provided framebuffer and  
    DrawBuffers is supplied with a constant (other than NONE) that does  
    not indicate any of the color buffers allocated to the GL context by  
    the window-system, then the error INVALID_OPERATION results.  
    If the GL is bound to an application-created framebuffer object,  
    DrawBuffers is supplied with a COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT constant, and  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT, then the error INVALID_OPERATION results.  
    For the window-system-provided framebuffer and for  
    application-created framebuffers, if <n> is greater than the value  
    of MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS, the error INVALID_VALUE results.  
    Indicating a buffer or buffers using DrawBuffer or DrawBuffers  
    causes subsequent pixel color value writes to affect the indicated  
    Specifying NONE as the draw buffer for an fragment color will  
    inhibit that fragment color from being written to any buffer.  
    Monoscopic contexts include only left buffers, while stereoscopic  
    contexts include both left and right buffers.  Likewise, single  
    buffered contexts include only front buffers, while double buffered  
    contexts include both front and back buffers.  The type of context  
    is selected at GL initialization.  
    The state required to handle color buffer selection is an integer  
    for each supported fragment color.  For the default  
    window-system-provided framebuffer, in the initial state, the draw  
    buffer for fragment color zero is FRONT if there are no back  
    buffers; otherwise it is BACK.  For application-created framebuffer  
    objects, the initial value of draw buffer for fragment color zero is  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT.  For both the window-system-provided  
    framebuffer and application-created framebuffers, the initial state  
    of draw buffers for fragment colors other then zero is NONE."  
    Modify section 4.2.2, page 185, third paragraph to read as follows:  
    "The command  
            void StencilMask( uint mask );  
    controls the writing of particular bits into the stencil planes. The  
    least significant s bits of mask comprise an integer mask (s is the  
    number of bits in the stencil buffer), just as for IndexMask. The  
    initial state is for the stencil plane mask to be 32 ones."  
    In section 4.3, page 190, modify the first two paragraphs of the  
    definition of ReadBuffer to read as follows:  
    "The command  
         void ReadBuffer( enum src );  
    takes a symbolic constant as argument.  The possible values for  
    <src> depend on whether the GL is using the default  
    window-system-provided framebuffer (i.e., FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is  
    zero), or an application-created framebuffer object (i.e.,  
    FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is non-zero).  For more information about  
    application-created framebuffer objects, see section 4.4.  
    When the GL is using the default window-system-provided framebuffer,  
    <src> must be one of FRONT LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT,  
    FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, and AUX0 through AUXn.  FRONT_and_LEFT  
    refer to the front left buffer, BACK refers to the back left buffer,  
    and RIGHT refers to the front right buffer.  The other constants  
    correspond directly to the buffers that they name.  If the requested  
    buffer is missing, then the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated.  
    For the default window-system-provided framebuffer, the initial  
    setting for ReadBuffer is FRONT if there is no back buffer and BACK  
    When the GL is using an application-created framebuffer object,  
    <src> must be either NONE or COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT through  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, where n+1 is the number of available  
    attachable color buffers, specified in the implementation-dependent  
    state variable, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT.  If the requested buffer  
    then the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated.  Analogous to how  
    DRAW_BUFFERs are handled, specifying COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT enables  
    reading from the image attached to the framebuffer at  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENTi_EXT.  For application-created framebuffer objects,  
    the initial setting for ReadBuffer is COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT.  
    If READ_BUFFER is NONE, then the values obtained by ReadPixels are  
    undefined.  Otherwise, ReadPixels obtains values from the selected  
    buffer from each pixel with lower left hand corner at (x+i, y+j) for  
    (0 <= i < width) and (0 <= j < height); this pixel is said to be the  
    ith pixel in the jth row.  If any of these pixels lies outside of  
    the window allocated to the current GL context, or outside of the  
    image attached to the currently bound framebuffer object, then the  
    values obtained for those pixels are undefined.  Results are also  
    undefined for individual pixels that are not owned by the current  
    context.  Otherwise, ReadPixels obtains values from the selected  
    buffer, regardless of how those values were placed there.  
    If the object bound to FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is not "framebuffer  
    complete" (as defined in section, then an attempt to call  
    ReadPixels will generate the error  
    Add the following text to section 4.3.3, page 194, inside the  
    definiton of CopyPixels:  
    "Furthermore, the behavior of several GL operations is specified "as  
    if the arguments were passed to CopyPixels."  These operations  
    include: CopyTex{Sub}Image*, CopyColor{Sub}Table, and  
    CopyConvolutionFilter*.  INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT will be  
    generated if an attempt is made to execute one of these operations,  
    or CopyPixels, while the object bound to FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is  
    not "framebuffer complete" (as defined in section"  
    Add a new section "Framebuffer Objects" after section 4.3:  
    "4.4 Framebuffer Objects  
    As described in chapters 1 and 2, GL renders into (and reads values  
    from) a framebuffer.  GL defines two classes of framebuffers:  
    window-system-provided framebuffers and application-created  
    framebuffers.  For each GL context, there is a single framebuffer  
    provided by the window-system, and there may also be one or more  
    framebuffer objects created and managed by the application.  
    By default, the GL uses the window-system-provided framebuffer.  The  
    storage, dimensions, allocation, and format of the images attached  
    to this framebuffer are managed entirely by the window-system.  
    Consequently, the state of the window-system-provided framebuffer,  
    including its images, can not be changed by the GL, nor can the  
    window-system-provided framebuffer itself, or its images, be deleted  
    by the GL.  
    The routines described in the following sections, however, can be  
    used to create, destroy, and modify the state and attachments of  
    application-created framebuffer objects.  
    Application-created framebuffer objects encapsulate the state of a  
    framebuffer in a similar manner to the way texture objects  
    encapsulate the state of a texture.  In particular, a framebuffer  
    object encapsulates state necessary to describe a collection of  
    color, depth, stencil, accum, and aux logical buffers.  For each  
    logical buffer, a framebuffer-attachable image can be attached to  
    the framebuffer to store the rendered output for that logical  
    buffer.  Examples of framebuffer-attachable images include texture  
    images and renderbuffer images.  Renderbuffers are described further  
    in section  
    By allowing the images of a renderbuffer to be attached to a  
    framebuffer, the GL provides a mechanism to support "off-screen"  
    rendering.  Further, by allowing the images of a texture to be  
    attached to a framebuffer, the GL provides a mechanism to support  
    "render to texture".  
    4.4.1 Binding and Managing Framebuffer Objects  
    The operations described in chapter 4 affect the images attached to  
    the framebuffer object bound to the target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.  By  
    default, framebuffer bound to the target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT is zero,  
    specifying the default implementation dependent framebuffer provided  
    by the windowing system.  When the framebuffer bound to target  
    FRAMEBUFFER_EXT is not zero, but instead names a application-created  
    framebuffer object, then the operations described in chapters 2, 3,  
    and 4 (such as Begin, DrawPixels, and DrawArrays) affect the  
    application-created framebuffer object rather than the default  
    The namespace for framebuffer objects is the unsigned integers, with  
    zero reserved by the GL to refer to the default framebuffer.  A  
    framebuffer object is created by binding an unused name to the  
    target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.  The binding is effected by calling  
        void BindFramebufferEXT(enum target, uint framebuffer);  
    with <target> set to FRAMEBUFFER_EXT and <framebuffer> set to the  
    unused name.  The resulting framebuffer object is a new state  
    vector, comprising all the state values listed in table 4.nnn, as  
    well as one set of the state values listed in table 5.nnn for each  
    attachment point of the framebuffer.  There are  
    MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT color attachment points, plus one each for  
    the depth and stencil attachment points.  
    BindFramebufferEXT may also be used to bind an existing framebuffer  
    object to <target>.  If the bind is successful no change is made to  
    the state of the bound framebuffer object and any previous binding  
    to <target> is broken.  The current FRAMEBUFFER_EXT binding can be  
    queried using GetIntegerv(FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT).  
    While a framebuffer object is bound to the target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,  
    GL operations on the target to which it is bound affect the images  
    attached to the bound framebuffer object, and queries of the target  
    to which it is bound return state from the bound object.  In  
    particular, queries of the values specified in table 6.31  
    (Implementation Dependent Pixel Depths) and table 8.nnn  
    (Framebuffer-Dependent State Variables) are derived from the  
    currently bound framebuffer object.  The framebuffer object bound to  
    the target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT is used as the destination of fragment  
    operations and as the source of pixel reads such as ReadPixels, as  
    described in chapter 4.  
    In the initial state, the reserved name zero is bound to the target  
    FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.  There is no application-created framebuffer object  
    corresponding to the name zero.  Instead, the name zero refers to  
    the window-system-provided framebuffer.  All queries and operations  
    on the framebuffer while the name zero is bound to the target  
    FRAMEBUFFER_EXT operate on this default framebuffer.  On some  
    implementations, the properties of the default  
    window-system-provided framebuffer can change over time (e.g., in  
    response to window-system events such as attaching the context to a  
    new window-system drawable.)  
    Application-created framebuffer objects (i.e., those with a non-zero  
    name) differ from the default window-system-provided framebuffer in  
    a few important ways.  First and foremost, unlike the  
    window-system-provided framebuffer, application-created-framebuffers  
    have modifiable attachment points for each logical buffer in the  
    framebuffer.  Framebuffer-attachable images can be attached to and  
    detached from these attachment points, which are described further  
    in section 4.4.2.  Also, the size and format of the images attached  
    to application-created framebuffers are controlled entirely within  
    the GL interface, and are not affected by window-system events, such  
    as pixel format selection, window resizes, and display mode changes.  
    Additionally, when rendering to or reading from an application  
    created-framebuffer object,  
          - The pixel ownership test always succeeds.  In other words,  
            application-created framebuffer objects own all of their  
          - There are no visible color buffer bitplanes.  This means  
            there is no color buffer corresponding to the back, front,  
            left, or right color bitplanes.  
          - The only color buffer bitplanes are the ones defined by the  
            framebuffer attachment points named COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT  
            through COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT.  
          - The only depth buffer bitplanes are the ones defined by the  
            framebuffer attachment point DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT.  
          - The only stencil buffer bitplanes are the ones defined by  
            the framebuffer attachment point STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT.  
          - There is no multisample buffer so the value of the  
            implementation-dependent state variables SAMPLES is 1, and  
            SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 0  
          - There are no accum buffer bitplanes, so the value of the  
            implementation-dependent state variables ACCUM_RED_BITS,  
            all zero.  
          - There are no AUX buffer bitplanes, so the value of the  
            implementation-dependent state variable AUX_BUFFERS is zero.  
    Framebuffer objects are deleted by calling  
      void DeleteFramebuffersEXT(sizei n, uint *framebuffers);  
    <framebuffers> contains <n> names of framebuffer objects to be  
    deleted.  After a framebuffer object is deleted, it has no  
    attachments, and its name is again unused.  If a framebuffer that is  
    currently bound to the target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT is deleted, it is as  
    though BindFramebufferEXT had been executed with the <target> of  
    FRAMEBUFFER_EXT and <framebuffer> of zero.  Unused names in  
    <framebuffers> are silently ignored, as is the value zero.  
    The command  
      void GenFramebuffersEXT(sizei n, uint *ids);  
    returns <n> previously unused framebuffer object names in <ids>.  
    These names are marked as used, for the purposes of  
    GenFramebuffersEXT only, but they acquire state and type only when  
    they are first bound, just as if they were unused.  
    4.4.2 Attaching Images to Framebuffer Objects  
    Framebuffer-attachable images may be attached to, and detached from,  
    application-created framebuffer objects.  In contrast, the image  
    attachments of the window-system-provided framebuffer may not be  
    changed by the GL.  
    A single framebuffer-attachable image may be attached to multiple  
    application-created framebuffer objects, potentially avoiding some  
    data copies, and possibly decreasing memory consumption.  
    For each logical buffer, the framebuffer object stores a set of  
    state which defines the logical buffer's "attachment point".  The  
    "attachment point" state contains enough information to identify the  
    single image attached to the attachment point, or to indicate that  
    no image is attached.  The per-logical buffer "attachment point"  
    state is listed in table 5.nnn  
    There are two types of framebuffer-attachable images: the image of a  
    renderbuffer object, and an image of a texture object. Renderbuffer Objects  
    A renderbuffer is a data storage object containing a single image of  
    a renderable internal format.  GL provides the methods described  
    below to allocate and delete a renderbuffer's image, and to attach a  
    renderbuffer's image to a framebuffer object.  
    The name space for renderbuffer objects is the unsigned integers,  
    with zero reserved for the GL.  A renderbuffer object is created by  
    binding an unused name to RENDERBUFFER_EXT.  The binding is effected  
    by calling  
        void BindRenderbufferEXT( enum target, uint renderbuffer );  
    with <target> set to RENDERBUFFER_EXT and <renderbuffer> set to the  
    unused name.  If <renderbuffer> is not zero, then the resulting  
    renderbuffer object is a new state vector, initialized with a  
    zero-sized memory buffer, and comprising the state values listed in  
    Table 8.nnn.  Any previous binding to <target> is broken.  
    BindRenderbufferEXT may also be used to bind an existing  
    renderbuffer object.  If the bind is successful, no change is made  
    to the state of the newly bound renderbuffer object, and any  
    previous binding to <target> is broken.  
    While a renderbuffer object is bound, GL operations on the target to  
    which it is bound affect the bound renderbuffer object, and queries  
    of the target to which a renderbuffer object is bound return state  
    from the bound object.  
    The name zero is reserved.  A renderbuffer object cannot be created  
    with the name zero.  If <renderbuffer> is zero, then any previous  
    binding to <target> is broken and the <target> binding is restored  
    to the initial state.  
    In the initial state, the reserved name zero is bound to  
    RENDERBUFFER_EXT.  There is no renderbuffer object corresponding to  
    the name zero, so client attempts to modify or query renderbuffer  
    state for the target RENDERBUFFER_EXT while zero is bound will  
    generate GL errors, as described in section 6.1.3.  
    Using GetIntegerv, the current RENDERBUFFER_EXT binding can be  
    Renderbuffer objects are deleted by calling  
        void DeleteRenderbuffersEXT( sizei n, const uint *renderbuffers );  
    where <renderbuffers> contains n names of renderbuffer objects to be  
    deleted.  After a renderbuffer object is deleted, it has no  
    contents, and its name is again unused.  If a renderbuffer that is  
    currently bound to RENDERBUFFER_EXT is deleted, it is as though  
    BindRenderbufferEXT had been executed with the <target>  
    RENDERBUFFER_EXT and <name> of zero.  Additionally, special care  
    must be taken when deleting a renderbuffer if the image of the  
    renderbuffer is attached to a framebuffer object.  (See section for details).  Unused names in <renderbuffers> are silently  
    ignored, as is the value zero.  
    The command  
        void GenRenderbuffersEXT( sizei n, uint *renderbuffers );  
    returns <n> previously unused renderbuffer object names in  
    <renderbuffers>.  These names are marked as used, for the purposes  
    of GenRenderbuffersEXT only, but they acquire renderbuffer state  
    only when they are first bound, just as if they were unused.  
    The command  
        void RenderbufferStorageEXT(enum target, enum internalformat,  
                                    sizei width, sizei height);  
    establishes the data storage, format, and dimensions of a  
    renderbuffer object's image.  <target> must be RENDERBUFFER_EXT.  
    <internalformat> must be one of the internal formats from table 3.16  
    or table 2.nnn which has a base internal format of RGB, RGBA,  
    DEPTH_COMPONENT, or STENCIL_INDEX.  <width> and <height> are the  
    dimensions in pixels of the renderbuffer.  If either <width> or  
    <height> is greater than MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT, the the error  
    INVALID_VALUE is generated.  If the GL is unable to create a data  
    store of the requested size, the error OUT_OF_MEMORY is generated.  
    RenderbufferStorageEXT deletes any existing data store for the  
    renderbuffer and the contents of the data store after calling  
    RenderbufferStorageEXT are undefined.  
    Sized                 Base               S  
    Internal Format       Internal format    Bits  
    ---------------       ---------------    ----  
    Table 2.nnn Desired component resolution for each sized internal  
    format that can be used only with renderbuffers.  
    A GL implementation may vary its allocation of internal component  
    resolution based on any RenderbufferStorage parameter (except  
    target), but the allocation and chosen internal format must not be a  
    function of any other state and cannot be changed once they are  
    established. Attaching Renderbuffer Images to a Framebuffer  
    A renderbuffer can be attached as one of the logical buffers of the  
    currently bound framebuffer object by calling  
        void FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(enum target,  
                                        enum attachment,  
                                        enum renderbuffertarget,  
                                        uint renderbuffer);  
    <target> must be FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.  INVALID_OPERATION is generated if  
    the current value of FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is zero when  
    FramebufferRenderbufferEXT is called.  <attachment> should be set to  
    one of the attachment points of the framebuffer listed in table  
    1.nnn.  <renderbuffertarget> must be RENDERBUFFER_EXT and  
    <renderbuffer> should be set to the name of the renderbuffer object  
    to be attached to the framebuffer.  <renderbuffer> must be either  
    zero or the name of an existing renderbuffer object of type  
    <renderbuffertarget>, otherwise INVALID_VALUE is generated.  If  
    <renderbuffer> is zero, then the value of <renderbuffertarget> is  
    If <renderbuffer> is not zero and if FramebufferRenderbufferEXT is  
    successful, then the renderbuffer named <renderbuffer> will be used  
    as the logical buffer identified by <attachment> of the framebuffer  
    currently bound to <target>.  The value of  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT for the specified attachment  
    point is set to RENDERBUFFER_EXT and the value of  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT is set to <renderbuffer>. All  
    other state values of the attachment point specified by <attachment>  
    are set to their default values listed in table 5.nnn. No change is  
    made to the state of the renderbuffer object and any previous  
    attachment to the <attachment> logical buffer of the framebuffer  
    object bound to framebuffer <target> is broken.  If, on the other  
    hand, the attachment is not successful, then no change is made to  
    the state of either the renderbuffer object or the framebuffer  
    Calling FramebufferRenderbufferEXT with the <renderbuffer> name zero  
    will detach the image, if any, identified by <attachment>, in the  
    framebuffer currently bound to <target>.  All state values of the  
    attachment point specified by <attachment> in the object bound to  
    <target> are set to their default values listed in table 5.nnn.  
    If a renderbuffer object is deleted while its image is attached to  
    one or more attachment points in the currently bound framebuffer,  
    then it is as if FramebufferRenderbufferEXT() had been called, with  
    a <renderbuffer> of 0, for each attachment point to which this image  
    was attached in the currently bound framebuffer.  In other words,  
    this renderbuffer image is first detached from all attachment points  
    in the currently bound framebuffer.  Note that the renderbuffer  
    image is specifically *not* detached from any non-bound  
    framebuffers.  Detaching the image from any non-bound framebuffers  
    is the responsibility of the application.  
        Name of attachment  
        Table 1.nnn:  "List of framebuffer attachment points" Attaching Texture Images to a Framebuffer  
    GL supports copying the rendered contents of the framebuffer into  
    the images of a texture object through the use of the routines  
    CopyTexImage{1D|2D}, and CopyTexSubImage{1D|2D|3D}.  Additionally,  
    GL supports rendering directly into the images of a texture object.  
    To render directly into a texture image, a specified image from a  
    texture object can be attached as one of the logical buffers of the  
    currently bound framebuffer object by calling one of the following  
    routines, depending on the type of the texture:  
        void FramebufferTexture1DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                     enum textarget, uint texture,  
                                     int level);  
        void FramebufferTexture2DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                     enum textarget, uint texture,  
                                     int level);  
        void FramebufferTexture3DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                     enum textarget, uint texture,  
                                     int level, int zoffset);  
    In all three routines, <target> must be FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.  
    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the current value of  
    FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is zero when FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT  
    is called.  <attachment> must be one of the attachment points of the  
    framebuffer listed in table 1.nnn.  
    In all three routines, if <texture> is zero, then <textarget>,  
    <level>, and <zoffset> are ignored.  If <texture> is not zero, then  
    <texture> must either name an existing texture object with an target  
    of <textarget>, or <texture> must name an existing cube map texture  
    and <textarget> must be one of: TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X,  
    <level> specifies the mipmap level of the texture image to be  
    attached to the framebuffer.  
    If <textarget> is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, then <level> must be zero.  If  
    <textarget> is TEXTURE_3D, then <level> must be greater than or  
    equal to zero and less than or equal to log base 2 of  
    MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE.  For all other values of <textarget>, <level>  
    must be greater than or equal to zero and no larger than log base 2  
    of MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE.  Otherwise, INVALID_VALUE is generated.  
    <zoffset> specifies the z-offset of a 2-dimensional image within a  
    3-dimensional texture.  INVALID_VALUE is generated if <zoffset> is  
    larger than MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE.  
    For FramebufferTexture1DEXT, if <texture> is not zero, then  
    <textarget> must be TEXTURE_1D.  
    For FramebufferTexture2DEXT, if <texture> is not zero, then  
    <textarget> must be one of: TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE,  
    For FramebufferTexture3DEXT, if <texture> is not zero, then  
    <textarget> must be TEXTURE_3D.  
    If <texture> is not zero, and if FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT is  
    successful, then the specified texture image will be used as the  
    logical buffer identified by <attachment> of the framebuffer  
    currently bound to <target>.  The value of  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT for the specified attachment  
    point is set to TEXTURE and the value of  
    Additionally, the value of FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL for  
    the named attachment point is set to <level>.  If <texture> is a  
    cubemap texture then, the value of  
    point is set to <textarget>.  If <texture> is a 3D texture, then the  
    attachment point is set to <zoffset>.  All other state values of the  
    attachment point specified by <attachment> are set to their default  
    values listed in table 5.nnn.  No change is made to the state of the  
    texture object, and any previous attachment to the <attachment>  
    logical buffer of the framebuffer object bound to framebuffer  
    <target> is broken.  If, on the other hand, the attachment is not  
    successful, then no change is made to the state of either the  
    texture object or the framebuffer object.  
    Calling FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT with <texture> name zero  
    will detach the image identified by <attachment>, if any, in the  
    framebuffer currently bound to <target>.  All state values of the  
    attachment point specified by <attachment> are set to their default  
    values listed in table 5.nnn.  
    If a texture object is deleted while its image is attached to one or  
    more attachment points in the currently bound framebuffer, then it  
    is as if FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT() had been called, with a  
    <texture> of 0, for each attachment point to which this image was  
    attached in the currently bound framebuffer.  In other words, this  
    texture image is first detached from all attachment points in the  
    currently bound framebuffer.  Note that the texture image is  
    specifically *not* detached from any other framebuffer objects.  
    Detaching the texture image from any other framebuffer objects is  
    the responsibility of the application.  
    The entire texture image, including border texels, if any, can be  
    addressed with window-coordinates in the following range:  
        0 <= window_x < (texture_width  + (2 * border)),  
        0 <= window_y < (texture_height + (2 * border))  
    // XXX see issues (58) and (84)  
    // XXX is the origin the lower left or upper left?  
    // XXX is the preceding paragraph even necessary?  
    4.4.3  Rendering When an Image of a Bound Texture Object is Also  
    Attached to the Framebuffer  
    Special precautions need to be taken to avoid attaching a texture  
    image to the currently bound framebuffer while the texture object is  
    currently bound and enabled for texturing.  Doing so could lead to  
    the creation of a "feedback loop" between the writing of pixels by  
    the GL's rendering operations and the simultaneous reading of those  
    same pixels when used as texels in the currently bound texture.  In  
    this scenario, the framebuffer will be considered framebuffer  
    complete (see section 4.4.4), but the values of fragments rendered  
    while in this state will be undefined.  
    // XXX The right way to specify this seems to be a modification to  
           chapter 3, to state that texture lookups (tau) produce  
           undefined results while in this "feedback loop" state.  
    Specifically, the values of rendered fragments are undefined if all  
    of the following conditions are true:  
        - an image from texture object <t> is attached to the currently  
          bound framebuffer at attachment point <a>, and  
        - the texture object <t> is currently bound to a texture unit  
          <u>, and  
        - the target of texture object <t> is enabled* on unit <u>,  
    while either of the following conditions are true:  
        - the value of TEXTURE MIN FILTER for texture object <t> is  
          NEAREST or LINEAR, and the value of  
          FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT for attachment point  
          <a> is equal to the value of TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL for the  
          texture object <t>, or  
        - the value of TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER for texture object <t> is one  
          MIPMAP_NEAREST, or LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, and the value of  
          FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT for attachment point  
          <a> is within the the range specified by the current values of  
          TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL to q, inclusive, (where q is defined in the  
          Mipmapping discussion of section 3.8.8), for the texture  
          object <t>.  
    * For the purpose of this discussion, a texture is considered  
    "enabled" if it would be enabled according to the texture target  
    precedence rules of section 3.8.15, or if the texture would be  
    sampled by the currently bound fragment program, or by the active  
    fragment shader or vertex shader.  
    Note that by setting TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL and TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL to  
    exclude any levels containing image(s) attached to the currently  
    bound framebuffer, an application can still render into the excluded  
    mipmap levels of the texture.  This can be useful when performing  
    customized mipmap level generation, for instance.  
    4.4.4 Framebuffer Completeness  
    A framebuffer object is said to be "framebuffer complete" if all of  
    its attached images, and all framebuffer parameters required to  
    utilize the framebuffer for rendering and reading, are consistently  
    defined and meet the requirements defined below.  The rules of  
    framebuffer completeness are dependent on the properties of the  
    attached images, and on certain implementation dependent  
    restrictions.  A framebuffer must be complete to effectively be used  
    as the destination for GL framebuffer rendering operations and the  
    source for GL framebuffer read operations.  
    The internal formats of the attached images can affect the  
    completeness of the framebuffer, so it is useful to first define the  
    relationship between the internal format of an image and the  
    attachment points to which it can be attached.  
        * An internal format is "color-renderable" if it is one of the  
          formats from table 3.16 whose base internal format is RGB or  
          RGBA.  No other formats, including compressed internal  
          formats, are color-renderable.  
        * An internal format is "depth-renderable" if it is one of the  
          formats from table 3.16 whose base internal format is  
          DEPTH_COMPONENT.  No other formats are depth-renderable.  
        * An internal format is "stencil-renderable" if it is one of the  
          STENCIL_INDEX formats from table 2.nnn.  No other formats are  
          stencil-renderable. Framebuffer Attachment Completeness  
    framebuffer attachment point <attachment> is not NONE, then it is  
    said that a framebuffer-attachable image, named <image>, is attached  
    to the framebuffer at the attachment point.  <image> is identified  
    by the state in <attachment> as described in section 4.4.2.  
    The framebuffer attachment point <attachment> is said to be  
    "framebuffer attachment complete" if the value of  
    (i.e., no image is attached), or if all of the following conditions  
    are true:  
      * <image> is a component of an existing object with the name  
        specified by FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT, and of the  
      * The width and height of <image> must be non-zero.  
        FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT names a 3-dimensional  
        smaller than the depth of the texture.  
      * If <attachment> is one of COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT through  
        COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, then <image> must have a color-renderable  
        internal format.  
      * If <attachment> is DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, then <image> must have  
        a depth-renderable internal format.  
      * If <attachment> is STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, then <image> must  
        have a stencil-renderable internal format. Framebuffer Completeness  
    In this subsection, each rule is followed by an error enum enclosed  
    in { brackets }.  Sections and explains the  
    relevance of the error enums.  
    The framebuffer object <target> is said to be "framebuffer complete"  
    if it is the window-system-provided framebuffer, or if all the  
    following conditons are true:  
      * All framebuffer attachment points are "framebuffer attachment  
      * There is at least one image attached to the framebuffer.  
      * A single image is not attached more than once to the  
        framebuffer object.  
      * All attached images have the same width and height.  
      * All images attached to the attachment points  
        the same internal format.  
      * The value of FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT must not be  
        NONE for any color attachment point(s) named by DRAW_BUFFERi.  
      * The value of FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT must not be  
        NONE for the color attachment point named by READ_BUFFER.  
      * The combination of internal formats of the attached  
        images does not violate an implementation-dependent set of  
    The enum in { brackets } after each clause of the framebuffer  
    completeness rules specifies the return value of  
    CheckFramebufferStatusEXT (see below) that is generated when that  
    clause is violated.  If more than one clause is violated, it is  
    implementation-dependent exactly which enum will be returned by  
    Performing any of the following actions may change whether the  
    framebuffer is considered complete or incomplete.  
      - Binding to a different framebuffer with BindFramebufferEXT.  
      - Attaching an image to the framebuffer with  
        FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT or FramebufferRenderbufferEXT.  
      - Detaching an image from the framebuffer with  
        FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT or FramebufferRenderbufferEXT.  
      - Changing the width, height, or internal format of a texture  
        image that is attached to the framebuffer by calling  
      - Changing the width, height, or internal format of a renderbuffer  
        that is attached to the framebuffer by calling  
      - Deleting, with DeleteTextures or DeleteRenderbuffers, an object  
        containing an image that is attached to a framebuffer object  
        that is bound to the framebuffer.  
      - Changing READ_BUFFER or one of the DRAW_BUFFERS.  
    Although GL defines a wide variety of internal formats for  
    framebuffer-attachable images, such as texture images and  
    renderbuffer images, some implementations may not support rendering  
    to particular combinations of internal formats.  If the combination  
    of formats of the images attached to a framebuffer object are not  
    supported by the implementation, then the framebuffer is not  
    complete under the clause labeled FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT. There  
    must exist, however, at least one combination of internal formats  
    for which the framebuffer cannot be FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT.  
    Because of the "implementation-dependent" clause of the framebuffer  
    completeness test in particular, and because framebuffer  
    completeness can change when the set of attached images is modified,  
    it is strongly advised, though is not required, that an application  
    check to see if the framebuffer is complete prior to rendering.  The  
    status of the framebuffer object currently bound to <target> can be  
    queried by calling  
        enum CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(enum target);  
    If <target> is not FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, then  
    generated.  Otherwise, an enum is returned that identifies whether  
    or not the framebuffer bound to <target> is complete, and if not  
    complete the enum identifies one of the rules of framebuffer  
    completeness that is violated.  If the framebuffer is complete, then  
    FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT is returned. Effects of Framebuffer Completeness on Framebuffer Operations  
    If the currently bound framebuffer is not framebuffer complete, then  
    it is an error to attempt to use the framebuffer for writing or  
    reading.  This means that rendering commands such as Begin,  
    RasterPos, any command that performs an implicit Begin, as well as  
    commands that read the framebuffer such as ReadPixels and  
    CopyTex{Sub}Image will generate the error  
    INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT if called while the framebuffer is  
    not framebuffer complete.  
  XXX The GL core spec assumes there is always a GL_FRONT buffer.  Need  
      to modify appropriate pieces of spec to relax this assumption.  
    4.4.5 Effects of Framebuffer State on Framebuffer Dependent Values  
    The values of the state variables listed in table 9.nnn (Framebuffer  
    Dependent Values) may change when a change is made to  
    FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT, to the state of the currently bound  
    framebuffer object, or to the internal format of an image attached  
    to the currently bound framebuffer object.  
