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homeprevnext Name
homeprevnext Name Strings
homeprevnext Contact
    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'  
homeprevnext Status
homeprevnext Version
    1.3, 07 June 2007 (containing only clarifications relative to  
                       version 1.0, dated 7 July 2000)  
homeprevnext Number
homeprevnext Dependencies
    OpenGL 1.1 is required.  
    GL_ARB_texture_compression is required.  
    This extension is written against the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification.  
homeprevnext Overview
    This extension provides additional texture compression functionality  
    specific to S3's S3TC format (called DXTC in Microsoft's DirectX API),  
    subject to all the requirements and limitations described by the extension  
    This extension supports DXT1, DXT3, and DXT5 texture compression formats.  
    For the DXT1 image format, this specification supports an RGB-only mode  
    and a special RGBA mode with single-bit "transparent" alpha.  
homeprevnext IP Status
    Contact S3 Incorporated ( regarding any intellectual  
    property issues associated with implementing this extension.  
    WARNING:  Vendors able to support S3TC texture compression in Direct3D  
    drivers do not necessarily have the right to use the same functionality in  
homeprevnext Issues
    (1) Should DXT2 and DXT4 (premultiplied alpha) formats be supported?  
        RESOLVED:  No -- insufficient interest.  Supporting DXT2 and DXT4  
        would require some rework to the TexEnv definition (maybe add a new  
        base internal format RGBA_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA) for these formats.  
        Note that the EXT_texture_env_combine extension (which extends normal  
        TexEnv modes) can be used to support textures with premultipled alpha.  
    (2) Should generic "RGB