    If the currently bound framebuffer object is framebuffer complete,  
    then the values of the state variables listed in table 9.nnn are  
    completely determined by FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT, the state of the  
    currently bound framebuffer object, and the internal format of the  
    images attached to the currently bound framebuffer object.  On the  
    other hand, if the currently bound framebuffer object is not  
    framebuffer complete, then the values of the state variables listed  
    in table 9.nnn are undefined."  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Special Functions)
    Added to section 5.4, as part of the discussion of which commands  
    are not compiled into display lists:  
    "Certain commands, when called while compiling a display list, are  
    not compiled into the display list but are executed immediately.  
    These are: ..., GenFramebuffersEXT, DeleteFramebuffersEXT,  
    CheckFramebufferStatusEXT, GenRenderbuffersEXT,  
    DeleteRenderbuffersEXT, RenderbufferStorageEXT,  
    FramebufferTexture1DEXT, FramebufferTexture2DEXT,  
    FramebufferTexture3DEXT, FramebufferRenderbufferEXT,  
    CheckFramebufferStatusEXT, GenerateMipmapEXT..."  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (State and State Requests)
    Add to section 6.1.3, Enumerated Queries:  
        In the list of state query functions, add:  
        "void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(enum target,  
                                                     enum attachment,  
                                                     enum pname,  
                                                     int *params);  
            <target> must be FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.  <attachment> must be one  
            of the attachment points of the framebuffer listed in table  
            1.nnn.  <pname> must be one of the following:  
            If the framebuffer currently bound to <target> is zero, then  
            INVALID_OPERATION is generated.  
            Upon successful return from  
            GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT, if <pname> is  
            FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT, then param will  
            contain one of NONE, TEXTURE, or RENDERBUFFER_EXT,  
            identifying the type of object which contains the attached  
            If the value of FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT is  
            RENDERBUFFER_EXT, then  
                If <pname> is FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT,  
                <params> will contain the name of the renderbuffer  
                object which contains the attached image.  
                Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM is generated.  
            If the value of FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT is  
            TEXTURE, then  
                If <pname> is FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT,  
                then <params> will contain the name of the texture  
                object which contains the attached image.  
                then <params> will contain the mipmap level of the  
                texture object which contains the attached image.  
                If <pname> is  
                texture object named  
                FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT is a cube map  
                texture, then <params> will contain the cube map face of  
                the cubemap texture object which contains the attached  
                image.  Otherwise <params> will contain the value zero.  
                If <pname> is  
                texture object named  
                3-dimensional texture, then <params> will contain the  
                zoffset of the 2D image of the 3D texture object which  
                contains the attached image.  Otherwise <params> will  
                contain the value zero.  
                Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM is generated.  
        void GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(enum target, enum pname,  
                                           int* params);  
            <target> must be RENDERBUFFER_EXT.  <pname> must be one of  
            the symbolic values in table 8.nnn.  
            If the renderbuffer currently bound to <target> is zero,  
            then INVALID_OPERATION is generated.  
            Upon successful return from GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT,  
            if <pname> is RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT,  
            RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_EXT, then <params> will contain  
            the width in pixels, height in pixels, or internal format,  
            respectively, of the renderbuffer currently bound to  
            Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM is generated."  
    After section 6.1.13 and before section 6.1.14 (which should be  
    renumbered 6.1.16), add two new sections:  
    6.1.14 Framebuffer Object Queries  
        The command  
            boolean IsFramebufferEXT( uint framebuffer );  
        returns TRUE if <framebuffer> is the name of an framebuffer  
        object.  If <framebuffer> is zero, or if <framebuffer> is a  
        non-zero value that is not the name of an framebuffer object,  
        IsFramebufferEXT return FALSE.  
    6.1.15 Renderbuffer Object Queries  
        The command  
            boolean IsRenderbufferEXT( uint renderbuffer );  
        returns TRUE if <renderbuffer> is the name of a renderbuffer  
        object.  If <renderbuffer> is zero, or if <renderbuffer> is a  
        non-zero value that is not the name of a renderbuffer object,  
        IsRenderbufferEXT return FALSE.  
homeprevnext Errors
    is zero and DrawBuffer or DrawBuffers is called with a constant  
    (other than NONE) that does not correspond to a buffer allocated to  
    the GL by the window-system, including the constants  
    COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT through through COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT where n  
    is non-zero and DrawBuffer or DrawBuffers is called with a constant  
    (other than NONE) that is not in the range COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT  
    The error INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT is generated if the  
    any attempts to render to or read from the framebuffer are made.  
    The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if  
    GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT is called while the value of  
    The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if  
    GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT is called while the value of  
    The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if  
    GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT is called with a <pname>  
    other than FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT when the type of  
    the attached object at the named attachment point is  
    The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if  
    GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT is called with a <pname>  
    attached object at the named attachment point is TEXTURE.  
    The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT  
    is called with a <pname> other than RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT,  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if RenderbufferStorageEXT is  
    called with a <width> or <height> that is greater than  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if  
    FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}EXT is called with a <level> that is  
    less than zero.  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if FramebufferTexture2DEXT is  
    called with a <level> that is not zero and <textarget> is  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if FramebufferTexture{1D|2D}EXT  
    is called with a <level> that is greater than the log base 2 of  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if FramebufferTexture3DEXT is  
    called with a <level> greater than the log base 2 of the  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if FramebufferTexture3DEXT is  
    called with a <zoffset> that is larger than MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE.  
    The error OUT_OF_MEMORY is generated if the GL is unable to create a  
    data store of the required size when calling RenderbufferStorageEXT.  
homeprevnext New State
    (add new table 3.nnn, "Framebuffer (state per framebuffer target binding point)")  
    Get Value                          Type    Get Command                Initial Value           Description             Section       Attribute  
    -------------------------------    ------  -------------              --------------          --------------------    ------------  ---------  
    FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT            Z+      GetIntegerv                0                       name of framebuffer     4.4.1         -  
                                                                                                  object bound to  
    (insert new table 4.nnn, "Framebuffer (state per framebuffer object)")  
    Get Value            Type         Get Command        Initial Value  Description             Section       Attribute  
    ----------------     ------       -------------      -------------  --------------------    ------------  ---------  
    DRAW_BUFFERi [1]     1 + xZ(10*)  GetIntegerv        see 4.2.1      draw buffer selected    4.2.1         color-buffer  
                                                                        for color output i  
    READ_BUFFER  [2]     Z(3)         GetIntegerv        see 4.3.2      read source             4.3.2         pixel  
        [1] prior to this extension, the DRAW_BUFFERi state was described in table 6.21 "Framebuffer Control" (of OpenGL 2.0 spec)  
        [2] prior to this extension, the READ_BUFFER state was described in table 6.26 "Pixel" (of OpenGL 2.0 spec)  
    (insert new table 5.nnn, "Framebuffer (state per framebuffer object attachment point)")  
    Get Value                                         Type    Get Command                               Initial Value  Description             Section       Attribute  
    -------------------------------                   ------  -------------                             -------------  --------------------    ------------  ---------  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT            Z+      GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT    NONE           type of        and   -  
                                                                                                                       image attached to  
                                                                                                                       framebuffer attachment  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT            Z+      GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT    0              name of object and   -  
                                                                                                                       attached to     
                                                                                                                       framebuffer attachment  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT          Z+      GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT    0              mipmap level of and   -  
                                                                                                                       texture image   
                                                                                                                       attached, if object  
                                                                                                                       attached is texture.  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_EXT  Z+      GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT    TEXTURE_       cubemap face of and   -  
                                                                                                        CUBE_MAP_      texture image   
                                                                                                        POSITIVE_X     attached, if object  
                                                                                                                       attached is cubemap  
    FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_EXT     Z+      GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT    0              zoffset of     and   -  
                                                                                                                       texture image   
                                                                                                                       attached, if object  
                                                                                                                       attached is 3D  
    (insert new table 7.nnn, "Renderbuffers (state per renderbuffer target and binding point)")  
    Get Value                          Type    Get Command     Initial Value  Description             Section       Attribute  
    -------------------------------    ------  -------------   -------------  --------------------    ------------  ---------  
    RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_EXT           Z+      GetIntegerv     0              renderbuffer object       -  
                                                                              bound to  
    (insert new table 8.nnn, "Renderbuffers (state per renderbuffer object)")  
    Get Value                          Type    Get Command                    Initial Value  Description             Section       Attribute  
    -------------------------------    ------  -------------                  -------------  --------------------    ------------  ---------  
    RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT             Z+      GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT  0              width of renderbuffer       -  
    RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_EXT            Z+      GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT  0              height of renderbuffer       -  
    RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_EXT   Z+      GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT  1              internal format       -  
                                                                                             of renderbuffer  
Move the following existing state from "Implementation Dependent  
Values", tables 6.31-6.36 to into a new table called "Framebuffer  
Dependent Values", table 9.nnn.  
    Get Value  
To the same table called "Framebuffer Dependent Values", table 9.nnn  
add the following new framebuffer dependent state.  
    Get Value                   Type  Get Command     Minimum Value    Description             Section  Attribute  
    ---------                   ----  -----------     -------------    -------------------     -------  ---------  
    MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT   Z+    GetIntegerv     1                Maximum number of  -  
                                                                       attachment points  
                                                                       for color buffers  
                                                                       when using framebuffer  
homeprevnext New Implementation Dependent State
    Get Value                   Type  Get Command     Minimum Value    Description             Section  Attribute  
    ---------                   ----  -----------     -------------    -------------------     -------  ---------  
    MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT   Z+    GetIntegerv     1                Maximum width and  -  
                                                                       height of  
                                                                       supported by  
                                                                       the implementation  
homeprevnext Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications and dependencies on WGL_ARB_make_current_read, GLX_SGI_make_current_read, and GLX 1.3
    The color, depth, stencil, aux, and accum logical buffers defined by  
    the <draw> and <read> drawables passed to glXMakeContextCurrent,  
    glXMakeCurrent, and glXMakeCurrentRead are ignored while the value  
    of FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is non-zero.  
homeprevnext Dependencies on ATI_draw_buffers and ARB_draw_buffers
    If neither ATI_draw_buffers nor ARB_draw_buffers are supported, then  
    all discussions of DrawBuffers should be removed.  
    In addition, the language describing DrawBuffers are derived from a  
    combination of the ARB_draw_buffers specification and section 4.2.1  
    of the OpenGL 2.0 specification.  
homeprevnext Dependencies on ARB_fragment_program, ARB_fragment_shader, and ARB_vertex_shader
    If ARB_fragment_program, ARB_fragment_shader, and ARB_vertex_shader  
    are all not supported, then all references to the currently bound  
    program or shader should be removed.  
homeprevnext GLX Protocol
        Seventeen new GL commands are added.  
        The following ten rendering commands are sent to the sever as part  
        of a glXRender request:  
            2        12              rendering command length  
            2        4316            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        CARD32          renderbuffer  
            2        8+n*4           rendering command length  
            2        4317            rendering command opcode  
            4        CARD32          n  
            n*4      LISTofCARD32    renderbuffers  
            2        20              rendering command length  
            2        4318            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            internalFormat  
            4        CARD32          width  
            4        CARD32          height  
            2        12              rendering command length  
            2        4319            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        CARD32          framebuffer  
            2        8+n*4           rendering command length  
            2        4320            rendering command opcode  
            4        CARD32          n  
            n*4      LISTofCARD32    framebuffers  
            2        24              rendering command length  
            2        4321            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            attachement  
            4        ENUM            textarget  
            4        CARD32          texture  
            4        CARD32          level  
            2        24              rendering command length  
            2        4322            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            attachement  
            4        ENUM            textarget  
            4        CARD32          texture  
            4        CARD32          level  
            2        28              rendering command length  
            2        4323            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            attachement  
            4        ENUM            textarget  
            4        CARD32          texture  
            4        CARD32          level  
            4        CARD32          zoffset  
            2        20              rendering command length  
            2        4324            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            attachment  
            4        ENUM            renderbuffertarget  
            4        CARD32          renderbuffer  
            2        8               rendering command length  
            2        4325            rendering command opcode  
            4        ENUM            target  
        The remaining seven commands are non-rendering commands.  These  
        commands are sent separately (i.e., not as part of a glXRender or  
        glXRenderLarge request), using the glXVendorPrivateWithReply  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        4               request length  
            4        1422            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        CARD32          renderbuffer  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        0               reply length  
            4        BOOL32          return value  
            20                       unused  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        4               request length  
            4        1423            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        CARD32          n  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        m               reply length  
            4                        unused  
            4        CARD32          n  
            16                       unused  
            n*4      LISTofCARD32    renderbuffers  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        5               request length  
            4        1424            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            pname  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        m               reply length, m = (n == 1 ? 0 : n)  
            4                        unused  
            4        CARD32          n  
            if (n = 1) this follows:  
            4        CARD32          params  
            12                       unused  
            otherwise this follows:  
            16                       unused  
            n*4      LISTofCARD32    params  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        4               request length  
            4        1425            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        CARD32          framebuffer  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        0               reply length  
            4        BOOL32          return value  
            20                       unused  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        4               request length  
            4        1426            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        CARD32          n  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        n               reply length  
            4                        unused  
            4        CARD32          n  
            16                       unused  
            n*4      LISTofCARD32    framebuffers  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        4               request length  
            4        1427            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        ENUM            target  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        0               reply length  
            4        ENUM            return value  
            20                       unused  
            1        CARD8           opcode (X assigned)  
            1        17              GLX opcode (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)  
            2        6               request length  
            4        1428            vendor specific opcode  
            4        GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag  
            4        ENUM            target  
            4        ENUM            attachment  
            4        ENUM            pname  
            1        1               reply  
            1                        unused  
            2        CARD16          sequence number  
            4        m               reply length, m = (n == 1 ? 0 : n)  
            4                        unused  
            4        CARD32          n  
            if (n = 1) this follows:  
            4        CARD32          params  
            12                       unused  
            otherwise this follows:  
            16                       unused  
            n*4      LISTofCARD32    params  
homeprevnext Usage Examples
    The following examples use a helper macro for  
    CHECK_FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS, defined below.  
    Example (6) gives a (very slightly) more robust example of handling  
    the possible return values for glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT.  
    #define CHECK_FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS()                            \  
      {                                                           \  
        GLenum status;                                            \  
        status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT); \  
        switch(status) {                                          \  
          case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT:                       \  
            break;                                                \  
          case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT:                    \  
            /* choose different formats */                        \  
            break;                                                \  
          default:                                                \  
            /* programming error; will fail on all hardware */    \  
            assert(0);                                            \  
    (1) Render to 2D texture with a depth buffer  
        // Given:  color_tex - TEXTURE_2D color texture object  
        //         depth_rb  - GL_DEPTH renderbuffer object  
        //         fb        - framebuffer object  
        // Enable render-to-texture  
        glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);  
        // Set up color_tex and depth_rb for render-to-texture  
                                  GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex, 0);  
                                     GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
        <draw to the texture and renderbuffer>  
        // Re-enable rendering to the window  
        glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);  
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);  
        <draw to the window, reading from the color_tex>  
    (2) Application that supports both RBBCTT (render back buffer, copy to  
    texture) and RTT (render to texture).  The migration path from RBBCTT  
    to RTT is easy.  
        if (useFramebuffer) {  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);  
                                      GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex, 0);  
        glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);  
        if (useFramebuffer) {  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);  
        } else { // copy tex path  
    (3) Simple render-to-texture loop with initialization.  Create an  
    RGB8 texture, a 24-bit depth renderbuffer, and a stencil  
    renderbuffer.  In a loop, alternate between rendering to, and  
    texturing out of, the color texture.  
        glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &fb);  
        glGenTextures(1, &color_tex);  
        glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &depth_rb);  
        glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &stencil_rb);  
        glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);  
        // initialize color texture  
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);  
        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, 512, 512, 0,  
                     GL_RGB, GL_INT, NULL);  
                                  GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex, 0);  
        // initialize depth renderbuffer  
        glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
                                 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, 512, 512);  
                                     GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
        // initialize stencil renderbuffer  
        glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, stencil_rb);  
                                 GL_STENCIL_INDEX, 512, 512);  
                                     GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, stencil_rb);  
        loop {  
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);  
            <draw to the texture>  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);  
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);  
            <draw to the window, reading from the color texture>  
    (4) Render-to-texture loop with automatic mipmap generation.  There  
    are N framebuffers, N mipmap color textures, and a single shared  
    depth renderbuffer.  The depth renderbuffer is not a mipmap.  
        GLuint fb_array[N];  
        GLuint color_tex_array[N];  
        GLuint depth_rb;  
        glGenFramebuffersEXT(N, fb_array);  
        glGenTextures(N, color_tex_array);  
        glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &depth_rb);  
        // initialize color textures  
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {  
          glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex_array[N]);  
          glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, 512, 512, 0,  
                       GL_RGB, GL_INT, NULL);  
          // establish a mipmap chain for the texture  
        // initialize depth renderbuffer  
        glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
                                 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, 512, 512);  
        // setup framebuffers, sharing depth  
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {  
          glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb_array[i]);  
                                    GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex_array[i], 0);  
                                       GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
        loop {  
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);  
            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {  
              glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb_array[i]);  
              <draw to texture i>  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);  
            // automatically generate mipmaps  
            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {  
              glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex_array[i]);  
            <draw to the window, reading from the color textures>  
    (5) Render-to-texture loop with custom mipmap generation.  
        The depth renderbuffer is not a mipmap.  
        glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &fb);  
        glGenTextures(1, &color_tex);  
        glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &depth_rb);  
        glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);  
        // initialize color texture and establish mipmap chain  
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);  
        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, 512, 512, 0,  
                     GL_RGB, GL_INT, NULL);  
                                  GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex, 0);  
        // initialize depth renderbuffer  
        glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
                                 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, 512, 512);  
                                     GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
        loop {  
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);  
                                      GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex, 0);  
                                         GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, depth_rb);  
            <draw to the base level of the color texture>  
            // custom-generate successive mipmap levels  
                                         GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0);  
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex);  
            foreach (level > 0, in order of increasing values of level) {  
                                          GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_tex, level);  
                glTexParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, level-1);  
                glTexParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, level-1);  
                <draw to level>  
            glTexParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0);  
            glTexParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, max);  
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);  
            <draw to the window, reading from the color texture>  
    (6) Pseudo-code example of one method of responding to  
        bool done = false;  
        bool success = false;  
        int  configurationNumber = 0;  
        GLenum status;  
        while (!done)  
            for (each framebuffer-attachable image)  
            status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);  
                case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT:  
                    success = true;  
                    done = true;  
                case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT:  
                    if (configCount < MAX_NUM_CONFIGS_I_WANT_TO_TRY)  
                        printf("current config not supported, trying again);  
                        printf("couldn't find a supported config\n");  
                        success = false;  
                        done = true;  
                    // programming error; will fail on all hardware  
        if (!success)  
            printf("couldn't find a supported config\n");  
        // Current framebuffer is supported and complete!!  
homeprevnext Issues
    (1)  We obviously won't call this "ARB_compromise_buffers", so  
         what name should we use?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, EXT_framebuffer_object  
            Possibilities considered include:  
                EXT_superbuffers (hah!)  
            The lead candidates were EXT_renderable_image and  
            EXT_framebuffer_object Since this extension introduced both  
            new concepts into OpenGL, this was a bit of a toss up.  
            EXT_framebuffer_object was chosen based on a weak precedent  
            given by EXT_texture_object and ARB_vertex_buffer_object  
    (2)  Many developers complain about the OpenGL/glX/WGL/agl pbuffer  
         API, which they use both to do "render to texture" and to do  
         general offscreen (non-windowed) accelerated rendering.  This  
         extension is intended to subsume, some and perhaps all of, the  
         functionality currently handled by pbuffers.  Should this  
         extension (initially?) support only render-to-texture or should  
         it try to provide an OpenGL API to fully replace the pbuffer  
            RESOLUTION:  This extension should fully replace the pbuffer API.  
            The implication of this decision is that this API should provide  
            a way to support rendering to offscreen buffers that are not  
    (3)  As a consequence of issue (2), this extension adds the concept of  
         share-able, non-texturable renderable entitites that can be  
         used as color buffers, depth buffers, stencil buffers, etc.  
         The OpenGL spec refers to these entities as "logical buffers".  
         What should this spec call them?  
            RESOLUTION: "renderbuffer", (one word)  
            We could just call them "logical buffers", but is there a  
            better name?  
            The group considered:  
            logical buffer  - possible, kind of general  
            render buffer   - clear, (one word or two?)  
            renderable      - clear, but may conflict with glx "drawable"  
            drawable        - confusing: glx "drawable" == gl "framebuffer"  
            render surface  - possible  
            render target   - possible  
            image buffer    - may get confused with Tex"Image"  
            image           - may get confused with Tex"Image"  
            surface buffer  - too verbose?  
            surface         - too general  
            The group felt "render buffer " (or possibly "renderbuffer")  
            provides for the clearest expression of the purpose for  
            these buffers.  
            We finally decided on "renderbuffer" because we didn't want  
            to use "render" as an adjective to describe a generic  
            buffer, but rather decided to coin a new compound word to  
            describe this concept.  
    (4)  How should the specification refer to the group of  
         various types of objects that can be attached to the framebuffer  
         attachment points?  
            RESOLUTION:  The specification will use the phrase  
            "framebuffer-attachable images" to mean the 2D array of  
            pixels (image) of a "renderbuffer", a "texture", or any  
            other items that could be attached to a framebuffer.  
                Options considered include:  
                  "render target"  
                  "renderable image"  
            Initially, we chose the phrase "render target" for this but  
            felt it didn't accurately capture the concept of a 2D array  
            of pixels that was simultaneously useable as the storage of  
            a texture object and the destination of rendering.  
            We then tried to borrow the "image" language of OpenGL which  
            describes texture's pixel arrays as "images" and we chose  
            the term "renderable image".  
            However, in the end, we felt that the salient characteristic  
            of these images was that we could attach them to a  
            framebuffer and settled on the term "framebuffer-attachable  
    (5)  How should the specification refer to the places in a framebuffer  
         that can hold a framebuffer-attachable image?  
            RESOLUTION: This state is called an "attachment point" of  
            the framebuffer.  
            "attachment points" will be be used to describe the  
            framebuffer state that holds a connection to a given  
            framebuffer-attachable image (a renderbuffer image or a  
            texture image). The framebuffer attachment points include  
            the framebuffer's color buffers, stencil buffer, depth  
            buffer, and aux buffer.  
            The word "attach" is being used to refer to connecting one  
            object to another.  "bind" refers to connecting an object to  
            the context state.  A texture image can be attached to a  
            framebuffer object, but a framebuffer object is bound into  
            the context state vector.  
    (6)  This extension adds the concept of collections of "logical  
         buffers", to replace the window-system provided collection  
         (drawable, or window) of logical buffers.  What should we call  
            RESOLUTION:  "framebuffer"  
            For the "collection of logical buffers" object, the group  
            considered the names: "framebuffer", "renderTarget",  
            "drawable".  We chose "framebuffer" since this is consistent  
            with how the OpenGL specification already uses the word  
    (7)  This extension introduces two new object types into the OpenGL:  
         renderbuffer objects and framebuffer objects.  For handling  
         these objects, there are two main object manipulation  
         methodology precedents to choose from:  
             1) "texture/program/vbo" object model:  
                     app-supplied int handles,  
                     Gen/is/Bind/Delete functions  
             2) "GLSL" object model:  
                     driver-supplied GLhandle handles,  
                     Create/Delete/Attach, etc  
         Which methodology should this extension use for each new object?  
             RESOLUTION: Use Option (1), "texture" object methodology,  
             for both "renderbuffer" objects and framebuffer objects.  
             This is consistent with the June, 2004 ARB meeting vote to  
             use the "texture" object methodlogy as the default object  
    (8)  Do we need separate framebuffer objects?  
            RESOLUTION: yes.  
            The framebuffer object is an object to encapsulate the state  
            of the framebuffer and the collection of  
            framebuffer-attachable images attached to the logical buffer  
            attachment points.  A question was raised early on about  
            whether we should have separate, shareable framebuffer  
            objects or we should fold a single framebuffer "object"  
            state vector into the context.  
            We decided to leave framebuffer objects in the API, with the  
            understanding that we could easily remove them from the API  
            and the spec later if a convincing case was argued for  
            removing it.  
            There are several reasons why framebuffer objects were  
              FB1. It can be "expensive" (for some definition of  
                   expensive) to validate the framebuffer and all its  
                   attached objects.  There is a desire to be able to  
                   easily recognize that a particular state. combination  
                   has been seen and validated previously.  
              FB2. There is some subset of GL context state which only  
                   makes sense in its relationship to the current  
                   framebuffer and attached images (red bits, green  
                   bits, blue bits, etc, presence or absences of aux  
                   buffers or depth buffers, current value of draw  
                   buffer(s), read buffer, etc. etc).  It would be nice  
                   if this state "tracked" changes to the current  
                   framebuffer configuration by being part of the  
                   framebuffer object state.  
              FB3. For a while, we considered adding "intrinsic" or  
                   "implicit" buffer storage to the framebuffer.  This  
                   would be used for buffers that were either hidden  
                   from the user, like the multisample buffer, or  
                   perhaps needed to be explicitly formatted by the  
                   driver.  If we did have this kind of "intrinsic"  
                   storage, then framebuffers would be a lot like  
                   textures and would have the same kinds of pressures  
                   to minimize vram, sharing storage across objects and  
                   contexts as textures did.  In fact, they would be  
                   similar to cube map texture objects which had 6  
                   attached face images, or mipmaped textures which had  
                   a set of mipmap level images.  In the end we decided  
                   not to use intrinsic buffers, - see issue (13) - but  
                   we might decide to add them back in the future.  For  
                   instance, one option for supporting multisampling is  
                   to use an implicit multisample buffer.  
              FB4. We realized that most of the "hard" issues introduced  
                   by this extension were completely orthogonal to the  
                   presence or absence of framebuffer objects.  All of  
                   the same issues apply regardless of whether there is  
                   a single non-default framebuffer as part of the  
                   context or multiple framebuffer objects.  These  
                   issues about attaching, (binding) objects,  
                   reformatting attached (or bound) images via  
                   TexImage/RenderbufferStorage, pixel format  
                   combinations, framebuffer completeness, and the  
                   relationship between a non-"default" framebuffer and  
                   the legacy window sytem framebuffer and pixel format  
                   all come in to play either way.  So there is actually  
                   little implementation or conceptual cost incurred by  
                   the introduction of these framebuffer objects.  
            There were also a few reasons why we considered *not* adding  
            framebuffer objects:  
              NoFB1. In the absence of "intrinsic" buffers, framebuffer  
                     objects only really consist of the attachment  
                     state.  It is convenient to encapsulate this state  
                     into an object, but one could ask if it's any more  
                     convenient than say a "blend state" object or a  
                     "texture unit attachment state" object, which to  
                     date, we have chosen not to add into OpenGL.  
              NoFB2. As a "state-only" object, there's a question about  
                     how much state should be included - at least the  
                     attachment state should be included, but what about  
                     draw buffers state, what about the viewport state,  
                     what about other state?  Since drawing the line is  
                     hard, we questioned whether we needed these  
              NoFB3. Some amount of the functionality of the framebuffer  
                     objects could be implemented by the application  
                     with the appropriate use of display lists.  
            In weighing (FB1), expense of validating framebuffer state,  
            versus (NoFB1), not wanting to introduce "state only"  
            objects, we realized that framebuffer validation is more  
            expensive than the blend state (for which there is no object  
            in GL) and less expensive than a fragment program (for which  
            there is an object in GL).  While it's not exactly clear  
            precisely where on the spectrum of "expense" the framebuffer  
            validation lies, we decided that it may be expensive enough  
            to justify creating a new object type.  So we retained  
            framebuffer objects in the API now, with the understanding  
            that if we change our minds it's easier to rip them out  
            later than it is to add them back in later.  
    (9)  Should the routine which allocates a renderbuffer accept an  
         image to initialize the buffer, analogous to how TexImage  
            RESOLUTION: no, it should allocate uninitialized storage  
            We could have allowed a renderbuffer "image" specification  
            routine, but this would essentially serve the same purpose  
            as a combined "allocate renderbuffer followed by DrawPixels"  
            routine so we decided it was extraneous.  The primary  
            purpose of these buffers is to store rendered output anyway,  
            so there was not sufficient demand to support an optimized  
            path for data initialization. See related issue (10).  
    (10) What should we call the routine that allocates storage for the  
         renderbuffer?  This routine would be the moral equivalent of  
            RESOLUTION: RenderbufferStorage()  
            Options included:  
            This is really a function of how we resolve issue (9).  
            RenderbufferImage would be appropriate if the allocation  
            routine could take an image to initialize the renderbuffer.  
            RenderbufferStorage would be more appropriate if the  
            allocation routine does not take an image.  
            Since the group decided supporting an "initialization" image  
            for a "renderbuffer" was too much overlapping functionality  
            with DrawPixels, RenderbufferStorage was chosen.  
    (11) The routine(s) which attach a texture to a framebuffer  
         attachment point need to describe which image in the texture  
         they are using, i.e., which cube map face, mipmap level, or 3D  
         texture z-slice/depthoffset/image.  Should we have one routine  
         that handles all of these with some arguments ignored for  
         specific texture types/targets?  Or should we have a parallel  
         set of routines for 1D/2D/3D, like TexImage does?  
             RESOLUTION: Option (b) 3 routines for texture, 1 for  
                Originally, we chose option (b) for reasons of  
                similarity to glTexImage1D/2D/3D.  For TexImage2D and  
                FramebufferTexture2D, the texture target was used to  
                select a face on a cube map texture object.  Since  
                glTexImage1D/3D used TEXTURE_1D/TEXTURE_3D texture  
                targets, we did the same for FramebufferTexture1D/3D. We  
                also included the texture target in case it was needed  
                for future expandability.  
                However, some felt uncomfortable with this resolution  
                since it adds 3 framebuffer attachment calls for  
                textures, so we reopened the issue.  
                Originally we just considered options (a) and (b).  We  
                then reconsidered a few additional flavors: (c), (d),  
                and (e)  
             Options include:  
             a) one routine with arguments that are sometimes "ignored"  
                For instance <image> is ignored for non-3D textures  
                and <face> is ignored for non-cube maps, etc.  
                This gives us:  
                void FramebufferTexture(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                        uint texture,  
                                        uint level, enum face, uint image);  
             b) routines for 1D/2D/3D, use FramebufferTexture2D for 2D,  
                Cube, Rectangle  
                Requires use of a texture target to distinguish cube map  
                faces on FramebufferTexture2D  
                Includes "redundant" texture target for 1D/3D variants  
                for consistency and precedent with TexImage1D/3D.  
                This gives us:  
                void FramebufferTexture1D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTexture2D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTexture3D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level, uint image);  
            c) same as (b) but add a dedicated routine for Cubemaps  
               Question: since we added a Cubemap version, do we need a  
               Rectangle variant as well?  
                This gives us:  
                void FramebufferTexture1D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTexture2D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTextureCubemap(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTexture3D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          enum textarget, uint texture, uint level, uint image);  
            d) same as (c) but with no texture target parameter  
               Question: since we added a Cubemap version, do we need a  
               Rectangle variant as well?  
                This gives us:  
                void FramebufferTexture1D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTexture2D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTextureCubemap(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                               uint texture, enum face, uint level);  
                void FramebufferTexture3D(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                          uint texture, uint level, uint image);  
             e) one FramebufferTexture routine with additional arguments  
                passed in via another routine.  
                There are no "ignored" arguments in this routine.  
                The arguments which would be "ignored" by this function  
                are passed in as selector state by a separate function.  
                These could be specified as a FramebufferParameter  
                (implying that they are stored as framebuffer state), or  
                as a piece of context state that is copied into the  
                framebuffer attachment point at FramebufferTexture time.  
                Of the two, context state is much more desirable since  
                ARB_render_texture made the mistake of putting the  
                selection state in the pbuffer, and this has real  
                usability issues for multicontext applications.  
                This gives us (two routines)  
                void FramebufferTexture(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                        uint texture, uint level);  
                void FramebufferParameter(enum target, enum pname, uint param);  
                    where pname can be one of  
                    and param represents the cube map face or z-slice image.  
                Also, option (e) raises 2 questions:  
                1. Since the rest of the selection state would come in  
                   through another function, we have to ask when can  
                   these selector state variables be changed?  
                   We had previously decided that we want to pass  
                   selection state in atomically with the attachment  
                   request.  To be consistent with this earlier  
                   decision, this would imply that these variables could  
                   not be changed dynamically but would be "snapshotted"  
                   into the framebuffer attachment point at at  
                   FramebufferTexture time.  This snapshot could be  
                   thought of as similar to the way ActiveTexture works.  
                   This is also similar to the snapshot of the  
                   transformed raster pos vertex that occurs at  
                   glRasterPos time.  It is a copy of one piece of state  
                   into another piece of state, not just a "switch" than  
                   can be updated later that indicates where other state  
                   should be stored.  
                2. Is the rationale to consolidate FramebufferTexture  
                   from 3 routines to 1 also a reason to consolidate  
                   FramebufferTexture and FrameBufferRenderbuffer into a  
                   single attachment routine?  I.e., should there just  
                   be one routine called FramebufferAttachableImage()?  
                   If we did this, then we could also move <level> out  
                   of the argument list and rename the function to,  
                   perhaps, FramebufferAttach.  
                       void FramebufferAttach(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                              enum objectType, uint name);  
                       and we'd need to create another enum for  
                       or, avoiding the use of verbs in the function  
                       name, perhaps:  
                       void FramebufferAttachableImage(enum target, enum attachment,  
                                                       enum objectType, uint name);  
            (a) was discarded because it was not very extensible in the  
            event we need to add additional texture selection state in  
            the future (for instance, what if we add TEXTURE_4D  
            (c) and (d) were discarded because the introduction of a  
            special cubemap routine was undesirable since we were  
            considering issue in an attempt to *reduce* the number of  
            entry points.  Additionally, (d) was discarded because it  
            was felt the texture targets were still required.  
            (e) was discarded because the intent was that attachment  
            (and the consequent framebuffer validation) was a  
            "heavy-weight" operation.  By using a separate routine to  
            set part of the attachment state, developers may be  
            incorrectly encouraged to assume some attachment state could  
            be changed more easily than others.  It was felt it wasn't  
            worth this possible misunderstanding just to save some  
            function entry points.  
            In the end, it was determined that (b) was the lesser of two  
            (five?) evils.  (b) also has precedent in the specification  
            of texture images via gl{Copy}TexImage.  Finally, (b) is  
            pretty clearly extensible to new attachment routines for  
            future object types.  
    (12) Do we need a "format group" or "format restriction" API?  
            RESOLUTION: Yes, but put it in a separate extension for  
                        reasons of schedule.  
            This extension introduces the ability to construct a  
            collection of logical buffers using images of various  
            formats into a framebuffer in a very flexible manner.  It is  
            by design more flexible than used to be possible to do by  
            querying for available pixel formats in the window-system  
            glX/WGL/agl API's.  As a result, it is possible to construct  
            a framebuffer that is actually not supportable by the  
            implementation and the reasons for the configuration being  
            unsupportable are entirely implementation dependent.  
            This is why we originally added the CheckFramebufferStatus  
            API.  So that the application at least has the ability to  
            determine that a particular, otherwise legal, configuration  
            of framebuffer attachments actually will not work on this  
            However, this extension does not provide any very helpful  
            mechanism to find out why things are not supported or what  
            to do to reconfigure the attachments into a supported  
            This is a very difficult problem to solve.  glX/WGL/agl  
            solved this problem by allowing the application to specify a  
            request for a configuration and letting implementation  
            provide a "best match".  Additionally, glX and WGL also  
            allow for the enumeration of all possible supported  
            Various schemes like these were considered but they were all  
            quite complicated (possibly as complicated as the windowing  
            system API's we are trying to replace).  Consequently, we  
            decided to investigate some additional approaches.  
            One of these approaches is to specify "allocation and usage"  
            hints prior to the routines which allocate buffers  
            (TexImage/RenderbufferStorage) that will somehow indicate an  
            intended configuration and then let the implementation use  
            this additional information when selecting internal formats  
            for textures and renderbuffers.  The GL already has the  
            freedom to pick any internal format it wants for textures  
            and renderbuffers (subject to invariance requirements), and  
            so we would like to leverage this freedom and influence the  
            choice with an additional channel of information.  
            One example, though not the only one, is some API to let the  
            application specify it would like to be able to use a color  
            buffer, depth, and stencil buffer.  The implementation would  
            take advantage of this information when allocating textures  
            and renderbuffers and only choose internal formats for  
            color, depth, and stencil textures and renderbuffers that  
            could be guaranteed to be used together.  For instance, the  
            user could call:  
                FormatRestriction(GL_COLOR | GL_DEPTH | STENCIL);  
            or perhaps  
            and then when the user called TexImage with a color buffer,  
            the GL would only pick color formats that could definitely  
            be used with depth and stencil buffers.  The effect of this  
            API would be to "restrict" the avaible choices to the GL to  
            the subset of compatible formats.  In this way, the  
            possibility of encountering an implementation-dependent  
            reason for failing "framebuffer completeness" would be  
            greatly reduced or perhaps entirely eliminated.  
            In any event, specifying this "FormatRestriction" API was  
            going to take additional time and we wished to get this base  
            EXT_framebuffer_object specification done and shipping as  
            soon as possible.  So we agreed to defer this "format  
            restriction" API specification to a later extension, with  
            the intent to develop this API or some other solution to  
            this problem as soon as possible.  
    (13) Do we need intrinsic buffers in addition to renderbuffers?  
            RESOLUTION: no  
            When intrinsic buffers were initially proposed, the format  
            and dimensions of an intrinsic buffer could mutate in order  
            to provide compatibility with the other images attached to a  
            framebuffer object.  After much debate and a series of  
            votes, intrinsic buffers had lost both of those properties.  
            (See issue 36.)  In the end the working group decided that  
            the crippled form of intrinsic buffers do not provide enough  
            added value to justify their existence.  
    (14) Is it necessary to require that all the logical buffers of a  
         framebuffer object have the same dimensions?  
            RESOLUTION: Yes.  Matching dimensions are required for  
            simplicity.  If the dimensions do not match, the framebuffer  
            object will not be "framebuffer complete".  
            It could be useful to use a single large depth buffer when  
            rendering to many textures of several different sizes.  This  
            is something that could be added later by a layered  
            extension that relaxes the matching dimension restriction.  
            Supporting heterogeneous sized logical buffers requires  
            defining where in a larger buffer the smaller results are  
            written, and deciding what guarantees can be made and what  
            should be left undefined.  
    (15) What happens when TexImage or CopyTexImage is called on a  
         texture image that is attached as an image of the  
         currently bound framebuffer object?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, {Copy}TexImage will redefine the  
            texture image, which can affect the completeness of the  
            framebuffer to which it is attached, and possibly cause the  
            currently bound framebuffer to start failing the framebuffer  
            completeness test.  
            As far as {Copy}TexImage (or RenderbufferStorage) are  
            concerned, there is nothing "special" about a texture image  
            (or renderbuffer) attached to a framebuffer object. Attempts  
            to redefine attached images in this manner should succeed.  
            However, if the redefined image is no longer appropriate for  
            the relevant attachment point in the framebuffer it is  
            attached to, then it's possible the framebuffer may start  
            failing the framebuffer completeness test.  
            Another option that was considered involved having TexImage  
            and CopyTexImage result in INVALID_OPERATION and do nothing  
            when the target texture is bound for render-to-texture. This  
            idea was rejected because, in the multicontext case, one  
            context could change the attachments of a shared framebuffer  
            and cause another context to suddenly start generating  
            errors on {Copy}TexImage calls.  This extension has tried to  
            avoid introducing asynchronous generation of gl errors.  
            Still another option that was considered was "orphaning" the  
            old texture memory such that it could still be used as a  
            framebuffer attachment but the texture would get newly  
            allocated storage.  However, this implied a side-ways copy  
            of the texture object memory or the image for its continued  
            use as a framebuffer-attachable image, and was therefore  
            For the purposes of comparison, consider that  
            ARB_render_texture faced a similar question and resolved it  
            by implicitly unbinding the texture from the pbuffer when  
            TexImage is called.  
    (16) What happens when TexImage or CopyTexImage is called on a  
         texture object that is attached as an image of a  
         framebuffer object that is not bound to the current context?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, {Copy}TexImage will redefine the  
            texture image, which can affect the completeness of the  
            framebuffer object to which it is attached.  When the  
            framebuffer object is bound to the context, it may start  
            failing the framebuffer completeness test.  If the  
            framebuffer object is bound in another context at the time  
            {Copy}TexImage is called, then the framebuffer object may  
            start failing the framebuffer completeness test in the other  
            The rationale for this decision is the same as for issue  
            However, since in this case the relevant framebuffer is not  
            current, there is no guarantee that this framebuffer  
            revalidation or invalidation will happen until the next time  
            the framebuffer is bound to a context.  
            The texture (or renderbuffer) state is changed immediately,  
            regardless of whether the texture image (or renderbuffer) is  
            attached to a framebuffer object.  However, a context other  
            than the one issuing the {Copy}TexImage operation might not  
            notice the state change until after it has (re)bound the  
            framebuffer object or reattached the texture image.  
            This is intended to be similar to what happens in the  
            multicontext case when the state of a shared texture object  
            is changed by another context.  There is no guarantee that  
            texture state change will be visible in the current context  
            until the current context binds the texture object again.  
    (17) Why is render to vertex array missing?  
            RESOLUTION: Render to vertex array is separate functionality  
            from render to logical buffer or render to texture.  RTVA  
            can be added as a separate extension.  The framework is  
            general enough to support more than one way of adding RTVA,  
            without deciding today on the details of a particular RTVA  
            One idea is to define a way to interpret a vertex array or  
            buffer object, which is inherently byte-oriented linear, as  
            a framebuffer, which is inherently component-oriented and  
            dimensioned, and then call FramebufferArrayEXT like this:  
            FramebufferArrayEXT(FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, COLOR, buffer_obj);  
            Another idea is to define a general way to interpret a  
            component-oriented dimensioned image, such as a texture or a  
            color buffer, as a byte-oriented vertex stream.  Using this  
            approach one would render vertex attributes to a  
            renderbuffer, to a texture image, or to an AUX buffer, and  
            then use the image data directly as a vertex array.  
            There is controversy over which RTVA method(s) should be  
            supported.  One goal of EXT_framebuffer_object is to ship  
            render-to-texture and render-to-logical-buffer functionality  
            today while leaving the door open to add one or more RTVA  
            solutions in the future.  
    (18) What function should perform the action of attaching a texture  
         image to a framebuffer for rendering purposes?  
            RESOLUTION: The new FramebufferTexture*EXT functions perform  
            this action.  
            Options that were considered include overloading  
            BindTexture, using a FramebufferParameter function, and  
            adding a new function.  
            BindTexture is problematic because it creates a new texture  
            object with default state if the name is previously unused,  
            but the default state has no dimensions, dimensionality, or  
            One reason that FramebufferTexture*EXT was well-received is  
            because it sets, in one atomic operation, all framebuffer  
            attachment state for both texture image and renderbuffer  
            type of attachments.  Given the polymorphic nature of  
            framebuffer-attachable images, this guarantees that all  
            framebuffer attachment state is in a consistent  
            configuration, without having to define confusing precedent  
            rules between competing (texture image and renderbuffer)  
            pieces of framebuffer attachment state, or having to create  
            enables (either a tri-state enable or separate enables again  
            with precedence) to select texture image or renderbuffer  
            attachment state as the "active" set of state.  
            This decision also makes it simpler to specify how a  
            framebuffer-attachable image is detached from a  
            framebuffer--it would be confusing if detaching a texture  
            image resulted in *attaching* a renderbuffer simply because  
            texture image attachment state takes precedence over  
            renderbuffer image attachment state.  
    (19) What should happen if the texture argument given to  
         FramebufferTextureEXT is an unused texture name?  And  
         similarly, what should happen if the renderbuffer argument  
         given to FramebufferRenderbufferEXT is an unused renderbuffer  
            RESOLUTION:  resolved, (a) this is an error.  
            Options included:  
                a) throw an error at Framebuffer{Texture|Renderbuffer}  
                b) texture/renderbuffer is created just like  
                c) no error, but the framebuffer cannot be "framebuffer  
                   complete" until a texture/renderbuffer by that name  
                   has been created and satisfies the rules of  
                   framebuffer completeness.  
            This is interesting because on the one hand we might like to  
            adopt the model that we simply catch all the invalid state  
            combinations when determining framebuffer completeness,  
            i.e., option (c).  This has a certain consistency but then  
            what does it mean to call FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D} when  
            the target of the texture name is not yet known?  How should  
            the other arguments to those calls be validated?  
            Option (b) was rejected as it would introduce a second way  
            to create a texture/renderbuffer object.  I.e., both  
            BindTexture and FramebufferTexture would create the texture  
            Since there are "target aware" FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}  
            calls, the app already has to know the target prior to  
            calling FramebufferTexture.  Also, the texture target of a  
            given object is immutable once set.  An app can not set it  
            and then change it later so this is really just an issue  
            with the order in which they call the relevant functions.  
            Consequently, requiring that the user call BindTexture prior  
            to calling  FramebufferTexture does not seem to be a burden.  
            So this should be an error, since it's probably a mistake on  
            the user's part in the first place.  
    (20) What should happen if the texture argument given to  
         FramebufferTextureEXT is the name of an existing texture  
         object, but the texture has no texture image (i.e., TexImage  
         has never been called)?  Similarly what should happen if the  
         renderbuffer argument given to FramebufferRenderbufferEXT is  
         the name of an existing renderbuffer, but the named  
         renderbuffer has no storage (i.e., RenderbufferStorage has  
         never been called?)  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, option (c) - no error, but the  
            framebuffer object cannot be "framebuffer complete" until  
            the state of the texture image satisfies the rules of  
            framebuffer completeness.  
            Same options as issue (19), these include:  
                a) throw an error at Framebuffer{Texture|Renderbuffer}  
                b) texture/renderbuffer is created just like  
                c) no error, but the framebuffer cannot be "framebuffer  
                   complete" until the texture image or renderbuffer  
                   satisfies the rules of framebuffer completeness.  
            This is an issue because you could be attempting to attach a  
            texture (or renderbuffer) to a framebuffer attachment point  
            prior to the application having called TexImage (or  
            RenderbufferStorage) to define the width/height/format of  
            the framebuffer-attachable image.  
            At first, this seems similar to issue (19), so we could  
            throw an error in this case too.  It is different for two  
            reasons however.  First, there are default values for the  
            texture object and renderbuffer object state.  Second, the  
            values of the width/height/format/etc for the texture object  
            are mutable, unlike the texture target of the texture  
            object.  There is really no difference between the case  
            where GL uses the default values for an object, and the case  
            where the user explictly set the state equivalent to the  
            default values using TexImage (or RenderbufferStorage).  
            Because this state is mutable, it must be tested anyway when  
            framebuffer completeness is determined.  
            Therefore, we simply defer the check for whether the  
            texture/renderbuffer state is appropriate for the  
            framebuffer attachment point until determination of  
            framebuffer completeness.  If the state is not valid, then  
            the framebuffer will not be complete, regardless of whether  
            or not TexImage/RenderbufferStorage has been used to create  
            storage for the texture level (renderbuffer).  
    (21) What happens when DeleteTextures is called on a texture that is  
         attached to a framebuffer object?  Similarly, what happens when  
         DeleteRenderbuffers is called on a renderbuffer that is  
         attached to a framebuffer object?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, logically speaking this delete will  
            first detach the texture (or renderbuffer) from all  
            framebuffer objects, and then will delete the object.  Note  
            though that from the API the app can't tell whether the  
            object has really been detached from any object other than  
            the currently bound framebuffer.  In other words, this  
            should be handled just like other texture object state  
            changes and deletions, see below for details and see related  
            issues (15) and (16)  
            For a texture (or renderbuffer) attached to the currently  
            bound framebuffer, the texture (or renderbuffer) will first  
            be detached from the currently bound framebuffer and then it  
            will be deleted.  This is similar to how calling  
            DeleteTextures on the currently bound texture first  
            implicitly calls glBindTexture(0) to unbind the texture  
            before actually deleting it.  
            [Side note: an assumption is that calling  
            DeleteRenderbuffers also implicitly calls  
            BindRenderbuffer(0) to unbind the renderbuffer from the  
            context before actually deleting it]  
            For a texture (or renderbuffer) attached to non-currently  
            bound framebuffers, the texture (or renderbuffer) name  
            immediately becomes unused.  This is unchanged from what  
            would happen if the texture (or renderbuffer) were not bound  
            to any framebuffer.  Further, when the non-currently bound  
            framebuffer is bound the next time, the texture (or  
            renderbuffer) will no longer be attached.  This is no  
            different than if the framebuffer were current when the  
            attached texture (or renderbuffer) was deleted.  
            One approach that was considered was to use the case of  
            textures bound by multiple contexts as a precedent.  In that  
            case, textures are "orphaned" if they are current in one  
            context and deleted by a second context.  Those textures  
            remain bound, valid, and useable in the first context until  
            the texture becomes unbound.  
            However, this texture approach was rejected for reasons of  
            consistency with how other state changes are to be handled.  
            For other state changes (format changes, size changes, etc),  
            the state changes will propogate to the non-current  
            framebuffer object the next time it is bound, possibly  
            invalidating the framebuffer - see issues (15) and (16). The  
            reason the texture precedent didn't apply was because in the  
            multicontext shared texture case, there is no signal to the  
            GL that the context switch has happened and thus there is no  
            opportune time to reexamine texture bindings to see if some  
            other context has since deleted the texture.  In the case of  
            framebuffer objects however, the GL does get a signal in the  
            form of a BindFramebuffer() call.  It is expected that at  
            BindFramebuffer time, the GL can examine the framebuffer  
            state for changes, determine that the attached objects have  
            been deleted (or really, "marked" for deletion), and detach  
            and fully delete them if necessary.  
    (22) How do you detach a texture or renderbuffer from a framebuffer  
         object?  Should we use two routines or create a detach routine?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, 2 routines  
            If the user calls either FramebufferTexture with a zero  
            texture name, or FramebufferRenderbuffer with a zero  
            renderbuffer name, then the it as if nothing is attached to  
            the specified attachment point.  
            There was a concern that having two routines be able to set  
            the framebuffer attachment state to "none" was confusing.  
            However, the idea is simply that for any object that can be  
            attached to a framebuffer, there should be a routine that  
            can set up the attachment and return the framebuffer to the  
            default "nothing attached" state.  
            The implication here is that the default state for  
            framebuffer attachments is:  
                attachment object type = GL_NONE, and  
                attached object name   = 0  
    (23) Should it be legal for the framebuffer state to pass through  
         invalid configurations?  (I.e., depth and color buffer sizes  
         don't match, etc)  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, "yes"  
            It's easier for the application if the render target state  
            is allowed to pass through invalid configurations when  
            transitioning between two valid configurations.  A  
            consistency check is defined to determine if a configuration  
            is valid.  
            As long as everything is valid at render time, transient  
            invalid states are allowed.  
    (24) What happens when you try to draw to a framebuffer that  
         is not "framebuffer complete"?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, rendering is disabled, and an error is  
            generated.  See issue (64) as this issue is essentially a  
            duplicate of that one.  
    (25) What should happen on a query of framebuffer state while the  
         framebuffer is invalid?  For instance, what does a query of  
         RED_BITS return if the currently bound framebuffer is not  
         "framebuffer complete"?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, there's no issue here.  Attempts to  
            query bit depths should return the "real" answers.  
            For instance, if there's no color buffer attached to the  
            framebuffer attachment point, then attempts to return  
            RED_BITS could return zero.  If there is a color-renderable  
            image attached, then RED_BITS would return whatever the  
            RED_BITS are, regardless of the valid/invalid state of the  
            Other options include returning some kind of magic value or  
            generating an error if the framebuffer is invalid.  However,  
            any "magic value" would simply be a duplicated query for the  
            framebuffer completeness status.  Also, returning an error  
            would be problematic because another context can make a  
            framebuffer invalid and we have been trying to avoid any API  
            in which one context can cause another context to start  
            generating errors asynchronously.  
    (26) What happens when you try to read (e.g. ReadPixels) from a  
         framebuffer that is not "framebuffer complete"?  Reads cannot  
         be "disabled" or "ignored" in the same way that rendering can.  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, throw GL error.  See issue (65).  
            Originally this was resolved as "undefined pixels are  
            generated, but no error"  
            Initially, generating an error was rejected for a few  
            reasons.  First, it is asymmetric with the behavior for  
            drawing - when the framebuffer is not complete, drawing is  
            disabled.  We would like to be consistent here.  Second,  
            there are no other cases where ReadPixels or  
            CopyTex{Sub}Image will generate an error based on the state  
            of the framebuffer and we didn't want to introduce one.  
            Third, there is already a pixel ownership requirement in  
            order to get defined results back from reading the  
            framebuffer, so if we simply behave as if incomplete  
            framebuffer fails ths pixel ownership test, then we can  
            leverage that already specified behavior for reading the  
            For these reasons, we initially choose to have reads from an  
            incomplete framebuffer return undefined pixel values and not  
            generate a GL error.  
            However, once we subsequntly resolved issue (64) to say that  
            rendering with an incomplete framebuffer generates an error,  
            we decided again for reasons of symmetry that reading from  
            an incomplete framebuffer should also generate an error.  
            (And most likely the same error.)  
            So in the end, we decided that reads (e.g., ReadPixels and  
            CopyTex{Sub}Image) in this case would result in an error to  
            be named in issue (65).  
    (27) What happens when you query the number of bits per channel  
         (e.g., DEPTH_BITS) prior to the consistency check being run  
         when intrinsic buffers are in use, since implementations are  
         allowed to select a number of bits for an intrinsic buffer at  
         consistency check time to give a better chance of a consistent  
         state being reached?  
            RESOLUTION: This is not an issue since we don't have  
            intrinsic buffers, see issue (13).  We are keeping this  
            issue in the issues list just in case we ever go back and  
            add something like this to a future API.  
            If we would have retained the intrinsic buffer api (i.e.,  
            glFramebufferStorage) or if some future API adds it back in,  
            then one possible resolution of this problem would have been  
            to simply say that a query of the number of bits prior to  
            the consistency check being run will produce an answer that  
            is subject to change.  
            This is preferable to some other possible resolutions that  
            have been discussed (e.g., having the query cause a  
            validation to occur implicitly, thereby "baking" in the  
            answer) because it is the one least likely to introduce  
            unexpected side-effects to an operation as seemingly  
            innocuous as a query.  
            A possible variant of this proposed resolution would have  
            been to have the query return a number of bits that is  
            guaranteed to be less than or equal to the actual number of  
            bits that will eventually be used.  This may or may not be a  
            useful guarantee.  We could have also had the query return 0  
            or -1 as a signal that the framebuffer is incomplete.  
            Again, this is all moot since we decided against this style  
            of intrinsic buffers in this extension.  
    (28) What should the <image> parameter to FramebufferTexture3DEXT  
         actually be called?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, "zoffset"  
           This parameter could have been called <image> or <slice>.  
           <depth> or <zoffset> might also be appropriate.  The reason  
           the answer here is non-obvious is that normally 3D textures  
           are specified all at once, not one 2D "slice" at a time  
           (TexImage3D takes one big array that represents all three  
           dimensions at once, for example), and because texture  
           coordinates for TEXTURE_3D targets are normalized  
           floating-point numbers, just as they are with TEXTURE_2D  
           targets, not integer indices.  
           The GL uses the term "image" to mean "slice" in a few  
           instances.  For example, pixel unpack parameters  
           UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGE and UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT describe state  
           related to the "slices" a 3d texture.  
           However, in some ways the act of rendering into a texture is  
           most similar to CopyTexSubImage3D, which also redefines a  
           texture's contents (but never its format or dimensions) based  
           on the contents of the framebuffer.  The "zoffset" parameter  
           to CopyTexSubImage selects a particular 2D image (depth  
           "slice") of a 3-dimensional texture.  "zoffset" is a  
           coordinate, and the parameter to FramebufferTexture3DEXT is  
           also a coordinate.  "Image" typically refers to an array of  
           We already use the term "image" throughout this extension to  
           talk about 2d arrays of pixels beyond their use in 3D  
           textures.  It is a little confusing to overload "image" to  
           also mean Z coordinate in FramebufferTexture3DEXT.  
           For the sum of these reasons, we decided "zoffset" is a  
           better name than "image", for the parameter to  
    (29) Should GenerateMipmap functionality be included in this  
         extension or put in it's own extension?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes, include this functionality  
            It is arguably useful separately, i.e., without all this  
            machinery.  However, it's also kind of required here to have  
            some kind of way to deal with the interaction with  
            SGIS_generate_mipmap.  Probably we should just include it  
            here.  (maybe also a separate extension?)  
            It's easier to define when automatic mipmap generation  
            happens for a traditional non-rendered texture than it is  
            for a texture that is modified by rendering-to-texture.  If  
            GENERATE_MIPMAP were to cause a rendered-texture's mipmaps  
            to be automatically generated, presumably generation would  
            occur when either the texture is detached from the  
            framebuffer or when the framebuffer is unbound.  If neither  
            of these events occur, should automatic mipmap generation  
            also occur when the texture is bound to a texture unit (of  
            same or different context?)  
            It's believed the recommended way of achieving maximum  
            performance using this extension is to make all attachments  
            during initialization, and then not change attachments in  
            the steady state.  This reasoning is, after all, a major  
            reason for introducing framebuffer objects.  If an  
            application does not detach textures from framebuffers, then  
            what event triggers mipmap generation?  An explicit  
            GenerateMipmap works well here.  
            Would the base level have to actually be modified in order  
            for mipmap generation to occur?  How should "modified" be  
            If the application rendered to each level of the texture  
            before detaching the texture or unbinding the framebuffer,  
            would automatic mipmap generation happen anyway?  (This  
            implies the application needs to set GENERATE_MIPMAP to  
            FALSE before rendering to the texture, but maybe that's OK.)  
            Historical background: One reason for introducing  
            GenerateMipmap in the context of the original uber_buffers  
            proposal was that uber_buffers lacked a Begin-time  
            consistency check, but instead prevented the framebuffer  
            from ever getting into an inconsistent state (once  
            validated).  Operations such as TexImage that can change the  
            dimensions and format of a tetxture's levels were disallowed  
            when the texture was attached to a framebuffer.  Since  
            automatic mipmap generation can change the dimensions and  
            format of a texture's levels, that meant that automatic  
            mipmap generation could not be performed in some cases, but  
            there was no good way to communicate this error to the  
            application.  Hence there really was a need for a separate  
            GenerateMipmaps function.  This restriction does not apply  
            to the current API because the semantics of an incomplete  
            framebuffer are different now.  Nevertheless, we decided to  
            retain this manual mipmap generation as part of this  
    (30) Do the calls to deal with renderbuffers need a target  
         parameter?  It seems unlikely this will be used for anything.  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes  
            Whether we call it a "target" or not, there is *some* piece  
            of state in the context to hold the current renderbuffer  
            binding.  This is required so that we can call routines like  
            RenderbufferStorage and {Get}RenderbufferParameter() without  
            passing in an object name.  It is also possible we may  
            decide to use the renderbuffer target parameter to  
            distinguish between multisample and non multisample buffers.  
            Given those reasons, the precedent of texture objects, and  
            the possibility we may come up with some other renderbuffer  
            target types in the future, it seems prudent and not all  
            that costly to just include the target type now.  
    (31) What should happen if you call FramebufferTexture{1D|2D|3D}  
         with a texture name of zero?  
            RESOLUTION:  This will detach the image from the specified  
            attachment point in the currently bound framebuffer object.  
            For reference, this reason this is problematic because there  
            is not really a "texture object zero"  
            Texture name zero does not define an object but defines  
            context state (one texture named zero, per target, per  
            context).  The textures referred to by the name zero are  
            never shared across contexts.  So the behavior of  
            framebuffer objects shared by multiple contexts where each  
            is attached to the context's texture named zero seems odd at  
            best, and confusing at worst.  As such, it was decided to  
            not allow a framebuffer to attach to texture named zero.  
            Another option would have been to make this an error.  If we  
            had done this, then we would need a specific function to  
            detach a texture from an attachment point.  That is, we  
            would have needed to create something like a dedicated  
            DetachFramebufferAttachableImage() entry point.  
    (32) Should there be a renderbuffer object with the name of zero?  
            RESOLUTION:  NO.  
            By way of symmetry with textures, renderbuffer zero, if it  
            existed, would not be an object.  It would be a  
            non-shareable piece of the context state.  There would be  
            one renderbuffer named zero per target per context.  
            If we can't share renderbuffer name zero, then also by way  
            of symmetry with textures, we would not want to support  
            attaching renderbuffer name zero to a framebuffer.  
            So, if it can't be used as a rendering destination, then a  
            renderbuffer name zero would seem to serve no purpose as a  
            state container.  
            However, we'd like to retain the use of name zero in certain  
            routines with special semantics, particularly for detaching  
            non-zero renderbuffer objects from the framebuffer and  
            context.  See issue (33).  
            On implication of this decision is that state  
            setting/getting routines that operate on the currently bound  
            renderbuffer should throw a GL error if no renderbuffer is  
            bound/attached.  A similar choice was made in the  
            ARB_vertex_buffer_objects specification which also had  
            special semantics for object zero.  
            Also note, another option considered was making object zero  
            a full fledged, shareable object just like the non-zero  
            object names.  This was rejected as being too different from  
            texture/program vbo's/etc., possibly leading to confusion.  
    (33) What should happen if you call FramebufferRenderbuffer or  
         BindRenderbuffer with a renderbuffer name of zero?  
            RESOLUTION:   This will detach the image from the  
            specified attachment point in the currently bound  
            framebuffer object.  
            This is resolved exactly the same way as issue (31) was  
            resolved for textures, and for the same reasons.  
            Similarly, calling BindRenderbuffer with a name of zero will  
            unbind the currently bound renderbuffer from the context.  
    (34) Should there be a way to query a framebuffer object for its  
         attached texture and/or renderbuffers?  If so, how, and  
         what should be the query result when attached textures or  
         renderbuffers have been deleted?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes  
            In general, OpenGL lets you query settable state, so  
            we allow this.  
            To see what this query should look like, see related  
            issue (51)  
            This issue also raises the question about what values should  
            be returned for attached objects if the named objects have  
            since been deleted.  This can happen if the textures were  
            attached to non-currently bound framebuffers or attached to  
            framebuffers in other contexts.  Three possible solutions  
                a) Don't support this query.  
                b) Return zero if no texture has ever been attached.  
                   Return zero if the attached texture has been deleted.  
                c) Return zero if no texture has ever been attached.  
                   Return the name of the texture that was attached even  
                   though it has been deleted.  
                Option (a) was rejected as we would like settable state  
                to be queriable.  
                So, for this extension originally we choose option (c).  
                However, we have since decided, in issue (21), that  
                DeleteTexture and DeleteRenderbuffer will first detach  
                the texture/renderbuffer from any attached framebuffer  
                objects *in this context*.  In principle, the  
                application can't tell the difference between the  
                texture getting deleted now or later, so whether the  
                texture is actually detached from the current  
                framebuffer now and other framebuffers when they are  
                bound, or the texture is actually detached from all  
                framebuffers at once is moot.  In practice, this means  
                that options (b) and (c) are essentially  
                indistinguishable for a single context case.  
                However, it's worth noting that if the texture is  
                deleted and attached to a framebuffer which is current  
                in another context, the standard rules about undefined  
                behavior of state modifcations of shared objects in  
                other contexts will still applye.  
                This means that the texture may or may not be detached  
                (and thus deleted) from that other context's current  
                framebuffer until the next BindFramebuffer (or  
                FramebufferTexture/FramebufferRenderbuffer?) in the  
                other context.  
    (35) Earlier proposals included a way to create some memory and then  
         attach it to a texture object.  Should this extension include  
         this feature?  
            RESOLUTION:  no.  
            This was considered when this extension was intended  
            to be a more general purpose memory manager.  Since this  
            extension has been retasked to focus in on render-to-X  
            functionality, this feature was not necessary.  
    (36) Earlier proposals had renderable memory constructs which could  
         change internal format or dimensions to meet intra-framebuffer  
         compatibiltiy requirements of individual vendors' hardware  
         platforms.  Should this extension have these kind of malleable  
         format objects?  
            RESOLUTION: no.  
            Such malleability leads to invariance problems when formats  
            change.  For example, if bits per pixel is decreased then  
            increased back to the original value, some precision is  
            Some IHVs wanted to require format conversion of existing  
            contents in all cases where the format changes.  This sort  
            of invariance would be an acceptable side-effect.  The  
            suggestion was to think of the action of rendering to a  
            texture as an extended non-atomic TexImage call.  TexImage  
            is allowed to change the format of an existing texture  
            image.  It was claimed that such intrinsic buffers are more  
            convenient in many applicaitons than are the explicitly  
            managed renderbuffers.  
            Other IHVs expressed a strong opinion against implicit  
            format conversions, but instead wanted to invalidate the  
            buffer's contents whenever the format changed.  It was  
            difficult to define the set of operations that might cause  
            the format to change, so it was difficult to define when the  
            contents could become invalidated.  If the contents were  
            invalidated by a format change, the API under consideration  
            made it cumbersome for the application to detect and handle  
            this condition.  In the end, under the buffer content  
            invalidation approach, application code would not be any  
            better off than if the appliation instead used the explicit  
            renderbuffers.  For the type of intrinsic buffers that could  
            not change format and dimensions dynamically, the claim that  
            intrinsic buffers were more convenient than renderbuffers  
            was no longer true.  
            The working group voted for the latter: no implicit format  
            changes.  Instead the format would be immutable once it is  
            A secondary issue is the question: are the buffer contents  
            invalidated when the dimensions change, are the contents  
            scaled, or are the contents are clipped/padded (with some  
            sort of gravity).  This issue could be avoided by requiring  
            explicit, rather than implicit, resize of intrinsic buffers.  
            The working group voted for no implicit change in the  
            dimensions of intrinsic buffers, and finally for the removal  
            of intrinsic buffers altogether.  
    (37) In order to abstract hardware dependent compatibility  
         requirements, this API introduces a function called  
         CheckFramebufferStatus to check for compatibility prior to  
         rendering.  CheckFramebufferStatus returns a value which  
         indicates whether or not the framebuffer object is "framebuffer  
         complete", and framebuffer completeness depends in part on  
         hardware dependent constraints.  The hardware dependent aspect  
         represents a new concept in OpenGL.  Therefore, should an app  
         be required to call this function to help "enforce" the notion  
         that apps should be on the lookout for failure?  
            RESOLUTION: no.  Calling CheckFramebufferStatus is not  
            The group considered requiring a call to  
            CheckFramebufferStatus after changing framebuffer state or  
            attachment points in order to "enable" rendering.  It was  
            hoped that requiring a call to CheckFramebufferStatus would  
            push developers to write code which is more platform  
            independent.  Ultimately though, since the API can't require  
            applications to actually observe and deal with a validation  
            failure, that it was not worth it to make this function call  
            required.  There was also feedback from some developers that  
            requiring this call would be cumbersome and undesirable.  
            Note, however, that the framebuffer is effectively validated  
            implicitly at every rendering (and reading) entry point.  
            These include glBegin, gl{Multi}Draw{Arrays|Elements},  
            gl{Draw|Copy|Read}Pixels, glCopyPixels, glReadPixels,  
            glCopyTex{Sub}Image, etc.  
            Applications are strongly advised to test framebuffer  
            completeness with CheckFramebufferStatus after setting up or  
            changing the configuration of a framebuffer object, and to  
            handle the possible failure cases with a fallback plan that  
            selects a different set of internal formats of attached  
            images.  See usage example 6.  Section lists the  
            operations that can cause the framebuffer's status to  
            In addition, a "format group" API, has been proposed as a  
            means of programmatically determining a set of internal  
            formats that are guaranteed to be compatible with respect to  
            framebuffer completeness.  This API would be specified in a  
            layered extension as suggested in issue (12)  
    (38) Do we need to support multiple render targets, i.e.,  
            RESOLUTION: Yes.  
            ARB_draw_buffers is going to be part of OpenGL 2.0 so we'd  
            better support it.  
    (39) How should we support ARB_draw_buffers?  
            RESOLUTION: refactored into the following issues:  
                        (53), (54), (55), (56), and (57)  
    (40) (How) should we support accum buffers?  
            RESOLUTION: defer this until (shortly) after this extension.  
            Accum buffers appears to be very simple to specify and  
            implement.  Basically, we would need to add a new internal  
            ACCUM format that can be passed to RenderbufferStorage.  We  
            would also need to add an ACCUM attachment point in the  
            framebuffer that could be used to point to one of these  
            ACCUM format renderbuffers.  A new ACCUM format is needed  
            because the ACCUM buffer is defined by GL to be signed  
            floating point value, unlike other internal formats.  
            Also note, the above solution is the exact same one we are  
            using for STENCIL buffers as well (i.e., an internal format  
            enum and an attachment point).  
            We could also decide if this new ACCUM internal format can  
            be used with textures in addition to renderbuffers, for  
            creating images that can be attached to the accum buffer  
            attachment point.  
            Supporting accum was deferred for this extension, primarily  
            for time-to-market reasons, and as it was not critical for  
            most render-to-texture applications.  However, we intend to  
            work on some kind of "EXT_accum_renderbuffer" extension  
            Since this was deferred, we need to define what happens when  
            you call the various Accum operations on a non-default  
            framebuffer object.  We considered adding spec language that  
            would generate an error on Accum operations.  However, it  
            seems like we can simply leverage whatever legacy behavior  
            is currently defined for when the pixel format has no accum  
            buffer.  This is the case in this extension as we have  
            defined no way to attach or enable an accum buffer.  Chapter  
            4 on page 188 already says that "If there is no accumulation  
            buffer, or if the GL is in color index mode, Accum generates  
            the error INVALID OPERATION", so we don't actually need any  
            additional language of our own.  
    (41) (How) should we support multisample buffers?  
            RESOLUTION: defer this until (shortly) after this extension.  
            Supporting multisample was deferred for this extension,  
            primarily for time-to-market reasons and because it's not  
            entirely clear what is the "best" API for exposing  
            multisample.  However, we intend to work on some kind of  
            "EXT_multisample_renderbuffer" extension shortly.  
            Since this feature was deferred, we need to define what  
            happens when you try to enable multisample on a non-default  
            framebuffer object.  For now we need some way to *not* do  
            multisampling.  This can either be that we set SAMPLES 1 and  
            SAMPLE_BUFFERS to 0, or we say that  
            Enable/Disable(MULTISAMPLE) is ignored.  This is actually  
            related to issue (62) - should SAMPLE_BUFFERS change when  
            using a non-default framebuffer or when attachments change?  
            When/if we define and export "EXT_multisample_renderbuffer"  
            extension, this state will again have significance.  
            A discussion of how we might support this feature follows:  
            There are several considerations here: First, we'd like  
            something simple to specify, implement, and use.  Second,  
            we'd like to not delay this extension's approval,  
            implementation or adoption for this particular feature.  
            Third, we are trying to replace pbuffer functionality, which  
            does support multisampling (at least in principle), so we'd  
            like to not take a step backward in functionality if  
            However, this extension is *not* trying to "improve" the  
            traditional multisample support.  If we do anything, we will  
            simply expose the existing multisample buffer semantics  
            without causing undue implementation burden.  
            Finally, if an implementation is currently taking short-cuts  
            to GL's traditional "per-pixel-resolve" multisample  
            semantics, we'd like for this extension to continue to allow  
            the exact same short-cuts (to whatever extent the core GL  
            spec does or does not allow those short-cuts).  If someone  
            later decides to go an revamp multisampling support in  
            general, they can update this extension at the same time.  
            Given the above, it appears that the options include:  
              A) Don't support it.  In other words, you can't use  
                 mulitsampling and EXT_framebuffer_object.  The  
                 multisample state is either ignored, or causes the  
                 framebuffer to not be complete, or generates some kind  
                 of error.  
              B) Create a separate multisample renderbuffer that can be  
                 attached to a new framebuffer attachment point.  
                 The reason that we might need a separate  
                 RESOLUTION_BUFFER is that all renderable color buffer  
                 formats might not be usable for multisampling on all  
                 Also, this option would allow multiple framebuffers to  
                 share the storage for multisample buffers under the  
                 control of the application.  
                 Depth sample buffers and stencil sample buffers  
                 wouldn't necessarily need resolution buffers, but that  
                 could be added by some future extension.  
                 This option has several variants:  
                   B1) Create MULTISAMPLE and/or RESOLUTION_BUFFER  
                       internal formats for renderbuffer objects that  
                       can be used with RenderbufferStorage.  The  
                       samples buffer and the resolution buffer would be  
                       allocated and attached to the framebuffer  
                       separately.  Having them be separate allows the  
                       samples to be deleted after rendering if desired.  
                       One issue with this option is that somehow you'd  
                       need to specify the number of samples maybe using  
                       glFramebufferParameter or  
                   B2) Perhaps, instead of using a single internal  
                       format called MULTISAMPLE, use a set of internal  
                       formats like MULTISAMPLE_1_SAMPLE,  
                       MULTISAMPLE_2_SAMPLE, MULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLE, etc.  
                       This is problematic for supporting depth/stencil  
                       multisampling unless we want an explosion of  
                       color/depth/stencil multisample internal formats.  
                       It's also problematic if MRT draw buffers need to  
                       be multisampled because we'd need a number of  
                       enums able to support 1 to N draw buffers times  
                       the number of sample patterns we support.  
                   B3) Have RenderbufferStorage always take a number of  
                       samples.  We could do this if option (B2) is  
                       insufficient due to the need to support DEPTH or  
                       STENCIL multisampling, which we probably will.  
                       We would then allow the internal format to choose  
                       DEPTH, STENCIL, or RGBA/etc.  This is clean but  
                       it means that the user would always need to  
                       specify a number of samples even when the value  
                       is "1".  
                   B4) Pass in a variable length argument list to the  
                       renderbuffer allocation routine, and some of the  
                       arguments would indicate intended usage  
                       (COLOR/DEPTH/MULTISAMPLE) others would indicate  
                       internal format (RGBA/DEPTH24) and others would  
                       indicate number of samples.  This is how  
                       EXT_compromise_buffers dealt with this problem,  
                       though people didn't seem to like this variable  
                       length argument list.  EXT_render_target didn't  
                       deal with this problem so doesn't offer any  
                       guidance here.  
                   B5) Create a new RENDERBUFFER_MULTISAMPLE  
                       renderbuffer target type and a corresponding  
                       allocation routine, perhaps called  
                       RenderbufferMultisampleStorage().  This is  
                       analogous to how textures have their own  
                       allocation routine per target type  
                       (TexImage1D/2D/3D, etc).  
                       With this option, we could preclude  
                       non-multisample targets from being attached to  
                       non-multisample attachment points as well.  
                   B6-B10) Any of the above options can be implemented  
                           with either a single monolithic mulitsample  
                           buffer that contains the samples for all draw  
                           buffers, depth and stencil and a single  
                           attachment point, *OR* with independent  
                           multisample buffers for each draw buffer and  
                           depth and stencil and independent attachment  
                           points for each.  
              C) Use some kind of "behind the scenes" mulitsample buffer.  
                 This option also has several variants:  
                   C1) An "implicit" multisample buffer that is simply a  
                       property of the framebuffer object.  Each  
                       framebuffer object could have its own multisample  
                       buffer(s).  Multisampling would be enabled with  
                       some kind of FramebufferParameter call.  This  
                       implies that each framebuffer has memory  
                       allocated with it.  It further implies that the  
                       contents of the multisample buffer are  
                       framebuffer state and are thus retained with the  
                       framebuffer object.  
                   C2) We don't say anything except that we say the  
                       value of the glEnable(MULTISAMPLE) is still  
                       respected and we render as directed.  This is  
                       similar to (C1) but we don't go so far as to say  
                       that the multisample buffer(s) is/are retained  
                       per framebuffer object.  In other words, a call  
                       to BindFramebuffer() and changes to framebuffer  
                       attachments may or may not retain multisample  
                       buffer contents.  Valid implmentations of this  
                       would include a multisample buffer per  
                       framebuffer or one per context.  
              D) something else (hopefully simpler?)  
    (42) What set of framebuffer targets should the initial extension  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, (D) single target  
            Basic possibilities include:  
            (B) DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT  
            (C) DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT  
            (D) FRAMEBUFFER_EXT  
            The fundamental question is: must framebuffer binding points  
            mimic the expressiveness of the window-system function  
            MakeContextCurrent, which is described in the glX spec and  
            the ARB_make_current_read extension?  
            It was not immediately clear how to specify the distinction  
            between a READ and a DRAW framebuffer in the context of the  
            existing read/draw buffer semantics, given that this  
            extension relaxes the "compatibility" requirement between  
            read and draw drawables.  How would the value of RED_BITS  
            for the read framebuffer be queried if it is different than  
            the value of RED_BITS for the draw framebuffer?  What  
            exactly is the set of implementation dependent state (see  
            the "Implementation Dependent *" state tables in chapter 6)  
            that can differ between read and draw framebuffer objects?  
            When using MakeContextCurrent, the context's and drawable's  
            FBconfig (or pixel format) must be "compatible" or else the  
            results are implementation dependent.  But  
            EXT_framebuffer_object cannot afford to swing such a large  
            "undefined" stick, because it is more likely that  
            framebuffer objects are incompatible in this sense, and  
            because the "pixel format compatility" of a framebuffer  
            object is dynamic--by changing attachments or redefining the  
            internal format of an attached texture image.  
            The value added by ARB_make_current_read through  
            MakeContextCurrent is less relevant to  
            EXT_framebuffer_object.  EXT_framebuffer_object enables  
            rendering to a texture, and textures are objects with a  
            clearly defined mechanism for use as the source of a pixel  
            copy: rather than using CopyPixels to move pixels from the  
            READ_BUFFER to the DRAW_BUFFER(s), an application can simply  
            use the source data as a texture and then draw a  
            screen-aligned textured quad to the framebuffer.  
            Additionally, adding separate DRAW and READ bindings in the  
            future is pretty straightforward.  One solution would be to  
            say that FRAMEBUFFER_EXT is the DRAW framebuffer, and name  
            the new READ framebuffer FRAMEBUFFER_READ_EXT.  Add a new  
            BindFramebuffer-like function which takes two framebuffer  
            names--one for DRAW and one for READ.  The current  
            BindFramebuffer function binds a single object to both  
            So, we defer the additional targets until need has been  
            proven, and go with the simpler option (D) for now.  
    (43) In order for a framebuffer object to be "framebuffer complete",  
         must all textures attached to the framebuffer be mipmap  
         complete (or mipmap cube complete if cubemap texture)?  
            RESOLUTION:  resolved, no  
            The reason this is a consideration is that some  
            architectures require framebuffer-attachable images to be  
            located in graphics memory when rendered to, and it may be  
            more convenient to allocate and store a texture in graphics  
            memory only if the texture is mipmap (cube) complete--i.e.,  
            the size and format of all levels are consistent in the  
            normal sense of texture compeleteness.  
            However, since framebuffer attachment points only really  
            deal with single images of a texture level, it seems  
            excessive to require the state of the other levels of a  
            texture to affect the validty of the framebuffer object  
            Addtionally, the same difficulties around "incomplete"  
            textures already apply to traditional CopyTexSubImage, and  
            we have been trying to make the render-to-texture semantics  
            similar to CopyTexSubImage.  
            Therefore, we chose not to treat render to texture any  
            differently than CopyTexSubImage and do not require that the  
            attached texture is mipmap (cube) complete.  
    (44) What should happen if a texture that is currently bound to the  
         context is also used as an image attached to the  
         currently bound framebuffer?  In other words, what happens if a  
         texture is used as both a source for texturing and a  
         destination for rendering?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, (b2) - results are undefined because  
            the framebuffer is not "framebuffer complete".  
            Originally this was resolved as causing framebuffer to fail  
            the completeness test--i.e., rendering would be disabled (b1)  
            As background, the reason this is an issue in the first  
            place is that simultaneously reading from, and writing to,  
            the same texture image is likely to be problematic on  
            multiple vendors' hardware without paying performance  
            penalties for excessive synchronization and/or data copying.  
            There are, however, certain cases where this functionality  
            would arguably be useful, supportable, and well-defined.  In  
            particular, we can consider the case of custom mipmap  
            generation using one level's image as source data to render  
            into other levels of the same texture.  
            So, at a minimum, we would like to support rendering to a  
            currently bound texture object if the source texture object  
            has the BASE_LEVEL and MAX_LEVEL texture parameters set such  
            that the level being used as a framebuffer-attachable image  
            is excluded from texture fetches.  
            This was our original rationale:  
             a1) is problematic because one context could modify the  
                 base/max level on a shared texture causing another  
                 context which is using the texture as a destination to  
                 throw an error.  This idea was rejected as it  
                 essentially meant that the error would need to be  
                 thrown at render timer which people found unacceptable.  
             b1) has the same kind of multicontext behavior but no  
                 error.  One context can cause a framebuffer shared in  
                 another context to become invalid, but this is already  
                 true and can happen for a variety of reasons if the  
                 participating framebuffer-attachable images and/or  
                 framebuffer attachments are modified by either context.  
                 At the time, we also considered the following  
                 questions: should the specification require the  
                 framebuffer to fail the framebuffer completeness test?  
                 Or is the framebuffer simply "allowed" to not be  
                 complete in this case?  The latter choice would imply  
                 that the framebuffer might still be considered  
                 "framebuffer complete" on some implementations.  See  
                 issue (46)  
             c1) is the easiest to specify and has an advantage that  
                 some implementations may be relying on this behavior  
                 already.  However, this was rejected as it is the least  
                 portable of the three options.  
            We originally chose option (b1), though we considered that  
            later on, individual hardware vendors may offer layered  
            extensions that change this "framebuffer completeness"  
            failure into a success with either defined or undefined  
            rendering behavior.  
            However, this issue was re-opened becaues the subsequent  
            resolution of issue (66) was that there should be no  
            "context-dependent" reasons for framebuffer incompleteness.  
            If we had stuck with option (b1), then we would be making  
            the framebuffer completeness predicated on a piece of  
            context state (the current texture binding).  Consider the  
            case where texture T is attached to a framebuffer.  Then  
            this would have meant that a framebuffer could be complete  
            in one context (that didn't have texture T bound as a  
            texture) and incomplete in another context (that did have  
            texture T bound).  
            When reconsidering this issue, we realized that we would not  
            throw an error at Begin time without disabling rendering, so  
            we really only considered the following revised set of  
                 a2) throw an error and disable rendering, but don't  
                     affect framebuffer completeness  
                 b2) the behavior is undefined  
            The issue was resolved the second time as:  
                 b2) Undefined behavior  
            Another option that was briefly considered was to make this  
            another type of error (unrelated to trying to render with an  
            incomplete framebuffer).  However, part of the rationale for  
            throwing an error at glBegin time when trying to render with  
            an incomplete framebuffer was that if you already have to  
            test for framebuffer completeness, then throwing an error is  
            no additional implementation burden.  Yet, since it was  
            decided that the "texture-from-destination" condition is not  
            part of framebuffer completeness - issue (66) - then it is  
            an additional burden to perform the  
            "texture-from-destination" check just so that an error can  
            be generated.  The concern was some implementations might  
            not need to check for this case at all and we didn't want to  
            burdern those implementations with an additional Begin-time  
            error check.  
            Also, for what it's worth, if we had left the  
            "texture-from-destination" case in the framebuffer  
            completeness test then any language describing how  
            framebuffer completeness is affected when a currently bound  
            texture is used as both source and destination needs to be  
            explicit that the texture has to be currently bound *and*  
            enabled.  For instance, consider the case where a user has a  
            cubemap texture object name N bound to unit X and a 2D  
            texture object name M also bound to unit X.  What if the  
            user would like to use the 2D texture M as a source while  
            rendering to the faces of the cubemap texture N?  We would  
            like to support this scenario, so the language about a  
            currently bound texture object would have needed to take the  
            target into account.  And to make matters more interesting,  
            this means we would have needed to take texture enables and  
            fragment shaders into account in this decision.  In the end,  
            we decided that "context-state" would not affect the  
            defintion of framebuffer completeness we avoided this  
            complexity (or at least moved it out of the framebuffer  
            completeness test).  
    (45) Are framebuffer configurations with no color attachments allowed?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes  
            The reason this is an issue is that the GL spec assumes  
            there is always a color buffer.  If a framebuffer with no  
            images attached to any of the color buffer attachment points  
            can be "framebuffer complete", then the core GL spec will  
            need to be modified to relax the assumption that a color  
            buffer always exists.  
            However, since one of the possible likely uses of this  
            extnesion is to support depth texture rendering and stencil  
            rendering for shadowing techniques, it seems like requiring  
            an unused "dummy" color buffer in some cases is both  
            inconvenient and a waste of memory.  
            Therefore, framebuffers do not require color attachments to  
            be valid.  Perhaps though we should require that a  
            framebuffer with *no* attachments is invalid.  
            It also should be stated that attempting to render without  
            the "appropriate" buffers attached needs to be defined.  For  
            instance, presumably, for depth rendering with no depth  
            buffer attached, the depth test is disabled, as it is in  
            traditional GL.  
    (46) In the framebuffer completeness criteria, this extension  
         introduces the idea that rendering can fail for implementation  
         dependent reasons.  Framebuffer completeness also considers  
         implementation *independent* reasons for failure.  
         Do we need to make special distinction between the cases where  
         a framebuffer is not complete because of implementation  
         dependent or because of implementation indepenent reasons?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes, though this is really tied into  
            how we resolve the minimum requirements for supporting this  
            extension.  See issue (61)  
            Examples where a framebuffer may be incomplete on some  
            implementations but not others include:  
                - 16 bit z-buffer used with 8 bit stencil buffer  
                - 32 bit color buffer with 16 bit depth buffer  
                - others?  
            Examples where framebuffer MUST be incomplete on all  
            implementations include:  
                - color-renderable image attached to a non-color  
                  attachment point  
                - depth-renderable image attached to a non-depth  
                  attachment point  
                - stencil-renderable image attached to a non-stencil  
                  attachment point  
                - all images attached to a framebuffer do not have the  
                  same dimensions  
                - multiple render targets of different bit depths  
                - texture image attached to the framebuffer is part of a  
                  currently bound and enabled texture and the image is  
                  within the range of mipmap levels that can be fetched  
                  by rendering.  
           To make this determination we need to describe the criteria  
           we should use to determine whether a framebuffer *can* or  
           *must* be incomplete.  
           The arguments for putting state vectors into the "can" fail  
           case is that a later extension can come along and simply  
           relax those portions of the framebuffer completeness  
           definiton with no additional API.  State vectors classified  
           as "must" fail cases would at least require the later  
           extension to add an additional enable to start passing.  
    (47) Certain state-modification operations can cause a change to the  
         validated state of a framebufffer.  (I.e., can make a  
         framebuffer that was complete become incomplete, or  
         vice-versa).  Do we want to list exactly which  
         state-modification routines can cause this to happen?  If so  
         what is the list?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, the answer is: yes we want to  
            delineate exactly which routines can cause validation state  
            Currently any routine which changes any of the following  
            state can potentially cause framebuffer completness to  
                framebuffer state  
                state changes to attached objects  
                currently bound fragment program  
                texture enable state  
            The list of operations that can cause framebuffer a change  
            to framebuffer completeness are spelled out in section  
    (48) What information should be returned from  
            New RESOLUTION: resolved: 8 possible enum values, see issue  
            Previous RESOLUTION: resolved, return one of three enumerated values:  
                1. GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT  
            where the three values mean the following:  
                1. framebuffer is complete and supported  
                2. framebuffer is not supported for implementation *dependent*   reason  
                3. framebuffer is incomplete for    implementation *independent* reason  
            We considered the following two sets of enums:  
                Set 1:  
                Set 2:  
            New resolution is Set 2.  
            NOTE: In order to fully resolve issue (55), we expanded this set  
            of enums to identify all of the implementation-independent  
            causes for a failure of the framebuffer completeness test.  
            Originally, we had decided to have a query where the  
            query returns one of three possible values  
            One possible set of names that could be returned included:  
                FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE, and  
                FRAMEBUFFER_HW_DEPENDENT, and  
            How much information we return from CheckFramebufferStatus  
            is a function of how we expect the return value to be used.  
            A framebuffer object that is not complete for implementation  
            *indepednent* reasons is really an indication of a  
            programming error (like mismatched sizes) and should only  
            occur during development phase of an application.  The  
            correct response to this failure is to modify the  
            application to fix the bug.  After application development,  
            a framebuffer object that is not complete for implementation  
            *dependent* reasons is possible.  However, it's not yet  
            clear whether we can easily characterize these reasons for  
            failure in a programmatic fashion that would really offer  
            the application enough information to do something different  
            at runtime.  Perhaps a human readable info log, intended  
            just as an application debugging aid, would be more  
            We also considered whether we needed two separate queries:  
            One that queried whether the framebuffer was complete  
            according to the spec, and one that queried whether the  
            framebuffer was supported.  This was a little problematic as  
            it might not be possible to answer the  
            "IsFramebufferSupported" query until the framebuffer was  
            complete.  A possible solution would have been to return  
            UNKNOWN from the "IsFramebufferSupported" query until the  
            "IsFramebufferComplete" query returned TRUE.  
            In any event, we decided a single query was a simpler  
            In addition, the proposed "format group / format  
            restriction" API (see issue 12) should make the  
            implementation-dependent framebuffer incomplete case much  
            less likely (and perhaps impossible) to occur.  
            Note that if a framebuffer's state violates more than one of  
            the framebuffer completeness rules described in section  
  , then it is undefined which of the enumerated value  
            corresponding to one of the violated rules will be returned  
            by CheckFramebufferStatusEXT.  Since the initial state of a  
            framebuffer violates multiple rules from section,   
            it is therefore undefined exactly which value is returned if  
            CheckFramebufferStatusEXT is called while bound to a newly  
            created framebuffer object.  
    (49) When this extension is used in conjunction with MRT (multiple  
         render targets), it would naively be possible to create a  
         framebuffer that had different color bit depths/formats for  
         various color attachment points.  Should this be allowed?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, no, not in this extension.  
            A soon to follow extension may add this feature.  
            This feature could be supported by simply not requiring that  
            all of the FRAMEBUFFER_COLOR_ATTACHMENTn images share the  
            same internal format.  We decided against doing so, however.  
            ARB_draw_buffers and OpenGL-2.0 do not provide any mechanism  
            to support rendering to multiple color buffers of different  
            formats.  Consequently, we chose not to extend OpenGL in  
            this manner as part of the EXT_framebuffer_object extension.  
            Presumably, a future layered extension could easily add this  
            feature.  There are some open questions about exactly how  
            this might work.  For instance, what should a query of  
            RED_BITS return if the attached color-renderable images have  
            different formats?  In any event, we leave the details of  
            rendering to differently formatted MRT for a future  
            extension to define.  
    (50) This extension introduces the concept of attaching one GL  
         object (texture, renderbuffer) to another GL object  
         (framebuffer).  In many ways this situation is analogous to a  
         previously poorly specified situation where a GL object could  
         be attached to multiple contexts and the issues this raises  
         with deletion and state propogation are similar.  Several  
         issues resolutions have been predicated on the assumption that  
         as we specify this container/member relationship, the  
         generation of GL errors should never be triggered in one  
         context based on the asychronous actions of another context.  
         Is this a valid premise?  
         In other words, should we be using the prevention of  
         asynchronously generated GL errors as a design constraint?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, no.  
            We didn't officially decide on this as a design constraint.  
            However, we essentially decided it by proxy.  We decided in  
            issue (26) and (66) that an incomplete framebuffer can cause  
            GL errors on rendering or reading the framebuffer.  
            Consequently, this means a framebuffer shared by two  
            contexts can be made incomplete by either context, and  
            therefore each context can effectively cause the other  
            context to start generating errors asynchronously.  
            We would expect that the state of framebuffer completness,  
            like all the state of all shared objects, is not  
            "guaranteed" to show up in another context until that  
            context makes an "atomic" request to the server (like a  
            BindFramebuffer for instance).  Until that point, it is  
            undefined whether the state change will show up in the other  
            context, just like any state change made on a shared texture  
    (51) What api should we use to query the attachments of  
         the currently bound framebuffer?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, (b)  
            This is an issue because the relevant state  
            for a specific attachment point is a function  
            of the type of object attached to that that attachment point.  
            The attachment point state needs to select a  
            an image from an object which may have  
            a collection of images, for instance  
            the faces of a cube map texture.  
            This introduces a kind of "polymorphism" into the  
            framebuffer attachment point that is problematic  
            for queries.  
            We have a few options:  
            a) Some kind of single atomic query that  
               returns a variable number of values in an array:  
               GetFramebufferParameteriv(enum target,  
                                         enum pname,  
                                         int* params);  
                    <target> = a framebuffer target  
                    <pname> = {attachment_point}  
                    Upon success "params" will contain an array of  
                    values where  
                    params[0] = {NONE | TEXTURE | RENDERBUFFER}  
                    if params[0] == TEXTURE then  
                        params[1] = texture object name  
                        params[2] = level  
                        params[3] = face  
                        params[4] = image  
                    else if params[0] = RENDERBUFFER then  
                        params[1] = renderbuffer name  
                    Elements of the params array not explicitly defined  
                    above will have undefined values.  
               One problem with (a) is that we would potentially also  
               need a query to identify how many state variables will  
               come back in this query.  Consider the case where in the  
               future we add a new attachable object type that needs  
               more selections tate or even add new selection state to  
               existing object types.  Applications coded to expect a  
               maximum of n values returned today may break in the  
               future unless they have a way to dynamically learn how  
               many attachment state params will come back from the  
            b) individual queries for all the possible attachment  
               state values.  
               We create a new routine to add a new <attachment>  
               argument, otherwise we'd have an explosion of  
               permutations of attachment points and possible attachment  
               selection state values  
               This could look like  
               void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(enum target,  
                                                        enum attachment,  
                                                        enum pname,  
                                                        int *param);  
                    <target> = a framebuffer target  
                    <attachment> = {attachment_point}  
                    <pname> = one of  
                    Upon success, param will be filled out as follows:  
                    if pname is FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT,  
                    then param will contain one of:  
                        { NONE | TEXTURE | RENDERBUFFER },  
                    else if pname is  
                    then param will contain:  
                        { name of attached texture }  
                    else if pname is  
                    RENDERBUFFER, then param will contain:  
                        { renderbuffer object name }  
                    else if pname is  
                    then param will contain:  
                        { selected mipmap level of attached texture }  
                    else if pname is  
                    TEXTURE, then param will contain:  
                        { selected face of attached cube map texture }  
                        { 0 if texture target is not TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP }  
                    else if pname is  
                    then param will contain:  
                        { selected z-slice/image of attached 3D texture }  
                        { 0 if texture is not 3-dimensional }  
                    otherwise, param will contain the value 0.  
               One problem with option (b) is that it is a little  
               heavy-handed as every piece of state needs its own query  
               and enum  
            Given the above choices, and the problems of extending option  
            (a) in the future, (b) is probably the better of the two  
            choices.  It really only adds a few enums, and though it does  
            require an independent function call to obtain each piece of  
            state, this is well-precedented behavior throughout GL.  
    (52) Should manual mimpap generation via GenerateMipmap apply to  
         textures regardless of whether they are attached to framebuffer  
         objects?  Should automatic mimpap generation apply to all  
         textures regardless of whether they are attached to framebuffer  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, (a) - both apply to both.  
         This is an issue because the introduction of GenerateMipmap is  
         intended both to address long standing complaints about the  
         existing "automatic" mipmap generation API and to provide a  
         clear trigger for render to texture API's to know when to do  
         the mipmap generation.  
         These API's could be considered completely orthogonally.  It's  
         clear how they could interoperate.  The question is should they  
         interoperate, or should one supercede the other?  
         There are a couple of ways to address this issue:  
            a) "automatic" mipmap generation applies always and is  
                triggered by any gl{Copy}Tex{Sub}Image call if  
                GENERATE_MIPMAP is set to TRUE.  "Manual" mimap  
                generation applies always and is triggered by a call to  
            b) "automatic" mipmap generation applies only  
               to textures which are not attached to framebuffer  
               objects, calls to GenerateMipmap on "unattached" textures  
               are ignored.  
               "manual" mipmap generation applies only to textures which  
               are attached to framebuffer objects, the value of  
               GENERATE_MIPMAP for "attached" textures is ignored  
           c) Like option (b), but allow GenerateMipmap to  
              apply to all textures and only let automatic mipmap  
              generation apply to "non-attached" textures.  
           d) Create an enable or other piece of state  
              to toggle between allowing automatic and allowing manual  
        We disregarded (d) because it's not clear why an application  
        that had the freedom to set this new enable bit wouldn't  
        simply just turn off the legacy automatic mimpap generation  
        to start with.  
        Of the remaining choices, (a) is the most "orthogonal".  The  
        intent of adding GenerateMipmap is to provide a cleaner and  
        saner interface to mipmap generation that we would encourage  
        developers to use over the automatic method.  Given that, it  
        seems like restricting the "manual" generation to certain  
        cases doesn't serve that goal, so we wish to allow its use  
        on any textures, attached or not.  
    (53) When supporting ARB_draw_buffers, do we need the level of  
         indirection between fragment color outputs and attached  
         mages provided in that API?  
            RESOLUTION: yes  
            ARB_draw_buffers allows the user to set up an "indirection  
            table" between the fragment color outputs ("result.color[n]"  
            in ARB_fragment_program, and "gl_FragData[n]" in GLSL) and  
            the attached draw buffers (FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, etc).  
            Since EXT_framebuffer_object is creating new non-visible  
            framebuffer objects for which the legacy attachment points  
            may not be appropriate, we could consider naming the  
            attachment points by numerical index (COLOR0 ... COLORn) in  
            which case we could consider dropping this level of  
            indirection and allowing the fragment shader to output  
            directly into the numerically specified COLOR0 attachment  
            point with no indirection.  
            However, this indirection is deemed to be useful becaues it  
            allows the application to redirect the fragment color  
            outputs without changing either the fragment shader itself  
            or the current framebuffer attachments, both of which are  
            believed to be heavier-weight state change operations than  
            simply changing the indirection table via glDrawBuffers..  
            Therefore, we elect to retain this level of indirection.  
            This leaves open the question of what to call the attachment  
            points.  See issue (54).  
    (54) What should we name the logical buffer attachment points,  
         bearing in mind the relationship to ARB_draw_buffers?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, option (E), which is a modified  
            version of (C).  Specifically, we use the names  
            future attachment points also get the ATTACHMENT suffix).  
            The reason this is an issue is that prior to  
            EXT_framebuffer_object, the names of the various color  
            logical buffer "attachment points" were heavily influenced  
            by their intended usage in a graphical window-system.  
            Logical buffers for BACK and FRONT_LEFT make sense in the  
            context of double buffering and stereo presentation, but  
            their use in off-screen rendering situations is  
            anachronistic at best and perhaps even confusing.  
            There are several options:  
            Option (A): stick with the "legacy" names  
                This would have us use all of the legacy names which are  
                used to identify a single buffer: FRONT_LEFT,  
                FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, and AUX0..AUXn.  
                This option would require no change to DrawBuffersARB().  
            Option (B): AUXn names  
                If we wish to avoid using the legacy names, one option  
                is to re-use another numerically named set of color  
                buffers, the AUX buffers, and only allow framebuffer  
                objects to support AUX0..AUXn attachment points.  
                This has the advantage of being easy to specify, and  
                numerically delimit, but is a little strange as  
                framebuffer objects could conceivably support the same  
                number of AUX buffers as the implementation supports  
                multiple render targets.  This would have the awkward  
                consequence of allowing framebuffer objects to support  
                more AUX buffers than the default framebuffer could  
                support via the pixel format selection mechanism.  
                This option would require no specific change to  
                DrawBuffers but might require non-default framebuffers  
                to support more AUX buffers than the default framebuffer  
                controlled by the window-system pixel format.  
            Option (C): COLORn names  
                Another option is to rename the color buffer attachment  
                points for application-created framebuffer objects to  
                COLOR0..COLORn.  This has the advantage of avoiding the  
                legacy window-centric names, and avoiding the confusion  
                with AUX buffers.  When considered in conjunction with  
                the decision in issue (53) to support a level of  
                indirection when using ARB_draw_buffers, however, the  
                user of the names COLOR0..COLORn may be confusing.  For  
                instance, if an ARB fragment program contains color  
                output to "result.color[3]", it will not necessarily  
                output to COLOR3.  It will actually write to the buffer  
                specified by DrawBuffersARB for DRAW_BUFFER3 which may  
                or may not be COLOR3.  
                This option would require an update to DrawBuffers to  
                accept the new COLOR0..COLORn values as valid draw  
                buffers and would require a change to DrawBuffers to  
                disallow the "legacy" names.  Or at the very least we  
                would need some language to describe what happens if the  
                DrawBuffers are using the legacy names when the  
                currently bound framebuffer is not the default window  
                system framebuffer.  
            Option (D): DATAn names  
                Yet another option is to call these attachment points  
                DATA0..DATAn.  This is the same as option (C) but uses  
                the word DATA instead of COLOR.  This has the advantage  
                of avoiding the above problems with COLOR0..COLORN, but  
                introduces a similar conflict with GLSL which uses the  
                "gl_FragData[n]" name for its output.  Additionally,  
                since we only support multiple render targets for color  
                logical buffers, it may be that using the word DATA is  
                considered too abstract/general.  
            Option (E): add ATTACHMENT to *ALL* names  
                In order to avoid the confusion of option (C) and (D),  
                we can choose to be more verbose.  We can add the word  
                _ATTACHMENT to distinguish these enums from the color  
                outputs of a fragment program or fragment shader.  For  
                symmetry we also add _ATTACHMENT to the DEPTH and  
                STENCIL (and any other to-be-added) attachment points.  
                Similar to (C) and (D), this option requires an update  
                to DrawBuffers to at least accept the new enum values.  
                We could choose to make it illegal to specify the legacy  
                values for non-default framebuffers as well.  This is  
                essentially covered by issue (55).  
            Here is an pseudo-code example using option (E):  
                // Assume presence of color renderbuffers  
                // with names 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000  
                GLuint db[4] =  
                    { COLOR_ATTACHMENT4, COLOR_ATTACHMENT7,  
                      COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 };  
                glDrawBuffers(4, db);  
                glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,   COLOR_ATTACHMENT4,  
                                             GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 1000);  
                glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,   COLOR_ATTACHMENT7,  
                                             GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 2000);  
                glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,   COLOR_ATTACHMENT1,  
                                             GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 3000);  
                glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,   COLOR_ATTACHMENT2,  
                                             GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 4000);  
                Then in ARB_fragment_program  
                    result.color[0] writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT4  (i.e., renderbuffer 1000)  
                    result.color[1] writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT7  (i.e., renderbuffer 2000)  
                    result.color[2] writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT1  (i.e., renderbuffer 3000)  
                    result.color[3] writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT2  (i.e., renderbuffer 4000)  
                And in ARB_fragment_shader  
                    gl_FragData[0]  writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT4  (i.e., renderbuffer 1000)  
                    gl_FragData[1]  writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT7  (i.e., renderbuffer 2000)  
                    gl_FragData[2]  writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT1  (i.e., renderbuffer 3000)  
                    gl_FragData[3]  writes to COLOR_ATTACHMENT2  (i.e., renderbuffer 4000)  
            See also issue (57) for discussion on querying the number of  
            available color buffers.  
    (55) What should happen if the current DRAW_BUFFER(s) point to a  
         non-existent logical buffer?  Likewise for READ_BUFFER.  
            RESOLUTION: resolved  
                partial resolution #1: DrawBuffer(s)/ReadBuffer throws  
                an error if the buffer does not "exist" for all  
                framebuffers (default and non-default).  
                    Should it be an error to call drawBuffer on a  
                    non-default framebuffer if named buffer does not  
                        Resolved: yes  
                partial resolution #2: The test for having a valid draw  
                and read buffer should be part of framebuffer  
                completeness test.  
                    Should be part of completeness test and should all 5  
                    indpenent reasons add 5 enums?  
                        Resolved: yes  
                partial resolution #3: we should create an enum for  
                each implementation independent reason for failing  
                the framebuffer completeness test of section  
                    Current names (could change...)  
                        NOTE: as per resolution of issue (78)  
                        was dropped.  
            This issue is intertwined with issue (56), which discusses  
            whether the DRAW_BUFFER and READ_BUFFER are context or  
            framebuffer object state.  
            First, some background: If DRAW_BUFFER state is part of the  
            context state vector rather than the framebuffer object  
            state vector (see issue 56), then there are three ways to  
            cause DRAW_BUFFER to reference a color buffer attachment  
            point that "does not exist" in the currently bound  
            framebuffer.  If DRAW_BUFFER is part of the framebuffer  
            object state vector, then (A) still applies but (B) and (C)  
            do not.  
              A) The first case is by detaching, from the currently  
                 bound framebuffer object, the image that is attached to  
                 attachment point named by the value of DRAW_BUFFER.  If  
                 an image is attached to COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT in the  
                 current framebuffer object and DRAW_BUFFER is set to  
                 COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, and then the application  
                 detaches the image from COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, then  
                 DRAW_BUFFER will end up specifying a buffer that "does  
                 not exist" in the currently bound framebuffer object.  
                 There is no analogue to this case in OpenGL prior to  
                 EXT_framebuffer_object.  Before this extension, the  
                 pixel format or fbconfig of a window or pbuffer is  
                 immutable once one of these drawables has been created.  
                 By design, framebuffer objects (which essentially  
                 represent a new type of drawable) have mutable "pixel  
              B) The second case is by binding between two user-created  
                 framebuffer objects, where the two framebuffer objects  
                 do not have images attached to the same set of color  
                 attachment points.  If an image is attached to  
                 COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT in the current framebuffer object  
                 and DRAW_BUFFER is set to COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, and  
                 then the user binds to a new framebuffer for which  
                 there is no image attached to COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT,  
                 then DRAW_BUFFER will end up specifying a buffer that  
                 "does not exist" in the newly bound framebuffer object.  
                 This is morally equivalent to calling MakeCurrent to  
                 bind a context to a different drawable (window or  
                 pbuffer) which does not have bitplanes for the color  
                 buffer named by the context's value of DRAW_BUFFER.  
                 For example, MakeCurrent to a double-buffered window,  
                 set DRAW_BUFFER to BACK, then MakeCurrent to a  
                 single-buffered window.  
              C) The third case is by binding between the default  
                 framebuffer and a user-created framebuffer object.  The  
                 attachment points of a user-created framebuffer object  
                 are named COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT,  
                 STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, etc.  These are also the legal  
                 values of DRAW_BUFFER when a user-created framebuffer  
                 object is bound.  The default framebuffer, on the other  
                 hand, does not use the _ATTACHMENT names but instead  
                 uses names such as FRONT_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, and AUXn as  
                 legal DRAW_BUFFER values.  Because the two sets of  
                 names do not overlap, no value of DRAW_BUFFER is valid  
                 for both the default framebuffer and a user-created  
                 framebuffer object.  
                 This is somewhat equivalent to case (B), except that in  
                 case (C) there is a guarantee that DRAW_BUFFER will  
                 become invalid, whereas in case (B) it is only  
                 _possible_ that DRAW_BUFFER will become invalid.  
            The very problem of invalid DRAW and READ buffers was  
            already a feature of OpenGL (and the window-system APIs)  
            before the introduction of the EXT_framebuffer_object  
            extension.  The GLX specification specifically addresses  
            what happens when MakeCurrent is used to bind a context to a  
            different drawable (window or pbuffer) which does not  
            possess one of the color buffers referenced by the context's  
            current values of DRAW_BUFFER and READ_BUFFER.  GLX  
            addresses this by saying that no GL error is generated, but  
            invalid DRAW_BUFFER behaves as if DRAW_BUFFER were NONE, and  
            reads produce undefined results when READ_BUFFER is invalid.  
            Now, back to the question of how EXT_framebuffer_object  
            should handle the situation when a framebuffer object is  
            bound and DRAW_BUFFER or READ_BUFFER is not valid while  
            bound to a user-created framebuffer object.  
            Obviously one option is to resolve the issue the same way is  
            handled by MakeCurrent in the GLX spec.  Invalid DRAW_BUFFER  
            acts as if DRAW_BUFFER were NONE, and invalid READ_BUFFER  
            causes read operations to generate undefined results.  
            A second option is to modify the framebuffer completeness  
            test to fail if the current DRAW_BUFFER or READ_BUFFER  
            reference an attachment point to which no image is attached.  
            This solution would also result in no rendering being  
            performed, but would also generate a GL error when rendering  
            is attempted while in this state, as determined by issue  
            (64).  When rendering to a framebuffer object, invalid  
            DRAW_BUFFER would cause generation of GL errors; but when  
            rendering to a window, invalid DRAW_BUFFER would not cause  
            generation of GL errors.  
            Consider also that, because of the resolution of issue (66),  
            depending on how issue (56) is decided, failing the  
            framebuffer completeness test due to a "non-existent"  
            DRAW_BUFFER or READ_BUFFER may not be a viable option,  
            because the framebuffer completeness test is not allowed to  
            examine context state.  
            Additionally, there are two sub-issues that fall out of this  
                sub-issue 1: Error at DrawBuffer call time or not?  
                sub-issue 2: DRAW_BUFFER in or out of completeness test?  
            [sub-issue 1]:  First, what should be the behavior of  
            DrawBuffer(s) and ReadBuffer if the specified buffer does  
            not exist at the time DrawBuffer(s) or ReadBuffer is called?  
            For default framebuffer (window-system drawables), an error  
            is currently thrown.  We can not (or do not wish to) change  
            this legacy behavior of window-system supplied drawables.  
            Consequently, we must resolve several questions here:  
            For instance:  
                - Should we do the same thing (error at DrawBuffer time)  
                  for user framebuffer objects?  
                - Is this decision influenced by the fact that  
                  user-created framebuffer objects can change their  
                  attachments one buffer at a time while window-system  
                  supplied drawables can not (i.e., must change all  
                  attachments atomically)?  
                - Also, on other places in this API, such as assembling  
                  a framebuffer from framebuffer-attachable images, we  
                  have allowed the system to move through "invalid"  
                  states without generating an error as long as the  
                  system was back in a "valid" state by rendering time  
                  (or "validation" time).  Should we adhere to that  
                  principle here, or is this case different somehow?  
                - Do we wish to retain the legacy window-system  
                  DrawBuffer(s) behavior for application-created  
                  framebuffer objects for the sake of maintaining  
                  consistency?  i.e., Does the benefit of treating  
                  default and non-default framebuffers consistently  
                  outweigh the earlier decision to delay validation of  
                  "invalid" states?  
                - Both resolutions are examples of "state combination"  
                  errors where an error may or may not be generated  
                  depending on the order state-changing function calls  
                  are made.  For instance, in the legacy behavior  
                  DrawBuffers does or does not throw an error on user  
                  framebuffer objects depending on when you call  
                  DrawBuffer relative to when you made your image  
                  attachments.  On the other hand, if we decided to not  
                  throw an error at DrawBuffer time for user framebuffer  
                  objects, then DrawBuffer does or does not throw an  
                  error depending on whether one is bound to a default  
                  or non-default framebuffer.  Is one of these "state  
                  combination" errors better or worse than the other?  
            [sub-issue 2]: Should having a DRAW_BUFFER that names a  
            non-existent buffer cause the framebuffer completeness test  
            to fail?  
            Since image attachments can be changed after  
            DrawBuffer(s) is called, even if we throw an error at  
            Drawbuffer(s) time, we still must decide how to handle  
            having an invalid DRAW_BUFFER at render (or "validation")  
            time.  Our options include failing the completeness test,  
            (thus disabling rendering and generating an error at render  
            time) or just behaving as if DRAW_BUFFER is NONE (thus  
            disabling rendering but generating no error at render time).  
            If the answer is "fail completeness test", then since  
            currently framebuffer completeness can only be affected by  
            framebuffer state, then one of two things has to happen:  
            Either the drawbuffer state must be framebuffer object  
            state, or we have to revisit our decision that framebuffer  
            completeness is solely a property of the framebuffer state  
            and can not be affected by "per context" state.  
            If the answer is "do not fail completeness test", then the  
            practical consequence of this decision is that having an  
            invalid DRAW_BUFFER behaves as if DRAW_BUFFER is NONE, and  
            no error is generated at render time.  Also, in this case,  
            DRAW-BUFFER state can be either per-context or  
            per-framebuffer object state without violating any  
            previously decided issues.  
    (56) Should the value of DRAW_BUFFER, the corresponding draw buffers  
         indirection table for ARB_draw_buffers, and the value of  
         READ_BUFFER, be part of the context state vector or part of the  
         the framebuffer object state vector?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, per-framebuffer object  
            This issue is intertwined with issue (55), which discusses  
            what happens when the DRAW_BUFFER or READ_BUFFER references  
            a color buffer that "does not exist" in the current  
            Please first read the "First, some background" section of  
            issue (55), which could be, but is not, replicated here.  
            Note that depending on how issue (56) is decided, cases (B)  
            and (C) from issue (55) might become moot.  Specifically, if  
            the DRAW_BUFFER and READ_BUFFER state are added to the  
            framebuffer object state vector, then neither case (B) nor  
            case (C) remains relevant.  Only case (A) would continue to  
            be an issue.  
            The discussion over this issue centered around the following  
             i) There must be a unique per-context value of DRAW_BUFFER  
                for the default window-system-provided framebuffer.  
                In GL, before EXT_framebuffer_object, the DRAW_BUFFER  
                was considered context state because:  
                1) When two contexts are rendering to the same drawable,  
                   each context can use a different value of  
                2) When MakeCurrent alternately binds a single context  
                   to each of two different drawables, after MakeCurrent  
                   DRAW_BUFFER retains the value it had immediately  
                   before calling MakeCurrent.  This is true even if the  
                   last time the context was bound to a given drawable,  
                   DRAW_BUFFER had a different value than it does when  
                   that drawable is next bound to the context.  
                Therefore, a per-context value of DRAW_BUFFER must  
                exist, and must be in effect when the  
                FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is zero.  
                Two ways of satisfying this requirement that we have  
                considered include:  
                A) DRAW_BUFFER is part of the context state vector, but  
                   is not part of the framebuffer object state vector.  
                B) Every framebuffer, including the per-context default  
                   window-system-provided framebuffer, has its own value  
                   for DRAW_BUFFER.  
            ii) MakeCurrent vs. BindFramebuffer  
                As described above, the context state vector must  
                contain a value for DRAW_BUFFER that applies to the  
                default window-system-provided framebuffer, which is  
                used after a call to BindFramebuffer(0).  When  
                MakeCurrent is used to bind the context to a different  
                drawable (window or pbuffer), the context's value of  
                DRAW_BUFFER remains unchanged.  In other words, the  
                choice of drawable does not affect the value of  
                An application-created framebuffer object is another  
                type of drawable.  When the framebuffer binding is  
                changed via BindFramebuffer, issue (56) speaks to the  
                way in which DRAW_BUFFER is or is not updated.  If  
                DRAW_BUFFER is part of the context state vector, then  
                DRAW_BUFFER remains unchanged after calling  
                BindFramebuffer, just like it remains unchanged after  
                calling MakeCurrent.  On the other hand, if DRAW_BUFFER  
                is part of the framebuffer object state vector, then  
                after calling BindFramebuffer DRAW_BUFFER may change  
                along with the rest of the per-framebuffer state (i.e.,  
                the image attachments).  
                By defining DRAW_BUFFER as context state, the behavior  
                of BindFramebuffer and MakeCurrent are similar, with  
                respect to their effect on the value of DRAW_BUFFER.  
                On the other hand, by defining DRAW_BUFFER as  
                framebuffer object state, then BindFramebuffer and  
                MakeCurrent differ in their impact on the value of  
           iii) Multiple contexts and shared framebuffer objects  
                If DRAW_BUFFER is part of the framebuffer object state  
                vector, then a single value of DRAW_BUFFER, like all of  
                the framebuffer object state, will be shared by any  
                context bound to a given framebuffer object.  This can  
                be considered either a feature or a restriction  
                depending on whether or not it is desirable for multiple  
                contexts to be able to share a single the value of  
                Note that WGL_ARB_pbuffer plus WGL_ARB_render_texture  
                API has limitations due to the fact that the texture  
                image selection state is stored in the pbuffer drawable.  
                For example, that API does not support six different  
                contexts (in six different threads) simultaneously  
                rendering to the six faces of a cube map pbuffer.  It  
                offers no way to share the images without also sharing  
                the pbuffer, and the pbuffer contains a single set of  
                texture image selection state.  
                EXT_framebuffer_object differs from ARB_render_texture,  
                however, however, in that EXT_framebuffer_object allows  
                the same images of a texture to be attached to multiple  
                framebuffer objects.  Consequently, the above cubemap  
                example can be implemented in EXT_framebuffer_object in  
                one or two ways, depending on the resolution of issue  
                1) Create six framebuffer objects.  Attach a different  
                   face of a cubemap texture to each of the six  
                   framebuffer objects.  Each of the six contexts binds  
                   to a unique framebuffer object.  Technically, this  
                   option is available whether DRAW_BUFFER is context or  
                   framebuffer state.  However, if it is context state,  
                   then there is no reason to create six framebuffer  
                   objects since the value of the DRAW_BUFFER will  
                   already be unique per context.  
                2) On the other hand, if DRAW_BUFFER is defined as  
                   context state, then a second option is available.  
                   Using a single framebuffer object, attach each face  
                   of the cube map texture to a different attachment  
                   point in the framebuffer object.  Each of the six  
                   contexts binds to the same framebuffer object, but  
                   each context uses a different value of DRAW_BUFFER.  
            iv) Frequency of DrawBuffer calls:  
                Whether DRAW_BUFFER is part of context or framebuffer  
                state will have an effect on how often one must call  
                DrawBuffer after modifying framebuffer state.  
                If DRAW_BUFFER is part of the context state vector, then  
                DRAW_BUFFER is guaranteed to become invalid after  
                calling BindFramebuffer to switch between the default  
                framebuffer and a user-created framebuffer object [i.e.,  
                this is case (C) in issue (55)].  DRAW_BUFFER may become  
                invalid after switching between two user-created  
                framebuffer objects if the framebuffer objects do not  
                have images attached to the same set of color attachment  
                points.  When DRAW_BUFFER is invalid, it is necessary to  
                call DrawBuffer to set DRAW_BUFFER to a valid value or  
                else rendering is disabled.  
                If, on the other hand, DRAW_BUFFER is part of the  
                framebuffer object state vector, then it should never be  
                necessary to call DrawBuffer after calling  
                BindFramebuffer.  DRAW_BUFFER would only become invalid  
                if an image was detached from the framebuffer, or if  
                MakeCurrent bound the default framebuffer to a drawable  
                with a different set of color buffers.  (The latter was  
                possible prior to this extension.)  
                Note that there are several state-modifying routines  
                that may also need to get called after a framebuffer  
                state change, like Viewport, Scissor, etc.  We are not  
                proposing that these other routines be part of  
                framebuffer state.  One could think of DrawBuffer as  
                being similar to these other routines which you may also  
                need to call when you bind between framebuffer objects.  
                On the other hand, some have questioned whether an  
                invalid DRAW_BUFFER is really in the same class of  
                problems as an out-of-bounds viewport or scissor  
                because: 1) an invalid viewport or scissor never  
                generates a GL error, and 2) prior to the  
                EXT_framebuffer_object extension an invalid DRAW_BUFFER  
                would generate INVALID_ENUM inside DrawBuffer.  
             v) Effect on framebuffer completeness test:  
                By resolution of issue (66), if the draw buffer is  
                context state, then the fact that the draw buffer names  
                a non-existent buffer can not affect the result of the  
                framebuffer completeness test.  Note that this still  
                could be considered a "do not render" case, but would  
                separate from the framebuffer completeness test.  
                If the draw buffer(s) and read buffer are part of the  
                framebuffer object state then having a draw or read  
                buffer name a non-existent buffer can (if we choose) be  
                part of the framebuffer (in)completeness test.  
                Note, by resolution of issue (64), failing the  
                framebuffer completeness test causes a GL error to be  
                generated when draw or read operations are attempted.  
                Prior to EXT_framebuffer_object, it was already possible  
                to have an invalid value of DRAW_BUFFER if a call to  
                MakeCurrent bound the context to a drawable that did not  
                contain a color buffer corresponding to the context's  
                value of DRAW_BUFFER.  However, no GL error would be  
                generated if DRAW_BUFFER obtained an invalid value  
                through this method.  
            vi) Draw buffer(s) error behavior:  
                Prior to the EXT_framebuffer_object extension, it was an  
                error to call DrawBuffer or ReadBuffer with a value that  
                did not correspond to one of the logical color buffers  
                of the currently bound drawable (window or pbuffer).  
                Although it was not possible to set DRAW_BUFFER to an  
                invalid value by calling DrawBuffer, it was actually  
                possible for DRAW_BUFFER to have an invalid value after  
                a call to MakeCurrent, as describe in issue (55).  
                It has not been decided yet whether  
                EXT_framebuffer_object will relax the requirement that  
                the argument to DrawBuffer references a color buffer  
                that "exists" in the currently drawable.  
                In working group discussions, there was a perception  
                that such an error during DrawBuffer can be generated  
                only if DRAW_BUFFER is part of the framebuffer object  
                state vector.  Then when the default framebuffer (window  
                or pbuffer) is current, the legal values of the argument  
                to DrawBuffer would be determined by the pixel format or  
                fbconfig.  When a user-created framebuffer object is  
                current, the legal values of DrawBuffer would either be  
                any of the COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT names or only the names  
                of attachment points to which an image is presently  
                However, given the precedent set by MakeCurrent and  
                DRAW_BUFFER, it seems reasonable to retain the  
                preexisting requirement that the argument to DrawBuffer  
                names a buffer that "exists" in the current drawable.  
                In other words, there already exists precedent that says  
                it is OK for DrawBuffer to generate an error in all the  
                cases described in the preceeding paragraph, even if  
                DRAW_BUFFER is defined as part of the context state  
    (57) Should we have a query to define the maximum number of  
         attachable color buffers (to support ARB_draw_buffers)?  
            Currently an application can query the GL for the maximum  
            number of supported AUX buffers.  An application can also  
            query for MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ARB in the ARB_draw_buffers  
            extension.  Given that we have named the color logical  
            buffer attachment points, COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT through  
            COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT, it seems natural that we should have  
            a query to find the maximum value "n".  
            One thought was that we might be able to use  
            MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ARB to store this value, but that value  
            really describes the maximum number of colors that can be  
            simultaneously output which is not the same thing as the  
            number of buffers which can be attached and then selected  
            among using DrawBuffersARB().  
            This question is related to issue (54), which covers the  
            names of the user-created framebuffer object color  
            attachment points.  Using the names COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT  
            through COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT rather that the legacy color  
            buffer attachment names (FRONT_LEFT et. al.) for  
            user-created framebuffer objects has an advantage that the  
            number of color buffer attachment points could be queried  
            independent of the number of AUX buffers and existence of  
            front/back & left/right color buffers as specified in the  
            pixelformat.  The number of available offscreen attachment  
            points really should be independent of the properties of the  
            current drawable's pixelformat, especially since MakeCurrent  
            can bind a context to a drawable with a different  
            pixelformat and thus different set of color buffers.  
            One implication of this query is that the value of  
            MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT is possibly still dependent on the  
            context/pixel format but independent of the currently bound  
            framebuffer.  In other words, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT can  
            not change simply because the user called BindFramebuffer().  
            Or can it?  See issue (62)  
    (58) What should we do about rendering to textures with borders?  
         (besides attempt to fervently wish them out of existence, I mean)  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, borders are fully supported  
                Should we allow rendering to textures with borders at  
                    Resolved: yes  
                If we allow this, can you render to the border pixels?  
                    Resolved: yes  
            The reason this is an issue is that (a) everyone hates  
            supporting borders, and (b) it's not clear what it means to  
            render to a texture with borders.  
            To disallow rendering to a texture image with non-zero  
            border size, we could add a test for non-zero border size to  
            the definition framebuffer completeness.  This might be  
            preferrable to an error at FramebufferTexture, since the  
            user could always redefine the texture to have borders after  
            attachment, and so the framebuffer completeness test is  
            necessary anyway.  
            However, since borders do exist today and we are not  
            planning to rip them out of OpenGL everywhere else, we  
            decided to support them.  It seemed odd that you could still  
            specify borders via TexImage but not render into the same  
            texture so we leave them supported.  Note that it's quite  
            possible that implementations which don't support borders  
            may continue to either not support them or fall to software  
            If someday we decide to disallow borders in general, they  
            will be disallowed from this extension as well.  
            One additional note: section 3.8.2, page 137, of the OpenGL  
            1.5 specification, states that {Copy}TexSubImage uses  
            negative offsets to refer to border texels.  We choose not  
            to do this because negative window-coordinates are  
            undefined.  (NOTE: Are negative window coordinates actually  
            undefined?  Or are they just not commonly used in practice?)  
    (59) Should we support named bit depths for stencil renderbuffers?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes, choose 4 common formats.  
            We intend to support using renderbuffers to store stencil  
            data.  This means we need to consider what kind of "internal  
            format" request we provide for stencil formatted  
            We choose to allow a "named" format request for the internal  
            format.  This is essentially equivalent to the named  
            internal format request of the TexImage calls.  It is merely  
            a request and the driver will attempt to satisfy it as best  
            as possible but may approximate the requested format with  
            another format.  Additionally, this request is subject to  
            the same invariance constraints as the texture internal  
            format requests.  
            For the initial extension we choose the following 4 formats:  
    (60) If depth buffer is disabled when a user-created framebuffer  
         object is bound and an image is attached to GL_DEPTH, does the  
         depth buffer factor into framebuffer validity determination or  
         is the depth buffer ignored?  Similar for other types of  
         logical buffers.  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, consider all attached images when  
            determining framebuffer completeness, even if the images are  
            "irrelevant" based on the state of the framebuffer.  
            The main reason to consider not paying attention to certain  
            images (i.e., ignoring the image attached to the depth  
            buffer when depth test is disabled) would be developer  
            convenience.  The developer wouldn't need to explicitly  
            detach a buffer, but could set the state to ignore it  
            (disable depth test, or disable color mask, reset draw  
            buffer, etc).  
            However, this raises the possibility that by simply changing  
            this other state (depth test, stencil test, color mask, etc)  
            the query for framebuffer completeness could change values.  
            This was deemed undesirable.  We'd like to be able to  
            minimize the amount of state changes that can cause the  
            framebuffer completeness query to change.  
            Another strange effect of ignoring "irrelevant" images when  
            considering framebuffer completeness is that we could get an  
            undesirable interaction between draw buffer and the pixel  
            format for the framebuffer.  A framebuffer is considered  
            incomplete if the color buffers do not all have the same  
            internal format.  But, consider the following case:  
                - an application attaches a floating point  
                  color-renderable image to COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, and  
                - the application attaches a fixed point  
                  color-renderable image to COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 and  
                - the application sets the DRAW_BUFFER to  
                  COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, then  
            If we ignored the attached images not pointed to by  
            DRAW_BUFFER(s} when evalutating framebuffer completeness, we  
            could consider this framebuffer complete.  This framebuffer  
            would use floating point rendering.  Now, if the application  
            simply changes the DRAW_BUFFER to COLOR-ATTACHMENT2, then we  
            would also say the framebuffer is complete but now the  
            framebuffer would be using fixed point rendering.  We didn't  
            want to allow a change to DRAW_BUFFER to effectively change  
            the pixel format.  On the other hand if we always considered  
            all attached images, then in this case described above, the  
            framebuffer would always be incomplete while the formats of  
            the color-renderable images were inconsistent.  
            To avoid the above complications, we choose to have  
            framebuffer completeness queries consider all attached  
            buffers, regardless of whether they would be "used"  
            according to the current state vector or not.  
    (61) What are the "minimum requirements" to support this extension?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, language added to end of  
            For instance, is it a requirement that there must be at  
            least one renderable color, depth, and stencil format that  
            can all work together?  is it a requirement that you must be  
            able to render to *any* "color-renderable" texture format?  
            Since this extension specifically pulling in functionality  
            that used to be in the domain of the window sytem, we would  
            like to use as a starting point for our requrirements, the  
            language from the GLX 1.3 spec, page 15, which lists the  
            minimum requirements langauge for a conformant GLX  
            Questions to answer:  
                - is the GLX spec a good starting point?  
                - do we want the same requirements as the GLX spec?  
                - do we want stronger requirements than the GLX spec?  
                - do we want some kind of requirement that states that  
                  to support this extension, there must be at least one  
                  "gl conformant" framebuffer configuration that can be  
                  constructed on a given implementation?  If so, how do  
                  we phrase this?  
            Anyway, the GLX spec states:  
                "Servers are required to export at least one GLXFBConfig  
                that supports RGBA rendering to windows and passes  
                OpenGL conformance (i.e., the GLX RENDER TYPE attribute  
                must have the GLX RGBA BIT set, the GLX DRAWABLE TYPE  
                attribute must have the GLX WINDOW BIT set and the GLX  
                CONFIG CAVEAT attribute must not be set to GLX NON  
                CONFORMANT CONFIG).  This GLXFBConfig must have at least  
                one color buffer, a stencil buffer of at least 1 bit, a  
                depth buffer of at least 12 bits, and an accumulation  
                buffer; auxiliary buffers are optional, and the alpha  
                buffer may have 0 bits.  The color buffer size for this  
                GLXFBConfig must be as large as that of the deepest  
                TrueColor, DirectColor, PseudoColor, or StaticColor  
                visual supported on framebuffer level zero (the main  
                image planes), and this confguration must be available  
                on framebuffer level zero."  
            So if we did a direct translation of these requirements into  
            our spec, we'd end up with something approximately like the  
                Although GL defines a wide variety of internal formats  
                for textures and renderbuffers, some implementations may  
                not support particular combinations of internal formats  
                for the images attached to the framebuffer.  For a  
                framebuffer with these unsupported combinations of  
                internal formats, calls to CheckFramebufferStatusEXT()  
                will return FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT.  
                There must exist, however, at least one combinations of  
                internal formats for the images attached to the  
                framebuffer for which CheckFramebufferStatusEXT() will  
                *not* return FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT.  
                Specifically, implementations are required to support at  
                least one set of internal formats for the images  
                attached to a framebuffer such that  
                    - the image attached to the color buffer supports  
                      RGBA rendering, and  
                    - the image attached to the color buffer has at  
                      least as many bits as the deepest visual supported  
                      by the window-system, although the alpha buffer  
                      can have 0 bits, and  
                    - the image attached to the depth buffer has at  
                      least 12 bits, and  
                    - the image attached to the stencil buffer has at  
                      least 1 bit, and  
                    - rendering to this framebuffer passes OpenGL  
            However, it looks like no one is seriously using the  
            NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG bit under GLX or AGL, and on WGL,  
            there is no such bit, so we'd like to "assume" conformance  
            and drop the last clause.  Additionally, we'd like to just  
            piggy back on the existing requirements without duplicating  
            them here so we will simplify this language to leave out the  
            last paragraph and list of clauses altogether.  
            We do wish to retain the notion that there must be some  
            configuration for which FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT is not  
    (62) Exactly which, if any, queriable state can change after a call  
         to BindFramebuffer and/or a change in framebuffer attachments?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, at the Sept. 2004 ARB meeting we  
            resolved in principle that there is a small subset of  
            "framebuffer-related" state that can change.  We just need  
            to define exactly the subset.  The current subset as listed  
            in section 4.4.5 is below:  
            The reason this is an issue is that traditionally there are  
            some GL context state queries that are dependent on pixel  
            format and window-system state.  For instance, doing a  
            GetIntegerv of DEPTH_BITS returns the bit depth of the  
            window-system allocated depth buffer which is a function of  
            the pixel format.  If DEPTH_BITS is zero, this means that no  
            depth buffer was present in the pixel format.  Other context  
            state queries like MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS, MAX_ACCUM_BUFFERS,  
            SAMPLES, etc are all possibly functions of the current pixel  
            format, and have traditionally been constant over the  
            lifetime of a given context.  
            However, this extension specifically subsumes some of the  
            operations and state of the window-system pixel format  
            mechanism.  So an obvious question is: what should these  
            queries return for things like DEPTH_BITS and  
            MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS when using a non-default framebuffer  
            If we allow these queries to return a value that is a  
            function of the current framebuffer object, then a  
            consequence is that the values returned by these queries can  
            change after a call to BindFramebuffer and/or a change in  
            the attachments of the currently bound framebuffer object.  
            This may be desirable: for instance, a user may rightly  
            expect that querying RED_BITS returns the red bits of the  
            currently attached color buffer(s).  But is the user also  
            expecting that MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS might change?  What about  
            SAMPLES or SAMPLE_BUFFERS?  What about  
            Consider that in developing ARB_draw_buffers it was stated  
            that some implementations might want to set MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS  
            to 1 for pixel formats that also supported multisampling.  
            This would allow implementations to control which  
            capabilities they exported.  What facilities do we have for  
            this in this extension - can MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS change if we  
            supported multisampling on a non-default framebuffer object?  
            Fundamentally, all of the state in table 6.28-6.31 of the  
            OpenGL 1.5 spec (the MAX_* queries) can in theory change as  
            the result of the pixel format changing.  Since this  
            extension does an effective pixel format change, what if any  
            of this state can/should be allowed to change when  
            framebuffer attachments are changed?  
    (63) Should we change ValidateFramebuffer into an explicit  
         enum-based query for framebuffer completeness?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, separate API function rather than a  
            Get query, to emphasize the "on-demand" state examination.  
            We did choose a different name for ValidateFramebuffer().  
            In issue (67) we decided to rename this function  
            For reference the reason this is an issue is that, as  
            originally described, ValidateFramebuffer (now called  
            CheckFramebufferStatus) served three purposes:  
            First, it forced an "on-demand" examination of the current  
            framebuffer state (including framebuffer attachment state)  
            and the state of the attached images.  On some  
            implementations this examination might be expensive, and  
            therefore there was a desire to control exactly when the  
            operation would occur.  
            Second, because of the implementation dependent reasons that  
            a framebuffer might be considered not complete,  
            ValidateFramebuffer served as a query for an application to  
            determine at run-time if a seemingly compatible combination  
            of attached images is actually incompatible on the current  
            GL implementation.  
            Third, ValidateFramebuffer was more than just a query.  It  
            was a function that would set a piece of framebuffer state  
            that "enabled" rendering if the framebuffer was determined  
            to be complete.  After certain changes to framebuffer state,  
            or in the initial default state, unless ValidateFramebuffer  
            was called prior to rendering, and unless framebuffer  
            validation "passed", rendering would be disabled.  
            However, now that it is no longer required to call  
            ValidateFramebuffer prior to rendering, ValidateFramebuffer  
            doesn't really set any state.  The third reason is no longer  
            This leaves us with the first and second reasons.  The first  
            reason in particular seems to be driven by convenience.  It  
            is convenient to be able to control when this operation  
            happens, but it is arguably also convenient to be able to  
            force the examination/validation of a wide variety of other  
            pieces of GL state, yet we don't have specific on-demand  
            "ValidateTexture" or "ValidateBlendState" routines.  In  
            addition, on some implementations framebuffer validation may  
            be less expensive than originally thought.  
            So if we ignore the first reason for a moment, we are left  
            the second reason for ValidateFramebuffer - a query of the  
            framebuffer completeness.  We do wish to retain this query  
            somehow, so we could choose to leave it in its current form,  
            or we could choose to make it look like other more  
            traditional queries, i.e., some kind of GetInteger,  
            GetFramebuffer, or GetFramebufferParameter call.  
            If we feel like the first reason is still valid, we could  
            also choose to retain a ValidateFramebuffer call to get the  
            "on-demand" state examination and still choose to make  
            separate query for the framebuffer completeness.  
            Either way, if we decide to make an enum-based query we need  
            to choose the form.  We could choose to use GetInteger and  
            query for COMPLETENESS.  (If we do this, we'd need a  
            "per-target" variant of the enum, i.e.,  
            FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE, and if a read framebuffer target is  
            added later, READ_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE would need to be  
            added as well.)  This would be similar to how texture  
            bindings are queried on a per target basis as in  
            GetIntegerv(TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, ¶m).  Another option is  
            to add a target-aware query routine, i.e.,  
            GetFramebufferiv(FRAMEBUFFER, COMPLETE, ¶m); this is  
            similar to what the ARB vertex/fragment program API's did to  
            query per-target state like PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB.  
    (64) Should it be a GL error to attempt to render with an incomplete  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, "YES"  
            In looking at other GL resources that can be considered  
            "incomplete" for rendering, there were two precedents to  
            draw on here: (a) textures and (b) programs/shaders.  
            a) For textures, the GL behaves as if the incomplete  
            resource is simply not available.  That is, if an  
            application attempts to render with an incomplete texture,  
            then the GL behaves as if texturing is simply disabled.  No  
            error is thrown.  
            b) For ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program, and GLSL  
            shaders, if a program or shader is invalid, then the GL  
            throws an error at "Begin" time.  
            Originally, we choose style (a): treat an incomplete  
            framebuffer similar to a "pixel ownership test failure".  
            This means that no fragments are generated, reads of the  
            framebuffer generate undefined pixels, and no error is  
            [NOTE: Technically, according to the GL spec, the fate of  
            rendered fragments that fail the pixel ownership test is  
            left up to the window-system and is therefore implementation  
            dependent.  A better way to handle this is to mimic  
            make_current_read's language "as if DRAW_BUFFER is NONE"]  
            However, since the a query of framebuffer completeness can  
            only answer the question "is the framebuffer complete right  
            now?", but doesn't indicate whether the application may have  
            attempted to render with an incomplete framebuffer earlier,  
            we decided to throw an error in this case as an aid to the  
            developer.  Throwing an error has an advantage in that the  
            error state is retained, like all GL errors until the user  
            calls GetError().  
            Another option that was considered was to extend the  
            framebuffer completeness query to indicate that the  
            framebuffer is complete now, but was incomplete during  
            earlier rendering.  The downside of this option was that  
            then there would then be two return values for the query  
            that would mean "framebuffer complete right now".  So in the  
            end, we simply decided to leverage the existing GetError  
            semantics to capture this "sticky" error behavior.  
            One additional concern was that gl errors are traditionally  
            only used to indicate programming errors on the part of the  
            application, but the framebuffer completeness test may have  
            failed simply because of implementation dependencies through  
            no fault of the application.  We decided to adopt the notion  
            is that it is an error to attempt to render with an  
            incomplete framebuffer, on all implementations, and so it  
            actually *is* a programming error if an application does not  
            attempt to deal with an incomplete framebuffer prior to  
    (65) If it is an error to render to or read from an incomplete  
         framebuffer, should we use INVALID_OPERATION or create a new  
            We resolved to create a new error at the September ARB  
            meeting and then resolved the name of the error within  
            the work group.  
                We agreed that if we throw an error here, we'd like a  
                new error enum, particularly because the error may have  
                been triggered by a framebuffer which is incomplete for  
                implementation dependent reasons.  
                Some options for the new error name which were discussed:  
    (66) There are several issues related to how we treat DrawBuffer(s)  
         and other context state with respect to framebuffer  
         completeness.  We'd like a self-consistent model here and this  
         may affect the resolution of issue (8), (44), (55), and (56).  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, (d) - no context state in framebuffer  
            completeness test, but context state can affect whether  
            rendering takes place, does not take place, or is undefined.  
            Note option (d) required us to revisit issue (44).  
            The first question we had to answer was:  
                Is it desireable that "framebuffer completeness" be  
                purely a property of the set of framebuffer state (which  
                includes the state of the images attached to the  
                framebuffer)?  Or can a framebuffer's completeness  
                depend on "non-framebuffer" context state as well?  
            For instance, there are currently two pieces of context  
            state that can affect framebuffer completeness: texture  
            binding state and draw buffer state.  
            First, in issue (44), we decided that attaching an image of  
            a currently bound and enabled texture to a framebuffer can  
            cause a framebuffer to be incomplete.  The texture binding  
            is context state and there are pieces of the texture object  
            state (base level, max level) that can also affect the  
            determination of framebuffer completeness.  (Additionally if  
            we add render-to-vertex-array functionality later, we might  
            expect to have a framebuffer completeness requirement that  
            examines the state of the currently bound vertex array.)  
            One way to avoid this context dependency is to revisit issue  
            (44) and say that this "texture-from-destination" case  
            simply generates undefined rendering but does not affect  
            framebuffer completeness.  This would replace the "expressly  
            disabled" rendering and framebuffer incompleteness with  
            "undefined rendering", but would also let implementations  
            avoid checking context state during the validation of the  
            framebuffer state.  
            The second piece of context state that might cause  
            framebuffer validation failures is the draw buffer(s) and/or  
            read buffer state.  It has been suggested in issue (55) that  
            if the draw buffers specify attachment points with no  
            attached images, then the framebuffer might be considered  
            incomplete.  If we choose to do this, then we would have  
            context state influencing framebuffer completeness state.  
            However, if we resolve issue (56) to say that the draw  
            buffer state is part of the framebuffer object state, then  
            the draw buffer is no longer context state and this  
            particular dependency of framebuffer completeness on context  
            state goes away.  
            The above discussion leaves us with several self-consistent,  
            but different sets of decisions:  
                (a) Remove context dependencies from framebuffer  
                    To do this we would:  
                    - Move draw buffer state from context into  
                      framebuffer: issue (56)  
                    - Make "texture-from-destination" undefined instead  
                      of a reason for framebuffer incompleteness: issue  
                    - Presumably, if we created a render-to-vertex-array  
                      extension layered on this one, we would likely  
                      also make rendering into the currently bound  
                      vertex array undefined as well.  
                    With option (a), we can say that having draw buffer  
                    set to an non-existent buffer is a reason for  
                    framebuffer incompleteness and there are no context  
                    dependencies.  This would resolve issue (55).  
                (b) Allow context dependencies in framebuffer  
                    Essentially this means that the result of a query of  
                    framebuffer completeness is dependent on the context  
                    making the query - or put another way, the  
                    framebuffer completeness state is context state not  
                    framebuffer state.  
                    If we choose this option (b), then we are esentially  
                    free to resolve issues (44), (55), and (56)  
                    however we want.  In other words:  
                        - draw buffer can be either context or  
                          framebuffer state: issue (56)  
                        - "texture-from-destination" can be either  
                          undefined or a reason for framebuffer  
                        - draw buffer specifying a non-existent buffer  
                          can be a reason for framebuffer incompleteness  
                          or could result in undefined behavior: issue  
                (c) Remove the framebuffer object and make the  
                    framebuffer state part of the context.  
                    This option redefines the issue by not making a  
                    distinction between framebuffer "object" state and  
                    "context" state, therefore framebuffer completeness  
                    depends only on "context" state because all of the  
                    "framebuffer" state is now "context" state.  
                    This would mean that there is now a subset of state  
                    in the context that can be considered the  
                    "framebuffer state" of the context.  This is the set  
                    of state that would presumably be pushed/popped  
                    under a theoretical FRAMEBUFFER_BIT for  
                    Regardless of whether there is a framebuffer object,  
                    framebuffer completeness may or may not still depend  
                    on pieces of other "context" state that are not part  
                    of subset of context state related to the  
                    "non-default" framebuffer (for instance, texture  
                    bindings and/or draw buffer state).  
                    If we choose this option (c),  
                        - we remove the framebuffer object: issue (8)  
                          This means:  
                            - removing gen/is/bind/delete framebuffer  
                            - moving the attachment state into the  
                            - creating new context bind points for  
                              framebuffer attachments and creating new  
                              BindFramebufferAttachableImage calls or  
                              using the FramebufferTexture() calls to do  
                              context binds of framebuffer-attachable  
                        - we decide whether there is a single set of  
                          draw/read buffer context state or a 2nd set of  
                          draw/read buffer context state to be used for  
                          "non-default" framebuffer objects.  Either way  
                          it's "context" state but we need to know if we  
                          have one set of state or two.  This is a  
                          variation on issue (56).  
                        - as in option (b), "texture-from-destination"  
                          can be either undefined or a reason for  
                          framebuffer incompleteness  
                        - as in option (b), a draw buffer specifying a  
                          non-existent buffer can either be a reason for  
                          framebuffer incompleteness or could result in  
                          undefined behavior: issue (55)  
                        - all the framebuffer attachments become context  
                        - we add a framebuffer enable/disable bit to use  
                          to distinguish between the "default" and  
                          "non-default" framebuffer  
                (d) Create a new category of reasons that you can't use  
                    a framebuffer for rendering in a specific context,  
                    but that are not part of the test for "framebuffer  
                    Essentially, this is a kind of hybrid of options (a)  
                    and (b).  There are no context dependent reasons for  
                    framebuffer incompleteness, but at the same time  
                    there are some additional context-dependent  
                    constraints on using a framebuffer.  In other words,  
                    a framebuffer can be complete but still not suitable  
                    for rendering by a given context.  
                    This creates two categories of tests that can be  
                    used to disable rendering - the set of  
                    context-independent test that are used to determine  
                    framebuffer completeness, and the set of tests that  
                    are context-dependent and not used to determine  
                    framebuffer completeness.  
                    An open question is: should we add a separate query  
                    for this second set of context-dependent tests  
                    and/or a "meta-query" that would cover both sets.  
                    This "meta-query" would return "true" if and only if  
                    the framebuffer is complete *and* it can be used in  
                    this context.  
                    Note that while the "is framebuffer complete" query  
                    is required by the fact that a framebuffer can be  
                    incomplete because of implementation dependent  
                    reasons, the second query of the context-dependent  
                    test results and the "meta query" are primarily  
                    debugging aids, though perhaps convenient ones.  
                    The framebuffer completeness query is analogous to  
                    asking if a texture is "mipmap complete".  The  
                    question, "can I render into my framebuffer", is  
                    analgous to asking the question, "is texturing  
                    enabled."  A bound texture may be "complete", but  
                    texturing can still be disabled due to an  
                    unfortunate combination of non-texture-object  
                    context state.  Option (d) is basically saying the  
                    same thing of framebuffer objects.  
                    To implement option (d), we'd do the following:  
                    - If draw buffer is defined as "context state" it  
                      can not affect framebuffer completeness, but if  
                      draw buffer is defined as framebuffer state it  
                      might affect framebuffer completeness.  See issues  
                      (55) and (56).  
                    - Make "texture-from-destination" undefined instead  
                      of a reason for framebuffer incompleteness: issue  
                      (44).  Technically, this could still be an error  
                      unrelated to framebuffer completeness, but we are  
                      trying to avoid creating a precedent for arbitrary  
                      "errors at begin time".  When this case was  
                      included in the "framebuffer completeness"  
                      validation, the additional cost of generating the  
                      error was free.  But if this  
                      "texture-from-destination" case is not part of  
                      framebuffer completeness, then it is an additional  
                      cost at begin time to detect this in order to flag  
                      an error (and/or disable rendering).  To avoid  
                      this cost, we would make this undefined.  
                    - Presumably, if we later create a  
                      render-to-vertex-array extension layered on this  
                      one, we would likely also choose the same  
                      resolution for rendering into the currently bound  
                      vertex array as we choose for the currently bound  
    (67) In issue (63) we decided we want to use a dedicated API  
         function to test framebuffer completeness.  We might want to  
         change the name of "ValidateFramebuffer" however.  If so, what  
         name should we use?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, CheckFramebufferStatus()  
            One reason we decided to retain an explicit API function  
            instead of just using a GetInteger style query is to  
            emphasis the "on-demand" state examination that takes place  
            when making this query.  
            However, some were uncomfortable with the name  
            ValidateFramebuffer for this purpose.  Some felt that it  
            implied a requirement to call the function, and others felt  
            it was too similar in name to the GLSL function  
            ValidateProgram which served a related but slightly  
            different purpose.  So we chose a new name.  
            Some options we considered:  
    (68) Exactly which levels should by generated by GenerateMipmapEXT?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, from TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL+1 through q  
            Automatic mipmap generation via GENERATE_MIPMAP generates  
            from TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL+1 through p, which is the 1x1 level.  
            However, applications frequently don't want to waste  
            computation generating past q, which is the min of  
            TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL and p.  The only recourse is to accept the  
            performance hit or to not use GENERATE_MIPMAP.  
            Arguably GENERATE_MIPMAP should have been specified to  
            generate only through q.  We have the opportunity to "fix"  
            this problem by "correctly" specifying the new function  
            GenerateMipmapEXT to generate only from TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL+1  
            through q.  
            As the specification of GenerateMipmapEXT is currently  
            written, GenerateMipmapEXT only generates levels  
            TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL+1 through q.  
    (69) What should we call the framebuffer objects to distinguish  
         them from the default framebuffer?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, "application-created"  
            Currently we call these "application-created" framebuffers  
            Some places in the spec have also referred these as  
            "GL-allocated" framebuffers.  Whichever term we use, we  
            should use it consistently.  
            Some terms we considered:  
                "application-created" framebuffers  
                "application-allocated" framebuffers  
                "non-default" framebuffers  
                "GL-created" framebuffers  
                "GL-allocated" framebuffers  
                "dynamically-created" framebuffers  
            The GL spec already talks about "creating" textures, not  
            "allocating" them, so "*-created" seems like a better  
            It's a bit of a toss-up between "GL-created" and  
            "application-created".  Technically, the "GL" really creates  
            and manages these objects but it only does so at the request  
            of the application.  Going with "application-created" for  
    (70) With which, if any, attribute bit does the framebuffer binding  
         push and pop?  The same question applies to the current  
             RESOLUTION: resolved, don't push/pop framebuffer binding  
             bit for now.  If desired, we may add this in the ARB/core  
             update of this spec.  
        There are a few precedents to choose from.  
        The ARB_vertex/fragment_program extensions chose to *not*  
        push/pop the current program object binding.  It's not clear if  
        this was intentional or which existing attribute bit was  
        appropriate to use or if there was a desire to not create a new  
        attribute bit.  
        ARB_vertex_buffer_object buffer objects and GL core texture  
        objects do push/pop the bindings with the existing VERTEX_ARRAY  
        and TEXTURE bits respectively.  In addition, the texture enables  
        are push/pop'ed with the TEXTURE bit.  
        If we do wish to push/pop the FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT state we  
        probably need a new FRAMEBUFFER bit.  
        We could also consider adding a RENDERBUFFER_BIT to cover the  
        current renderbuffer binding or allow this renderbuffer binding  
        to push/pop with the FRAMEBUFFER bit.  However, it's less clear  
        that push/pop'ing the renderbuffer binding is useful since the  
        renderbuffer binding is not used for rendering.  The  
        renderbuffer binding is only used to set the current  
        renderbuffer for renderbuffer storage allocation and queries.  
        Also, there are a related set of questions about how much state  
        should push/pop with a new FRAMEBUFFER bit.  Should we push/pop  
        all of the framebuffer object state in addition to the current  
        binding?  Similar to the way vertex array's can be attached to  
        VBO's, use of VBO, framebuffers can be attached to other GL  
        objects.  The TEXTURE_BIT covers both per object (min/mag  
        filter) and per context (texture environment and enable) state.  
        It's not clear if this is useful or desirable to have per-object  
        state push/pop.  With the addition of object semantics, it seems  
        like the need for push/pop of object state is reduced.  
        In the end, since we'd need to create a new bit anyway, we  
        decided to defer adding push/pop semantics until we understand  
        the implementation ramifications better.  If we decide to create  
        the bit later on in the ARB or Core revision of this extension,  
        we can add it in a backward-compatible fashion.  
    (71) Should we spell out precisely which rendering and reading  
         routines can cause us to generate an error at the time the  
         rendering or reading functions are called?  
             RESOLUTION: resolved, keep the same language as ARB  
             vertex/fragment program and GLSL for now, with the  
             addtitions relevant for reading the framebuffer, but  
             recommend the ARB look at this when doing the next core GL  
             spec revision.  
        Currently GL has a few cases that can cause errors at render  
        time.  Specifically, attempting to render with a mapped vertex  
        buffer object, an invalid low-level vertex or fragment program,  
        or an invalid GLSL program object all generate errors at "Begin"  
        This extension adds a new error at "begin" time.  Attempting to  
        render with an "incomplete" framebuffer generates  
        INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT.  In addition, this extension  
        adds the same error at "read" time if the application tries to  
        read from an "incomplete" framebuffer.  
        The ARB vertex program, ARB fragment program, and GLSL extension  
        specs state that an app which tries to use an "invalid" object  
        can generate errors when Begin, RasterPos, or any command that  
        performs an explicit Begin is called.  
        This extension has adopted similar language.  So the question  
        asked by this issue is: do we need ot be more explicit.  
        There are some ambiguities.  For instance, it is an error to  
        write pixels using an "implicit Begin" operation like DrawArrays  
        if the current vertex program is invalid, but it is not an error  
        to do an Accum operation which also writes pixels to the  
        This issue applies to all of these extensions.  
        Options include:  
            - listing all routines which can render or read from the  
              framebuffer and stating that they can cause an error if  
              the framebuffer is incomplete, solving the problem for  
              this extension only.  
            - adding to the GL core a table of "routines that read  
              pixels" and "routines that write pixels" and referencing  
              those tables in the language for each of these extensions.  
        Because each extension is doing something a little different,  
        it's not even clear if the second option is a viable option.  
        It's possible each extension would need its own list of routines  
        which can generate errors anyway.  
        Basically, this is a larger problem than this  
        EXT_framebuffer_object extension.  For now, we choose to use the  
        same (vague-ish) language adopted by the  
        ARB_vertex/fragment_program and GLSL extnesions.  
        We do recommend, however, that the ARB address this issue in the  
        next GL core revision.  
    (72)  Should the framebuffer completeness test include a clause that  
          says "at least one color attachment" has been made?  Or "at  
          least one attachment of any type"?  Or is the framebuffer  
          still complete when there are no attachments at all?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, a framebuffer must have at least one  
            color-renderable, depth-renderable, or stencil-renderable  
            image attached to be complete.  
            While a framebuffer with only depth, or only color  
            attachments seems plausible, we couldn't come up with a  
            sensible use for a framebuffer with no attachments at all,  
            so the assumption is that this is an unintended error on the  
            part of the application.  Therefore, we choose to make it  
            part of the framebuffer completeness test.  
            We could make this its own clause in the framebuffer  
            completeness test.  If we choose to do so, we should  
            probably come up with a new FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_* to  
            conform to our previous practice of keeping one enum per  
            However, since this is really related to the attachment  
            state, we could just piggy back this on the first clause and  
            same all the attachment points must be "attachment complete"  
            and there must be at least one color, depth, or stencil  
            buffer attached.  
            If we choose this latter option, we can continue to use the  
            FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT enum to cover this case.  
    (73) This clause from framebuffer completeness  
           * The value of FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT must  
             not be NONE for any color attachment point named by  
         basically requires at least one color attachment is non-NULL.  
         But this is not what we want.  So what should we do?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, (4a) READ_BUFFER can be NONE  
         The reason is: READ_BUFFER is not allowed to be NONE, which in  
         turn means to be framebuffer complete, READ_BUFFER must be  
         COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT for some n which has an image attached.  
         However, we don't wish to preclude a no-color framebuffer.  
         What should we do?  
            Options include:  
                4a) Allow READ_BUFFER of NONE, reads of color from the  
                    framebuffer when read buffer is none, generate error  
                4b) Generate an error when a read operation (ReadPixels,  
                    CopyPixels, etc) is attempted while the color  
                    attachment point referenced by the READ_BUFFER does  
                    not have an attached image.  
                4c) Reverse earlier decision to allow complete  
                    framebuffer not to have any color attachments.  
                    Instead, require at least one color attachment.  
                    READ_BUFFER must point to a valid color attachment  
                    or else the framebuffer object is incomplete.  
        (4c) seems to require the user attach a color buffer just to be  
        able to read the depth buffer of a depth-only framebuffer.  
        (4b) seems to suffer from the same problem (unless we move the  
        "valid read buffer" test out of the completeness test).  
        Of these choices, (4a) seems to be the most palatable.  We  
        choose the allow the value of READ_BUFFER to be NONE, but reads  
        of color buffers when READ_BUFFER is NONE will generate an  
        error, in order to be consistent with the decision in issues  
        (26) and (65).  
    (74) What should CheckFramebufferStatusEXT return if  
         FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is zero?  
         Secondary question: what should CheckFramebufferStatusEXT  
         return if there is an error?  
             RESOLUTION: resolved, default fb returns COMPLETE always,  
             and CheckFramebufferStatusEXT returns  
             FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS_ERROR if there is an error (bad target)  
            This goes to a larger question of whether all framebuffers  
            including the default window-system-provided framebuffer  
            have a "completeness" state, or if "completeness" is only a  
            property which applies to application-created framebuffers.  
            For the case where the current FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is  
            zero, options include:  
                - CheckFramebufferStatusEXT returns an error when  
                  FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT is zero.  
                - CheckFramebufferStatusEXT always returns  
                  is zero.  
            For the case CheckFramebufferStatusEXT generates an error,  
            options include:  
                - reworking CheckFramebufferStatus into a "get" style  
                  routine that returns a value (or not) in an input  
                  parameter like GetIntegerv  
                - returning a known value like NONE or 0  
                - returning undefined results  
    (75) How are state values for the stencil index write mask and  
         stencil reference value affected by this extension?  
                a) index write mask is stored as 32 bit value, default  
                   is all 1's, and  
                b) reference value is not clamped on specification but  
                   rather is clamped on use and query, and  
                c) we need to add the stencil reference value  
                   to the state table that lists the state values that  
                   might change after a framebuffer state change  
            The reason this is an issue is that the current GL  
            specification indicates that the stencil index write mask  
            and the stencil reference value are masked/clamped according  
            to the number of stencil bitplanes.  However, in this  
            extension the number of stencil bitplanes can now change  
            dynamically as the image attached to the framebuffer is  
            For instance, if these values are clamped/masked according  
            to the bitdepth of the currently attached stencil buffer,  
            what should happen if the user later attaches a stencil  
            buffer of a different bit depth?  Must the stencil reference  
            value or index write mask be respecified?  
            For the index write mask: we decide to treat this value as  
            "all 1's" as the current specification allows, but further  
            define the number of 1's to be 32 (the minimum width of an  
            integer in GL), and a likely maximum stencil bitdpeth for  
            the forseeable future.  This should retain backward  
            compatbility and still handle the case where the bitdepth of  
            the stencil buffer can change dynamically.  
            For the stencil reference value, we decide to treat this  
            state similar to way various clamped colors are treated in  
            the ARB floating point pixel extensions.  Specifically, the  
            state values are clamped against the current logical buffer  
            bitdepths as they are used for rendering and queried, but  
            are not clamped on specification.  This means that these  
            state values do not need to be respecified just because the  
            logical buffer bit depth changes, and retains backward  
            compatibility to the behavior prior to this extension.  
            We will update the appropriate sections of the specification  
            to describe this behavior.  
    (76) Currently framebuffer objects are shared, should we make them  
         not shared across contexts?  
            RESOLUTION: yes, framebuffers are shared like display lists  
            and textures are shared.  
            Initially it was suggested that some complicated  
            multi-context semantics might be avoided if if the namespace  
            for framebuffer objects were not shared across contexts.  
            Specifically, some members of the group felt that by not  
            sharing framebuffer objects, we could avoid the situation  
                a) one context can change the draw buffer of a  
                   framebuffer object in use by another context.  
                b) one context can change the attachments of a  
                   framebuffer object which may be in use by another  
            However, after some discussion, we realized that even if we  
            didn't share framebuffer objects, there were still  
            interactions similar to those listed above because the  
            underlying images could still be shared.  Consequently, one  
            context could still affect the completeness and attachments  
            of the framebuffers in another context by modifying or  
            deleting the framebuffer-attachable images shared by both  
            So in the end, we decided to retain the share-ability of  
            framebuffer objects rather than introduce an asymmetry with  
            other GL objects like textures.  
    (77) If the application deletes an object and that object contains  
         an image which is attached to a framebuffer object, exactly  
         when and how is the image detached from the framebuffer?  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, option (1): images are detached from  
            the currently bound framebuffer on delete, but images remain  
            attached to any non-bound framebuffers.  
            This is issue is somewhat related to the multi-context  
            object-sharing discussion currently going on in the ARB.  
            This extension presupposes that framebuffer attachments  
            represent a reference to the attached image (or more  
            correctly - a reference to the object containing the  
            attached image).  Since having a reference to an object  
            affects when the object (and/or its name) is deleted, object  
            deletion semantics are tied into the notion when the state  
            describing these references is modified.  In other words,  
            the semantics of when objects are deleted are affected by  
            the details concerning when a change to the framebuffer  
            attachment state takes place.  
            Prior to the EXT_framebuffer_object and GLSL extensions, the  
            only way in which an object not currently bound to this GL  
            context could be modified, was when the object was modified  
            by another GL context.  
            Both the EXT_framebuffer_object and GLSL extensions allow an  
            object (texture, renderbuffer, shader) to be attached to a  
            "container" object (framebuffer, program).  With the  
            introduction of "attachment", an object could be bound to  
            the context at more than one binding point.  For example, a  
            texture can be bound to TEXTURE_2D_BINDING, and it can also  
            be indirectly bound through the FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING if it is  
            attached to the framebuffer object bound to the  
            Furthermore, a texture can be attached (by reference) to a  
            framebuffer object that is not bound to any context, while  
            at the same time the texture *is* bound to context's  
            TEXTURE_2D_BINDING.  Because the texture state is a part of  
            the framebuffer object's state, it is now possible for  
            modification of a texture through TEXTURE_2D_BINDING to  
            cause modification of a framebuffer object, even though the  
            framebuffer object is not bound to any context at the time  
            it is modified.  
            One conceptual model for dealing with this situation is to  
            treat attachment similar to bind, but instead of binding to  
            a context, you are "binding" to another object.  For the  
            purposes of managing object references, object lifetimes,  
            state propogation semantics, etc., these attachments can be  
            considered to be "just like" a bind operation.  [A "bind"  
            and an "attach" are not exactly equivalent, however; see  
            issue (82) for a further discussion on Bind vs. Attach.]  
            If we agree on the above conceptual model, then we may wish  
            to look to the multi-context situation for guidance on how  
            to treat state changes to non-currently-bound framebuffer  
            Unfortunately, the multi-context semantics are poorly  
            defined by OpenGL.  If we decide to use them as a guide, we  
            should at least define what they are and this is why the  
            larger ARB is looking at this issue now.  
            For EXT_framebuffer_object, there are three choices for  
            behavior.  In each case, we defer to the larger ARB the  
            details about when an object name is available for reuse.  
            For the purposes of this discussion, we are looking only at  
            state changes governing the attachments.  The three choices  
            are listed below:  
              For the sake of concrete simplicity, this discussion  
              speaks to the images of a texture object; but it applies  
              equally to the image of a renderbuffer object.  
              If you delete a texture object while one of the texture's  
              images is attached to a framebuffer object (or multiple  
              framebuffer objects), then:  
              (1) The image is automatically detached from the currently  
                  bound framebuffer object only.  
                  If the image is also attached to any other framebuffer  
                  objects, then the image is NOT automatically detached  
                  from those.  
                  The application is responsible for manually detaching  
                  images from the other framebuffer objects, by  
                  rebinding each framebuffer in turn and performing an  
                  explicit detach operation.  
                  Until the application manually detaches the image from  
                  the other framebuffers, those framebuffers continue to  
                  use the image for rendering.  The other framebuffer  
                  objects have a reference to the image until the image  
                  has been detached from them.  In this way, attachment  
                  behaves as if the image was "bound to the framebuffer  
              (2) The image is automatically detached from the currently  
                  bound framebuffer object.  Also during DeleteTexture,  
                  the image is automatically detached from any other  
                  framebuffer object to which it is attached; however,  
                  the image is not guaranteed to be detached from the  
                  other framebuffer objects until the next time those  
                  framebuffer objects are bound via BindFramebufferEXT.  
                  Similar to option (1), in order to "really" delete the  
                  object, the application is responsible for rebinding  
                  all the framebuffer objects to which the deleted image  
                  was attached.  However, unlike option (1), the  
                  application need not actually perform an explicit  
                  detach operation.  The application can merely bind the  
                  Until the application actually rebinds the framebuffer  
                  the images are not actually detached and deleted.  The  
                  other framebuffer objects continue to hold a reference  
                  (like a binding) to the image until the next time the  
                  framebuffer objects are bound.  
              (3) The image is automatically detached from all  
                  framebuffers objects during DeleteTextures, including  
                  the currently bound framebuffer as well as any other  
                  framebuffers to which the image is attached.  
                  The application need not explicitly bind to, and  
                  detach the image from, any framebuffer that is not  
                  bound at the time DeleteTextures was called.  
                  Because the framebuffer object has a reference to the  
                  texture object, and the texture object's state is  
                  considered part of the framebuffer object's state,  
                  this resolution implies that DeleteTextures may  
                  modifiy the state of a framebuffer object that is not  
                  the currently bound object.  
            With reference to the object-sharing discussion that is  
            going on in the ARB right now, for (a)-style  
            implementations, options (2) and (3) are indistinguishable.  
            However, for (b)-style implementations, implementing (3)  
            would require textures to store a list of all attached  
            framebuffers while (2) would not.  
            Options (2) and (3) essentially treat the currently-bound  
            and non-currently-bound framebuffers the same--i.e.,  
            deleting the image (ultimately) detaches it from all  
            framebuffer.  This may be desirable as a convenience to the  
            On the other hand, Option (1) treats the currently bound  
            framebuffer special, in that deletions are performed  
            automatically much like textures are unbound automatically  
            from the current context's binding points, but they are not  
            unbound automatically from other contexts' binding points.  
            Also, Option (1) leaves the application in control of when  
            the images are detached, which also may be desirable.  
            We choose option (1) because it is the simplest, and it also  
            does not unduly burden implementations regardless of their  
            choice of (a) versus (b) object-sharing model.  
            If an implementation has the (a)-style object sharing model,  
            then the fact that images remain attached to non-bound  
            objects has no affect on when the object name may be  
            re-used.  If the implementation has a (b)-style  
            object-sharing model, then the outstanding attachments will  
            delay re-use of the object name until the image has been  
            detached.  Regardless of whether the ARB chooses (a) or (b)  
            behavior, or even if the ARB chooses to leave this behavior  
            undefined, we can "piggy-back" on the name-reuse semantics  
            they decide.  
            Also, option (1) means that if the application deletes a  
            texture while one of the texture's images is attached to a  
            framebuffer object that is not bound, then the application  
            may continue to render into the image after the framebuffer  
            is bound again, regardless of the (a) vs. (b) choice.  
            Finally, note that if a context deletes an object containing  
            an image attached to the currently bound framebuffer, then  
            we first detach the image from the bound framebuffer.  This  
            means that the state change to the framebuffer (the detach  
            operation) is guaranteed to be picked up by any other  
            context the next time the framebuffer is bound in one of the  
            other contexts.  
    (78) Should we collapse the notions of "framebuffer-attachable image  
         completeness" and "framebuffer attachment completeness" into a  
         single type of completeness (probably retaining the name  
         "framebuffer attachment completeness"  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, yes, eliminate "framebuffer-attachable  
            image completeness" and add a "non-zero-area" requirement to  
            the "framebuffer attachement completeness" test.  
            Originally this extension had several layers of which  
            affected framebuffer completness.  They were:  
                - framebuffer-attachable image completeness  
                    * image has non-zero width/height/depth  
                    * image has color, depth, or stencil format  
                    * image is not from a proxy texture  
                - framebuffer attachment completeness  
                    * attached image is textures/renderbuffer  
                    * attached image is from existing object  
                    * attached image has format appropriate  
                      for attachment point (depth buffer  
                      has depth format, etc)  
                - framebuffer completeness  
                    * all attachment points are "attachment complete"  
                    * all images are "framebuffer-attachable image complete"  
                    * all color buffers have same format  
                    * draw buffer is attached  
                    * read buffer is attached  
                    * framebuffer format combination is supported  
            However, upon further reflection of the  
            "framebuffer-attachable image completeness" tests, we  
            realized that  
                a) the requirement that the renderble image is not a  
                   "proxy" texture was already covered by the fact that  
                   it's illegal to attach a proxy texture to a  
                   framebuffer, and  
                b) the requirement that the format be color, depth, or  
                   stencil is essentially already covered by the  
                   "framebuffer attachment completeness" test  
                   requirement that the format is appropriate for the  
                   attachment point.  
            This left only the "non-zero-area" test, so we decided to  
            fold this requirement into the "framebuffer attachement  
            completeness" test and eliminate the concept of  
            "framebuffer-attachable image completeness".  This decision  
            required the elimination of one of the  
            FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_* enums as they correspond to the  
            conditions in the "framebuffer completeness" test of section  
    (79) Should the internal format chosen by GL for a texture (or  
         renderbuffer) be invariant with respect to the state of the  
         current framebuffer and its attached images?  
            RESOLUTION: yes, the choice of internal format must be  
            invariant with respect to framebuffer state changes.  
            This means that the GL must choose texture internal format  
            based only on the arguments to TexImage and ignore the  
            current framebuffer state in this selection process.  
            Similarly, the GL must choose renderbuffer internal format  
            based only on the arguments to RenderbufferStorage and  
            ignore the current framebuffer state in this selection  
            This issue is a variant of issue (62).  The OpenGL 2.0  
            specification (p.152, paragraph 4) states that:  
                 "A GL implementation may vary its allocation of  
                 internal component resolution or compressed internal  
                 format based on any TexImage3D, TexImage2D (see below),  
                 or TexImage1D (see below) parameter (except target),  
                 but the allocation and chosen compressed image format  
                 must not be a function of any other state and cannot be  
                 changed once they are established."  
            Consider that prior to this extension, some implementations  
            may have considered the the bitdepths of the logical buffers  
            of the framebuffer or the bitdepth of the display when  
            choosing an internal format for textures.  Since, in  
            practice, these bitdepths typically were immutable for the  
            lifetime of a GL context, the invariance requirements were  
            With the introduction of EXT_framebuffer_object, however,  
            the logical buffer bitdepths can change over the lifetime of  
            the context.  So this issue examines whether or not  
            framebuffer state is allowed to affect texture internal  
            format selection.  
            After some discussion, we felt it was too problematic to  
            introduce this type of invariance.  So this extension makes  
            no modifications to the invariance language, and adds  
            similar invariance language applicable to renderbuffer  
            objects.  As long as the app provides the same arguments to  
            TexImage{1D|2D|3D} or RenderbufferStorage, then the GL must  
            always choose the same internal format.  
            Note, however, that the GL is not required to provide the  
            same internal format resolution for renderbuffers as it does  
            for textures.  
    (80) Should attachment routines be display-list'able?  
            RESOLUTION: no, in fact none of the routines introduced in  
            this extension are included in display lists.  
            Initially, we were just considering whether or not the  
            framebuffer attachement routines should be included in  
            display lists.  The rationale for not including them was  
            that since query routines can not be in display lists, and  
            well-behaved apps should call the query routine  
            CheckFramebufferStatusEXT() after calling making changes to  
            framebuffer attachments, it was not possible to write a  
            well-behaved app that uses display lists to build up and use  
            a framebuffer.  So, one possible solution was to simply  
            disallow from display lists the routines that change change  
            the result of CheckFramebufferStatusEXT().  
            However, we realized on further consideration that other  
            routines which can affect the results of  
            CheckFramebufferStatusEXT are already allowed in display  
            lists.  Namely, the routines which affect textures (TexImage  
            and friends).  So, disallowing the attachment routines is a  
            partial solution at best.  
            We also looked for various precedents and found some mixed  
                - VBO bind operations are not display-list'able, but  
                  this is primarily because the VBO bindings are  
                  considered client-state  
                - texture bindings are display-list'able  
            In the end, though we decided to not include the routines  
            introduced by this extension in display lists for reasons of  
            simplicity more than anything else.  
            It's possible we may need to add support for display lists  
            back in during promotion of this extension if we determine  
            that it is needed later, but for now, we leave this out.  
    (81) How should PushAttrib and PopAttrib work with this extension?  
            RESOLUTION: mostly deferred for now, may revisit later  
            This extension introduces no new push/pop attrib bits to  
            cover the state introduced by this extension (for instance  
            there is no FRAMEBUFFER_BIT).  So the only real question to  
            answer is what effect should Push/Pop attrib have on any  
            existing state as it relates to this extension.  
            In particular, how should Push/PopAttrib of the  
            COLOR_BUFFER_BIT which covers the DRAW_BUFFER and  
            READ_BUFFER state interact with this extension?  Does the  
            COLOR_BUFFER_BIT affect the per-object DRAW_BUFFER and  
            READ_BUFFER state?  
            Currently, the answer is yes.  PushAttrib(COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)  
            saves the DRAW_BUFFER value of the currently bound  
            framebuffer object.  If the app later calls PopAttrib() this  
            saved value will be restored even if the framebuffer bound  
            at the time PopAttrib is called is different from the  
            framebuffer bound at the time PushAttrib was called.  
            In other words, one are considering whether or not it is  
            strange that PushAttrib(COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) affects a piece of  
            per-object state.  Note that this is somewhat similar to the  
            way that a PushAttrib(TEXTURE_BIT) can save off  
            per-texture-object state and a later call to PopAttrib can  
            restore that per-object state even if the texture bound at  
            PopAttrib time has since been changed/ deleted/modified in  
            some way.  
            There are some differences with the texture analogy though.  
            Namely, the TEXTURE_BIT does include the texture bindings so  
            at least the texture object binding is restored in  
            conjunction with the per-texture-object state.  Also, some  
            may consider the fact that the TEXTURE_BIT affects  
            per-texture-object state more intuitive than the fact that  
            the COLOR_BUFFER_BIT affects per-framebuffer-object state.  
            Also, there is a larger discussion going on in the ARB right  
            now about whether PushAttrib/PopAttrib save references to  
            existing bound objects or only the state values which name  
            an existing bound object.  
            For now, we have deferred further discussion of the  
            PushAttrib/PopAttrib semantics in this extension until the  
            larger issues are cleared up.  
    (82) What is the relationship between a "binding" and an  
            RESOLUTION: resolved, the concept of attachment is described  
            below, though final implications will be affected by larger  
            ARB discussions about object sharing and multiple context  
                "Attaching" is the act of connecting one object to  
                another object.  
                An "attach" operation is similar to a "bind" operation  
                in that both represent a reference to the attached or  
                bound object for the purpose of managing object  
                lifetimes and both enable manipulation of the state of  
                the attached or bound object.  
                However, an "attach" is also different from a "bind" in  
                that "binding" an unused object creates a new object,  
                while "attaching" does not.  Additionally, "bind"  
                establishes a connection between a context and an  
                object, while "attach" establishes a connection between  
                two objects.  
                Finally, if object "A" is attached to object "B" and  
                object "B" is bound to context "C", then in principle,  
                we treat "A" as if it is <implicitly> bound to "C".  
                The larger ARB is currently attempting to more clearly  
                define the mutliple context semantics as they relate to  
                object sharing and binding.  The final implications for  
                EXT_framebuffer_object may not be clear until those  
                discussions are resolved.  This extension may need an  
                update once those issues are addressed.  
    (83) We use a non-zero framebuffer binding to enable the use of this  
         extension.  Should we instead consider using an explicit  
            RESOLVED: no, retain the "non-zero-binding means enable"  
            Currently we enable the use of an application-created  
            framebuffer by binding a non-zero framebuffer object to  
            FRAMEBUFFER_EXT binding point.  If the framebuffer binding  
            is zero, then the extension is disabled (i.e., we use the  
            window-system-provided framebuffer).  
            It might be cleaner to be able to say things like, "when  
            FRAMEBUFFER_OBJECT is enabled", rather than "when the  
            framebuffer binding is not zero", and add an explicit  
            enable.  Doing so would also allow changing framebuffer  
            object attachments while FBO is disabled, which might result  
            in the driver doing less validation while the application is  
            setting up framebuffer objects.  It would also provide a  
            cleaner way to explain that the permitted DRAW_BUFFER and  
            READ_BUFFER values change when the extension is  
            There are a few object model precedents to choose from:  
            Textures and ARB Vertex and Framgment Program extensions use  
            the explicit enable state.  However, Vertex Buffer Objects,  
            Pixel Buffer Objects, and GLSL Vertex and Fragment shaders  
            use a non-zero-binding to enable the use of those features.  
            If we used an explicit enable, then we could allow creation  
            of an object named zero.  Precedent dictates that an object  
            named zero is never shared in the context share group.  All  
            other framebuffer objects are shared across the share group.  
            It might be cleaner to disallow creation of an object named  
            zero anyway.  
            Since binding to zero disables the extension, one way to  
            think about this is that there is an object named zero which  
            is managed through MakeCurrent, MakeContextCurrent, and the  
            window manager.  All other objects are managed through  
            FramebufferTexture, FramebufferRenderbuffer, and the  
            operations that define/modify texture and renderbuffer  
            images.  When looked at in this light, lack of an explicit  
            enable is not as strange.  
    (84) Do we need to add any language to describe the y-orientation of  
         framebuffer-attachable images?  Specifically, what coordinate  
         system is used by images attached to the framebuffer?  
            Resolution: unresolved  
            GL defines the rendering origin at the lower-left corner.  
            Yet, because of the differences between orientation storage  
            of textures and images, pbuffer rendering is often  
            implemented using a "y-inverted" coordinate system.  Is this  
            y-inversion exposed in the API?  
            Is the origin in the lower-left?  Upper-left?  Do we need to  
            say anything about this at all, or is it already covered by  
            existing GL language?  
            Currently there is place-holder text in section  
            The intent of this specification is simply to mirror the  
            y-orientation issues of the pbuffer style render to texture  
            API's.  What's unclear is whether this requires any new  
            language in this specification or not.  
homeprevnext Revision History
    #109, January 31, 2005:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - added language to issue (48) to indidcate that  
          CheckFramebufferStatus will return an undefined result for a  
          framebuffer in the intial state since a framebuffer in the  
          initial state violates multiple completeness rules  
    #108, January 31, 2005:  jjuliano  
        - fix typos pointed out by various people (thanks)  
    #107, January 17, 2005:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - fix resolution of issue (28) to say "zoffset", not "image"  
        - more cleanup of issue resolutions  
    #106, January 17, 2005:  jjuliano  
        - per working group decision, clean up issue resolutions  
        - minor whitespace and punctuation cleanup  
    #105, January 17, 2005:  jjuliano  
        - add XXX documenting "undefined-ness" of rendering  
          vs. texturing   
        - minor language clarification and typo fix  
    #104, January 14, 2005:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - white space clean up (plus a few capitalizations)  
        - no functional changes in this revision  
    #103, January 14, 2005:  jjuliano, jsandmel, barthold lichtenbelt, jon leech  
        - add missing "NONE" case to DrawBuffer language  
        - permit ReadBuffer(NONE) for application-created framebuffers  
        - spec body: actually state that DrawPixels, ReadPixels,  
          CopyPixels, and derivatives of CopyPixels all generate  
          INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT if called while framebuffer  
          is not complete  
        - clarify error semantics for DrawBuffer(s) when there is no  
          image attached to the framebuffer attachment point named by  
        - improve error language regarding the <level> parameter of  
        - State that table 4.nnn is part of the per-framebuffer-object  
          state vector  
        - Delete dangling references to table 3.nnn  
        - In section, adjust wording to understand that  
          DeleteTextures deletes an object, not image  
        - Convert some left-over window-system-* to  
        - Adjust some whitespace and punctuation  
        - renumbered tables to remove the hole now that the old table of  
          CheckFramebufferStatus enums has been deleted.  
        - incorporate remainder of barthold's edits removing more  
          "framebuffer-attachble" references from the issues list  
        - moved comment describing the purpose of the  
          CheckFramebufferStatus enums in the framebuffer completeness  
          test closer to their initial use in the spec.  
        - Eliminate two XXX comments that addressed by this revision  
    #102, January 13, 2005:  jjuliano, jsandmel, barthold lichtenbelt, jon leech  
        - replacement of "renderable image" with "framebuffer-attachable  
        - removed lots of (now redundant) instances of  
        - streamlined the grammar in several places to account for  
          "framebuffer-attachable" change  
        - incorporated outstanding edits from barthold's review of #73  
          and #98  
        - made FramebufferTexture and FramebufferRenderbuffer use "uint"  
          for texture and renderbuffer names for consistency with  
          Gen/Is/Bind/Delete.  For some reason, in revision #77 we  
          had incorrectly changed these from uint to ints.  
        - fixed DeleteTextures and DeleteRenderbuffers language to  
          reflect resolution of issue (77), by adding forward reference  
          to the section that describes attachment (that already had  
          that right language).  
        - fixed the different language in FramebufferRenderbuffer and  
          FramebufferTexture that described the state when binding a  
          zero object (dropped the reference to object type of NONE  
          since that *is* the default and it already said the state was  
          set to default values)  
        - reworked section 4.4.2 overview to simplify intro to  
          attaching images to framebuffers  
        - reworded intro to section Renderbuffer Objects  
        - fixed several instances of "render buffer" to "renderbuffer"  
        - replaced language in framebuffer attachment routines that  
          bounded the upper value of <level> to use the parallel  
          language from page 185 of the OpenGL 2.0 spec.  
        - simplified first clause of framebuffer compelteness test to  
          just require at least one image attached to framebuffer  
        - reordered CheckFramebufferStatusEXT section and moved  
          description of FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT to be part of  
          framebuffer completeness section description  
        - deleted table 3.nnn which lsted the return values of  
          CheckFramebufferStatusEXT since this info is already included  
          in the framebuffer completeness test itself and was really  
          just a duplicate copy in table form.  
        - added several errors which were missing from the error summary  
          at the end of the spec  
    #101, January 12, 2005:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - Clarify language related to BindRenderbuffer(<target>, 0)  
        - Small grammatical change related to object vs. object's image.  
    #100, January 11, 2005:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - added new enums and clauses to framebuffer completeness test  
          to catch mutliple and missing attachements  
        - reshuffled existing enums to account for new enums  
        - clarified issue (84) it indicate that the intent is to mimic  
          the pbuffer orientation style  
    #99, January 11, 2005:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - use more expelict language mapping window coordinates to  
          texture image texels at the end of section  
        - fixed typos  
        - coalesced interactions with AGL/GLX/WGL with interactions with  
          WGL/GLX_make_current_read extensions  
        - addressed and removed some more remaining XXX comments  
        - added note to issue (58) saying that {Copy}TexSubImage  
          uses negative offsets to address border texels  
        - added issue (84) - do we need any language describing  
          orientation of renderable images?  (I.e., are they y-inverted?)  
    #98, January 7, 2005:  jsandmel  
        - remove more outstanding XXX comments  
        - updated section 4.4 to better define applicatino-created and  
          window-system-provided framebuffers in the overview of  
          framebuffer objects  
        - further clarifications to issue (49) concerning MRT support  
        - removed stale XXX comment from issue (75) about stencil mask  
    #97, January 7, 2005:  jjuliano  
        - Resolve some XXX comments, by adding missing spec language and  
          clarifying existing spec language.  
    #96, January 6, 2005:  jjuliano, ian romanick  
        - renumbered sections to reflect earlier removal of the section  
          on renderable image completeness.  
        - fixed prototype of CheckFramebufferStatusEXT in spec (bool->enum)  
    #95, January 6, 2005:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - added missing change notes from #94  
        - fixed more typos  
        - updated issue (48) - it had been resolved already but need  
          some updated some language from the resolution to reflect our  
          final decision  
        - marked issue (55) as resolved (it had been resolved a while  
          ago but was left as unresolved)  
        - resolved issue (82) - bind vs. attach.  final spec  
          implications may get updated when we resolved the larger ARB  
          discussions over multicontext behavior and object sharing  
    #94, January 4, 2005:  jjuliano  
        - language clarification and word smithing.  
        - note that rendering to the border of a texture uses  
          an origin within the border texels  
        - updated comments in sample code for clarity  
        - updated issue (16) to clarify how CopyTexImage possibly  
          affects framebuffer completeness, and simplified remaining  
        - updated issue (77) to better capture the effects of  
          deleting attached renderable images  
        - updated issue (79) to better capture the invariance of  
          renderable image internal format selection  
        - added additional clarifications to issue (83) to describe how  
          an explicit enable/disable API would work  
    #93, December 23, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - improved stencil ref value clamping language yet again to  
          indicate that queries are clamped  
        - moved old XXX comment about an explicit enable into a new  
          resolved issue (83)  
        - removed a condition of framebuffer attachment completness  
          concerning the legality of the LEVEL param which I  
          overzealously added in revision #92  
        - resolved issue (77) - images are detached from current  
          framebuffer only, user must do manual detachment for  
          non current framebuffers  
        - clarified issue (79) to note that GL need not choose the same  
          format for both renderbuffers and textures as the text seemed  
          to imply before.  
        - clarified issue (16) to note that state changes to non-bound  
          framebuffers are somewhat similar to state changes made by  
          another context to shared objects (possibly) bound by this  
        - clarified resolution of issues (15) and (16) which talk about  
          how {Copy}TexImage into textures affect the framebuffers to  
          which textures are attached.  
    #92, December 23, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - updated "Dependencies" section to add descriptions for  
          interactions with other extensions  
        - fixed a stale reference to "accum" in overview  
        - improved language in overview that seemed to imply that  
          this extension required a data copy to do render to texture  
        - removed stale XXX comment about framebuffer sharing since  
          issue (76) is resolved  
        - added proposed language for "attach" definition in glossary  
        - removed stale glossary entry for "renderable image completeness"  
          now that issue (78) is resolved  
        - Updated chapter 2 to use proposed language changes describing  
          interactions with the framebuffer in the context of this  
        - clarified that GenerateMipmaps only requires cubemap textures  
          to be cubemap complete  
        - removed unnecessary reference to proxy texture in GenerateMipmaps  
        - clarified language about stencil ref value clamping  
        - removed various other stale XXX comments  
        - added note that RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_EXT can be queried  
        - included alternate beahviors in language influenced by issue  
        - defined the error that occurs on FramebufferTexture when  
          a level is specified that is too big  
        - added requirement to framebuffer attachment completeness  
          less than q for symmetry with the requirement that the  
          z-offset is smaller than the depth of the texture  
        - added section numbers to state tables  
        - indicated there are no attribute bits for the state tables  
        - added proposed language for issue (82)  
        - added proposed language for issue (77)  
    #91, December 22, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added updated stencil language to reflect resolution of  
          issue (75) - stencil ref value and writemask clamping  
        - added language to section indicating that internal  
          format selection for renderbuffers follows the same invariance  
          rules as textures  
        - updated framebuffer completeness language to reflect resolution  
          of sissue (78)  
        - added test to framebuffer attachment completeness indicating  
          that the z-offset identifying an image within a 3D texture must  
          be less than the texture's depth  
        - added routines to list of non-display-list'able routines  
          as per resolution of issue (80)  
        - deleted note about OpenGL ES in issue (76)  
        - cleaned up the proposed language for issue (77) based on  
          feedback from Jeff Juliano  
    #90, December 22, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - removed plural from FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT[S]  
        - added FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS_ERROR_EXT to enumerants list  
        - resolved issue (78) - collapsing "renderable image  
          completeness" test and removed FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_IMAGES  
          enum as per meeting Dec. 21, 2004  
        - fixed up some typos  
        - wrote up and resolved issue (76) - framebuffers are shared  
          like textures as per meeting Dec. 21, 2004  
        - wrote up issue (77) - detachment on deletion  
        - wrote up and resolved issue (79) - textures are invariant  
          with respect to framebuffer state  
        - wrote up and resolved issue (80) - no routines in this  
          extension are display-list'able  
        - wrote up and deferred issue (81) - push/pop attrib  
        - added issue (82) - bind vs. attach defintions  
    #89, December 16, 2004:  jjuliano, jsandmel, ian romanick  
        - added glx protocol for this extension  
        - added issue (75) - stencil ref value and write mask state  
        - added issue (76) - sharing framebuffer objects  
        - added issue (77) - deletes affect on detaching images  
        - added issue (78) - collapsing "completeness" tests  
    #88, December 06, 2004:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - revised examples again for clarity, added example (6) to show  
          one way to handle CheckFramebufferStatusEXT  
    #87, December 03, 2004:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - incorporated language edit feedback from john rosasco  
        - changed a few instances of "rendering to texture" to "render  
          to texture"  
        - added XXX notes about sections that still need cleanup  
        - clarified definition of renderbuffer and its image in overview  
        - clarified comparison of MakeCurrent and BindFramebuffer in  
        - fixed misc typos  
        - renamed TEXTURE_ZOFFSET to TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET for consistency  
          with TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE  
        - added note to update section 2.1 to talk about configuring  
          framebuffer (need forward reference to chapeter 4).  
        - changed several instances "the GL is using ... framebuffer" to  
          "the GL is bound to ... framebuffer"  
        - changed several instances of "When [A], if [B], [C]" into "If  
          [A] and [B], then [C]"  
    #86, December 02, 2004:  jon leech  
        - assigned "real" enum values  
        - fixed some minor typos  
    #85, December 01, 2004:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - Improve error checking in examples  
        - whitespace cleanup  
    #84, December 01, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - DrawBuffer(s) while bound to user-created framebuffer object  
          generates an error if the named color attachment does not have  
          have anything attached to it when DrawBuffer is invoked.  
        - Likewise for ReadBuffer.  
    #83, November 30, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - improve wording of issue (28) - zoffset vs image of a  
          3-dimensional texture  
        - update examples to use the new attach target enums, and  
          to check framebuffer status  
    #82, November 30, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - renumbered tables to start with 1.nnn instead of 2.nnn  
        - resolved issue (74) - return value of CheckFramebufferStatus()  
        - re-opened and re-resolved issue (28) - zoffset vs image of a  
          3d texture  
        - fixed reference of CopyTexImage to CopyTexSubImage in intro  
        - added 16 enums for COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT as per meeting  
          november 29, 2004  
        - clarified language about number of attachment points in  
          description of BindFramebufferEXT().  
    #81, November 30, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - re-added *-renderable clause to "renderable image completeness"  
        - clarified language in intro that describes selecting an  
          image from a texture  
        - fixed a few more typos  
    #80, November 30, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - Improve definition of CheckFramebufferStatusEXT.  
          FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS_ERROR_EXT is returned if <target> is  
          invalid.  Framebuffer zero always produces  
        - Rename 3D_IMAGE to ZOFFSET.  More consistent with  
        - In definition of GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT,  
          explain that zero is returned when face or zoffset is queried,  
          but texture is not cube map or 3-dimensional, resp.  This  
          matches the informal description in issue (51).  
        - Eliminate table 1.nnn, and modify references to instead  
          reference table 6.nnn.  I have not renumbered all the tables  
          yet, so that the diffs are more obvious.  Renumbering can  
          happen in the next change.  
        - Eliminate *-renderable clause from Renderable Image  
          Completeness.  This is already covered under Framebuffer  
          Attachment Completeness.  
        - For each clause in Framebuffer Completeness, add references to  
          specific error generated when that clause is violated.  
    #79, November 23, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - more typos fixed  
        - added placeholder enumeration of all tables so that every  
          table was not named XXX.XXX.  They are now named M.nnn where M  
          is incremented sequentially for each table.  
        - stated that order of return of CheckFramebufferStatus enums is  
          "implementatino-dependent" instead of "undefined"  
        - added state table for framebuffer object state (as opposed to  
          table of framebuffer attachment point state), added  
          DRAW_BUFFERi and READ_BUFFER state to this table.  
    #78, November 22, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - re-opened and re-resolved issue (4) - renamed  
          "renderable-images" to "framebuffer-attachable images"  
        - resolved issue (70) - defer support of framebuffer binding  
          push/pop semantics  
    #77, November 22, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - fixed up typos and address other issues found by Barthold  
        - changed errors of GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT  
          to be INVALID_ENUM instead of INVALID_VALUE where appropriate  
        - added missing INVALID_ENUM GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT error  
          case to list of errors  
        - dropped framebuffer status state from state table (The reason  
          is: technically this is not state queriable with a standard  
          Get call and doesn't really need to be stored, an  
          implementation could calculate this result on the fly in  
        - added issue (74) - what does it mean to call  
          CheckFramebufferStatusEXT on framebuffer zero (default  
          framebuffer) and what if CheckFramebufferStatusEXT generates  
          an error?  
        - cleaned up a bunch more "window-system-provided" references  
        - changed a bunch of "bit plane" references --> "bitplane"  
        - more updates to glossary section (not complete yet)  
        - Added boolean return values to IsRenderbuffer and  
          IsFramebuffer prototypes  
        - Changed object id's in FramebufferTexture* and  
          FramebufferRenderbuffer from uint to int to be consistent with  
          texture routines.  
        - changed typo in Get*Parameter routines: "param" --> "params"  
        - added missing COLOR_ATTACHMENTn_EXT enums to new tokens list  
        - clarified difference and similarities between automatic and  
          manual mipmap generation in section 3.8.8  
        - added lots of missing EXT's  
        - clarified use of <textarget> in FramebufferTexture when  
          <texture> is zero and <renderbuffer> target in  
          FramebufferRenderbuffer when <renderbuffer> is zero.  
          (<textarget> and <renderbuffertarget> are ignored in this case>  
        - added a sentence defining that order of return for enums in  
          CheckFramebufferStatusEXT is undefined if multiple clauses of  
          framebuffer completeness test fail  
    #76, November 19, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - as per group meeting Nov. 19, 2004, rename "render buffer" to  
          "renderbuffer".  This is the only substantive change in this  
          revision.  Unfortunately, this had a lot of white-space  
          collateral damage.  Also, this reopens and closes issue (3).  
    #75, November 18, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added missing enums to New Tokens section  
        - clarified wgl/agl/glx language additions section to note that  
          the window-system draw/read drawables are ignored when bound  
          to an application-created framebuffer object  
        - resolved issue (69) - "application-create" framebuffers  
        - added more description of issue (70) - push/pop binding bits?  
        - resolved issue (71) - defining which draw/reading routines can  
          throw errors  
        - resolve issue (72) - require at least one color, depth, or  
          stencil attachment  
        - resolved issue (73) - allow READ_BUFFER to be none so  
          user can read from a non-color buffer in a framebuffer  
          with no color attachments  
        - added section on ReadBuffer whose absence had unfortunately  
          gone unnoticed until now.  
        - added missing "initial state" language for draw buffer to  
          section 4.2  
        - cleaned up several references to FRAMEBUFFER_EXT that should  
          have been either "the target FRAMEBUFFER_EXT" or  
    #74, November 18, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - fixed up typos found by Ian Romanick  
        - changed several instances of "GL-allocated framebuffer" to  
          "application-created framebuffer" for consistency.  
          NOTE: However, we might want to pick a new term for these  
          everywhere.  Added issue (69) for this.  
        - added a MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT implementation constant  
          to catch errors to RenderbufferStorageEXT.  
        - added issue (70), (71), (72), (73) for issues found  
          by Jeff  
    #73, November 15, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - split out CheckFramebufferStatus enums as per work group  
          meeting November 15, 2004  
        - added note to self to go back and clean up issue (48)  
    #72, November 15, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added "valid draw/read buffer" test to framebuffer  
          completeness test as per resolution of issue (55) as per  
          meeting on November 11, 2004.  
        - added new enums to CheckFramebufferStatus for each of the  
          implementation-independent failure cases as per resolution of  
          issue (55) as per meeting on November 11, 2004.  
          (these may be placeholder names for now)  
        - added additional partial resolutions to issue (55) as  
          per meeting on November 11, 2004  
        - added XXX note to update state tables with whatever the  
          final final resolution of the DRAW_BUFFER location is.  
    #71, November 9, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - cleaned up contributors list  
        - resolved issue (61) on minimum requirements as per work group  
          meeting on November 6, 2004  
        - added partial resolution and additional description to  
          issue (55) as per meeting on November 8, 2004  
    #70, November 2, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - clarified opening language of chapter 4 to name non-visible  
        - improved language about when the number of bits in a bitplane  
          can change  
        - removed "SUBPIXEL_BITS" from table of state that can change  
          on framebuffer state change as per working group  
          meeting November 1, 2004 and marked issue (62) as resolved  
        - marked issue (56) - draw buffer state location as framebuffer  
          object state as per working group meeting November 1, 2004  
    #69, November 1, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added placeholder "min requirements" text to issue (61)  
        - marked issue (68) as resolved since it was resolved during  
          week of Oct 18, 2004.  
        - incorporated feedback from Brian Paul on various typos,  
          prototype mismatches, missing "EXT"s, and missing  
          IsRenderbuffer language (to chapter 6)  
        - added missing IsFramebufferLanguage to chapter 6  
    #68, October 29, 2004:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - additional clarifications to opening of chapter 4  
        - various other minor word substitutions  
    #67, October 28, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - additional clarifications to issue (56)  
    #66, October 27, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added most (all?) of the necessary state tables to the end of  
          the spec (also removed old state table notation)  
        - made references to the state tables as 6.3XX until we know the  
          final table numbering  
        - fleshed out the language of the intro to chapter 4 describing  
          the color logical buffers and attachable color buffers  
        - at the beginning of chapter 4, modified core spec language to  
          note that the bitplane depths are no longer fixed  
        - moved XXX note about invariance to end of start of chapter 4  
        - slightly reworded description of FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT  
        - moved table of "framebuffer dependent state variables"  
          from spec body into state tables at end of spec  
        - added most (all?) of the known errors to the "Errors"  
          section of the spec.  
    #65, October 25, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - changes to resolve issue (67) - ValidateFramebuffer is now  
          called CheckFramebufferStatus().  
        - updated section 4.2.1 to include DrawBuffers (plural) language  
          from OpenGL 2.0 spec.  Note: we either need to update whole  
          spec to be based on OpenGL 2.0 spec, or else revise the  
          DrawBuffer(s) language to refer to the ARB_draw_buffers  
          extension sepc language.  
        - added (possibly temp) reference to errors on ReadPixels when  
          using an incomplete framebuffer  
        - added note to section 4.4.1 that describes pixel ownership  
          test success when using application-created framebuffers  
        - added table of enum values returned from  
          CheckFramebufferStatus() as per resolution of issue (48)  
        - resolved issue (65) - name of error on incomplete framebuffer  
        - clarified that issue (24) is really a duplicate of (64).  
        - resolved issue (48)  
        - added note to write up issue (61) language for review  
    #64, October 19, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - more rewording and clarifications of issue (56)  
    #63, October 15, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - more rewording and clarifications of issue (55) and (56)  
    #62, October 14, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - more rewording and clarifications of issue (55) and (56)  
    #61, October 13, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - Dramatically reword issues (55) and (56).  
        - Add issue (68) addressing which levels are generated by  
    #60, October 11, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - revised write up of issue (56) to capture recent work group  
          discussions about draw buffer state location  
        - resolved issue (48) as per work group meeting Oct. 11, 2004  
    #59, October 11, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - added note about possibly wanting to have explicit enable for  
          framebuffer objects instead of using zero in section 4.2.1  
        - cleaned up list of differences between framebuffer object and  
          default framebuffer  
        - separated out attach/detach cases in list of diffs between  
          default framebuffer and framebuffer objects  
        - added reminder note about invariance clause modifications  
          for section 4.4.5  
        - added reminder note about modifications for wgl spec  
        - cleaned up language in issue (26) about reading from  
          incomplete framebuffer  
        - clarified resolution of issue (44) - texture from destination  
        - replaced various instances of framebuffer "invalid" with  
          framebuffer "incomplete"  
        - other misc. typos, white space clean up  
    #58, October 8, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - reopened and resolved issue (26) - incomplete framebuffer  
          read is an error?  
        - reopened, updated, and resolved issue (44) - "texture from  
          destination" is undefined  
        - marked issue (50) as resolved, since it basically was  
        - updated and resolved issue (64) - incomplete framebuffer  
          rendering is an error?  
        - tentatively resolved issue (65) - name of error when  
          trying to use an incomplete error  
        - resolved issue (66) - clarified what state can  
          cause framebuffer incompleteness  
        - created issue (67) - name of ValidateFramebuffer  
        - implemented preliminary draw buffer language in section 4.2.1  
        - added more language in section 4.4.1 to describe differences  
          between window-system and application-created framebuffers  
        - updated "texture-from-destination" language in section 4.4.3  
          to reflect new resolution of issue (44).  
        - removed clause describing "texture from destination"  
          constraints from framebuffer completeness test in section  
 to reflect resolution of issue (44).  
        - added list of operations which can change framebuffer  
          completeness to section  
        - Added language to section indicating that rendering to  
          or reading from an incomplete framebuffer is an error, as per  
          resolution of issue (64) and (26)  
        - Added more description of implementation dependent state which  
          can change in section 4.4.5 and refer to framebuffer  
          completeness section in to identify when this state  
          can change  
        - added MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS to list of state variables that  
          might change if framebuffer state changes  
        - added error conditions to queries when framebuffer zero or  
          renderbuffer zero is bound (since there is no framebuffer  
          zero or renderbuffer zero).  
        - added placeholder for Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL  
        - fixed up misc. typos and whitespace  
    #57, October 1, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - added additional discussion in issue (66)  
        - fixed up misc. typos and whitespace  
    #56, September 29, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added additional option (d) to issue (66) as per our work  
          group discussions on Sept 30, 2004.  
    #55, September 29, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added meta-issue (66) which deals with framebuffer  
          completeness dependencies on the context state.  
        - added section 4.4.5 about state variables which may change if  
          framebuffer state changes.  
        - dropped some redundant exposition in issue (55)  
        - resolved issue (60) and wrote up the description of the issue  
        - removed ACCUM_FORMAT from list of new enums per resolution of  
          issue (40)  
    #54, September 27, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added issue (64) - error to render with incomplete framebuffer?  
        - added issue (65) - what should the error be?  
        - added note to ask if we need to reopen (26) about reading  
          from invalid framebuffer in light of resolution of (64).  
    #53, September 17, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - updated "attach" definition in glossary  
        - fixed up some minor typos, whitespace issues  
        - in issue (15)/(16) indicate tex state changes can affect  
          framebuffer completeness, not just cause it to fail (they  
          might cause it to succeed).  
        - add clarification about the type of intrinsic buffers that  
          were removed in issue (36)  
        - updated language describing use of ACCUM format for textures  
          in issue (40)  
        - reworded reference to "billboarding" in issue (42)  
        - clarified the draw buffer(s) issue (55) to indicate  
          possible problems even after DrawBuffer(s) is called.  
        - pacified some of the language surrounding issue (63) and the  
          rationale for using ValidateFramebuffer or a GetInteger style  
    #52, September 17, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - edits based on review of a subset of the issues section  
        - edits to the diffs from version #51  
        - added note to overview comparing render-to-texture to  
        - added "attach" term to glossary section  
        - replaced ARB's with EXT's in issue (1)  
        - distinguished between bind and attach in isuse (5)  
        - various replacements of "texture" with "texture image"  
        - various replacements of "framebufer (in)valid" language with  
          framebuffer (in)completeness language  
        - added additional rationale to issue (18) about framebuffer  
          renderable image attachment  
        - clarified issue (27) that the resolution is no error is  
        - added note to issue (40) that we might want to use ACCUM  
          format for textures  
        - added description of complications with having draw and read  
          framebuffer targets in issue (42)  
        - added additional language describing issue (63) concerning the  
          reasons for using ValidateFramebuffer versus the reasons for  
          using an explicit query API for framebuffer completeness.  
    #51, September 16, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - resolved issue (26) - reading from incomplete framebuffer  
        - clarified issue (55) - draw buffer set to non-existent buffer  
        - added issue (63) - should we make ValidateFramebuffer a query?  
        - marked issue (46) as resolved, since there's not much left to  
          do except resolve the minimum requirements issue (61).  
    #50, September 16, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - edits based on version #49 diffs, as well as...  
        - replace uses of "fail ValidateFramebuffer" with references to  
          "framebuffer completeness"  
        - reformat whitespace of some very long and very indented issues  
        - remove "MERGE from some other proposed API" comments  
    #49, September 16, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added DeleteTexture and DeleteRenderbuffers spec language to  
          describe detaching from framebuffers first  
        - added place holders in various places to correspond  
          with lots of resolved issues  
        - added stencil S format table  
        - renamed section 4.4.3  
        - clarified framebuffer attachment and renderable image  
          requirements for completeness  
        - added requirement to completeness to have all  
          color attachments with the same format  
        - added  missing write ups for various issues (8), (9), (12)  
        - in issue (40), clarified that accum language from 1.5 spec  
          already covers the error behavior we need to defer accum support  
        - in issue (41), clarified multisample language from 1.5 could  
          cover the behavior we need to defer multisample support if we  
          set SAMPLE_BUFFERS to 0 for non-default framebuffers  
    #48, September 15, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - edits based on review of chapter 4.  
    #47, September 15, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - edits based on review of all sections except for chapter 4,  
        - clarified, reordered overview  
        - added missing enums for framebuffer attachment point state  
          queries to list of new enums  
        - indicated that GenerateMipmaps will only generate  
          levels base through q instead of base through p  
    #46, September 15, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - move issues section to end of document.  
          (issues section accounts for >50% of the document!)  
    #45, September 13, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - typos and white space updates  
        - clarified language about the framebuffer object bound to <target>  
          in section  
        - clarified isssue (62) on which state can change and when  
    #44, September 13, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - resolved issue (40) accum buffers - deferred per group  
        - resolved issue (41) multisample buffers - deferred per group  
        - resolved issue (57) maximum attachable color buffers query per  
          group decision  
        - opened issue (62) which queries can change state after  
    #43, September 13, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - typos, cleanup  
        - fixed up use of COLOR/AUX/DATAN to use lower n as GL spec.  
        - clarified definitions of color/depth renderable  
        - indicate renderable images don't have to be attached to be  
          "renderable image complete"  
        - replaced requirement on texture images that they simply need  
          non-zero dimensions instead of saying they have been "defined"  
    #42, September 13, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - updated Framebuffer validation language  
        - added "complete" terms to glossary in overview  
    #41, September 9, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - re-add and rewrite section 4.4.4 on "Framebuffer  
    #40, September 9, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - fixed extra "GL" typos noted by Brian Paul  
        - resolved issue (54) - color attachment names  
        - resolved issue (58) - textures with borders  
        - resolved issue (59) - stencil formats  
        - added issue (61) - minimum requirements  
    #39, September 9, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - misc. typos and white space fixed  
    #38, September 8, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - clarifed section 4.4.3 to indicate that if mipmapping  
          disabled, the framebuffer texture attachment rules are  
          slightly different.  
        - fleshed out multisample buffer support options for  
          issue (41) after more discussions  
    #37, September 8, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - renamed attachment enums again to add FRAMEBUFFER_ on the  
          front to further qualify their namespace.  
        - updated table of attachment point state to include default  
        - added language to "Texturing From an Attached Renderable  
          Image" (section 4.4.3)  
    #36, September 8, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - update chapter 3 language on mipmap generation  
        - modify example 5 to not use depth buffer when  
          custom-generating mipmap  
        - add issue 60 on whether or not disabled depth attachment  
          factors into framebuffer validity determination  
    #35, September 7, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - updated chapter 6 language on querying renderbuffer and  
          framebuffer attachment state.  
        - made references to "id 0" into "name zero" for easier  
          searching and consistency with core GL spec  
        - renamed the enums for framebuffer attachment state to add  
          "ATTACHMENT" to each to qualify the name space of the enums.  
          These might not be the final names.  
    #34, September 7, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - further clarified framebuffer attachment language  
        - specify that attachment routines set "rest" of  
          attachment state to default values  
    #33, September 7, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added examples to issue (54) about framebuffer attachment names  
    #32, September 7, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - further clarified framebuffer attachment language  
    #31, September 3, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - added issue (58) about texture borders  
        - added issue (59) about stencil internal formats  
        - updated new tokens section to reflect recent issue resolutions  
        - added attachment state table to section 4.4.2  
        - added langauge describing renderbuffer and texture attachment  
    #30, September 3, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - more typos and white space cleanup  
        - issue (46): make it clear that validation failure occurs  
          because of a mismatch in dimensions, rather than size  
        - clarified language on draw buffer error semantics in issue  
        - included more language describing issue (57) about querying  
          for max number of attachable drawbuffers.  
    #29, September 2, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - typos fixed and whitespace clean up  
        - factored issue (39) on ARB_draw_buffers into separate  
          issues (53), (54), (55), (56), (57)  
        - fleshed out issue (40) - on ACCUM buffers, tentatively  
          we will support this if there is time  
        - made a few ValidationFailures in isseu (46) more  
        - added issue (53) - indirection for ARB_draw_buffers?  
        - added issue (54) - name of color attachment points?  
        - added issue (55) - error behavior for DRAW_BUFFER  
        - added issue (56) - is DRAW_BUFFER context state or framebuffer  
    #28, September 2, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - Improve language describing framebuffer and renderbuffer  
    #27, August 26, 2004:  jsandmel, jjuliano  
        - re-resolved issue (11) - we use 3 framebuffer attachment  
          routines for textures, 1 for renderbuffers, also cleaned up  
          the rationale language for this choice  
        - resolved issue (30) - renderbuffer state routines take a target  
        - resolved issue (42) - we use a single framebuffer target enum  
        - resolved issue (43) - incomplete attached textures will  
          not cause ValidateFramebuffer failures  
        - resolved issue (45) - framebuffers with no color buffer attached  
          will be allowed  
        - deferred and expanded issue (48) - what info should  
          ValidateFramebuffer return.  
        - resolved issue (51) - use individual queries for attachment  
        - resolve issue (52) - auto and manual mipmap generation  
          can peacefully coexist  
        - deleted obsolete mipmap generation language from spec text  
          as this needs to be reworked anyway  
    #26, August 26, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - corrected some depth_offset --> image terms, since that  
          is the current resolution of issue (28), unless we reopen it.  
        - clean up issue (11) language  
        - moved query of attachments api sub issue from (34) to  
          its own issue (51)  
        - removed obsolete note on issue (44)  
        - fleshed out another alternative attachment query API in issue  
        - created issue (52) on when auto/manual mip generation applies  
        - began more spec language edits to mip generation and framebuffer  
          object definition (this may be throwaway language depending  
          on the resolution of some outstanding issues)  
    #25, August 24, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - Fill in chapter 4.  
        - Replace some references to "logical buffer" with  
        - Modification to issue (44).  
        - Incorporate feedback from Eric Werness: improvements to  
        - Incorporate feedback from Jason Allen: issue (42) option D  
          (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT), and removal of FramebufferBuf.  
    #24, August 23, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - First stab at text for additions to chapters 2, 3, and 5.  
        - Fill in examples 1-5.  
        - Add description of GetFramebufferBufferParametervEXT to  
          chapter 6.  
        - Add EXT suffix in some places it was missing.  
    #23, August 20, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - fix minor typos  
        - added additional comments regarding reopened issue (11)  
        - changed some references from z-slice to depth offset  
    #22, August 19, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - reopened and expanded the options for issue (11) about one vs  
          many FramebufferTexture attachment routines  
        - clarified issue (16) does not imply that texture/renderbuffer  
          state updates are delayed on attached renderable images  
        - clarified issue (21) to not specifically imply that a call  
          to BindFramebuffer is required to delete a renderable image  
          attached to a framebuffer.  
        - resolved issue (28) "slices" are now referred to as "images"  
        - resolved issue (29) - GenerateMipmap is included in this  
        - added and resolved issue (49) - MRT of different formats are  
          not supported  
        - added issue (50) - meta issue about whether async generation  
          of GL errors should be avoided in this api.  
    #21, August 19, 2004:  jsandmel  
        - incorporated feedback from Barthold (typos fixed)  
        - incorporated feedback from Barthold (ARB_compromise_buffers->EXT_framebuffer_object)  
        - incorporated feedback from Barthold (slice->image)  
        - incorporated feedback from Barthold (other ARB->EXT changes)  
    #20, August 19, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - fill in issue (13) and (36) - intrinsic buffers  
    #19, August 18, 2004:  jjuliano  
        - fixed minor typos in issue (15)  
        - further clarified design rationale in issue (16)  
    #18, August 18, 2004:  jjuliano, jsandmel  
        - cleaned up  language for issues (15) and (16)  
    #17, August 18, 2004: jsandmel  
        - cleaned up stale references to ARB_compromise_buffers.  
        - resolved issues (1) - extension name  
        - resolved issues (15) - {Copy}TexImage behavior on current framebuffer  
        - resolved issues (16) - {Copy}TexImage behavior on non-current framebuffer  
        - (re)resolved issues (21) - Delete object behavior on attached objects  
        - resolved issues (22) - 1 or 2 detach objects routines  
        - resolved issues (25) - query on invalid framebuffers  
        - cleaned up issue (34) language on attachment query API  
    #16, August 18, 2004: jsandmel  
        - renamed EXT_framebuffer_object as per group decision  
    #15, August 8, 2004: jsandmel  
        - fixed minor typos found by jeff  
        - expanded discussion on issue (20) to distinguish  
          width/height/format of texture is mutable unlike texture  
          target as suggested by jeff  
    #14, August 5, 2004: jsandmel  
        - In several issues, make sure ask the same questions about  
          renderbuffers when we are talking about textures.  We want to  
          resolve these issues symmetrically in almost all cases.  
        - resolved issue (19) about unused texture/renderbuffer names  
        - resolved issue (20) about attaching default state objects to  
        - resolved issue (21) about deleting attached texture/renderbuffer  
        - fixed typo indicating when issue (33) was resolved  
        - resolved issue (34) about querying framebuffer objects  
          for attachments  
        - resolved issue (44) about using a texture object as a source  
          texture and destination renderable image  
        - resolved issue (47) about delineating exactly which state  
          modifying routines can cause framebuffer revalidation  
        - added issue (48) about the returned information from  
    #13, August 3, 2004: jsandmel  
        - added related issue in issue (44) - we need to consider  
          texture objects bound to different targets on the same unit  
          not just currently bound texture, when calculating  
          source/destionation circuits.  
        - in issue (44), option (b), indicate a possibly variant is  
          to allow but not require ValidateFramebuffer to fail  
        - cleaned up the "must fail" and "can fail" cases in  
          issue (46).  
        - added issue (47) - do we need to list exactly which  
          state modification routines can cause ValidateFramebuffer  
          to change its answer?  
    #12, August 3, 2004: jsandmel  
        - added issue about when validation failures "can" occur vs. "must"  
    #11, August 2, 2004: jsandmel  
        - removed non-contact emails from contributor list  
        - "methodology" -> "model" in issue (7)  
        - resolved issues (31,32,33), there is no renderbuffer name zero,  
          and binding/attaching to it simply unbinds/detaches the previously  
          bound/attached object.  
        - added issue (44) about using the same texture object as both  
          a source and destination  
        - added issue (45) about scenarios where having no renderable  
          image attached to the color buffer attachment point might be  
    #10, July 30, 2004: jjuliano  
        - flesh out details of issue (29) about GenerateMipmap  
        - add issue (43) about mipmap cube complete textures and  
          framebuffer consistency check.  
    #9, July 30, 2004: jsandmel  
        - renumbered issues to account for remaval and addition of issues  
        - dropped issue [used to be (14)] as it was a duplicate of issue  
          [now (38)] about support for multiple render targets.  
        - added issue (32) about  whether and how to support a  
          renderbuffer with the name zero (is it an object?)  
    #8, July 30, 2004: jjuliano  
        - tightened up language in overview regarding use of renderable  
        - clarified in overview that window and framebuffer can  
          have different formats  
        - fixed various typos, grammar, spelling errors  
        - indicated we should drop issue (14) about MRT, same as issue (37)  
        - indicate -1 is one option for return value on nonsense queries  
          of non-validated framebuffer state  
    #7, July 29, 2004: jsandmel  
        - add some more terms to the glossary list  
        - white space and various grammar clean ups (minor)  
        - note that we need resolution on the switch from  
          "render target" to "renderable image"  
        - cleaned up language for issue (31) and (32)  
    #6, July 29, 2004: jsandmel  
        - reworked, clarified, streamlined overview section to read better  
        - cleaned up some white space problems  
    #5, July 29, 2004: jsandmel  
        - fixed bad numbering in issues list  
    #4, July 29, 2004: jsandmel  
        - cleaned up issues after incorporating feedback  
    #3, July 28, 2004: jsandmel  
        - began merging render target and compromise buffers issues lists  
        - added contributors from EXT_render_target list  
        - added some extension dependencies  
        - borrowed overview from EXT_render_target, reworded to  
          make more appropriate for differences with this spec  
        - added placeholders for sample code  
        - resolved a few issues here  
        - removed intrinsic buffers per group decision july 26,2004  
        - retained framebuffer objects per group decision july 26,2004  
        - made FramebufferTexture into 3 functions per group decision july 26, 2004  
    #2, July 22, 2004: jsandmel  
        - removed all old EXT-compromise_buffer language, but  
          some of this will get reformed and added back in  
        - removed example temporarily, again this will get reformed and  
          added back in.  
        - LogicalBuffer renamed to "Renderbuffer"  
        - began fleshing out issues list  
    #1, July 22, 2004: jsandmel  
        - very first revision  
        - derived from EXT_compromise_buffers but really a mishmash of  
          all the proposals under discussion  
          all the proposals under discussion  
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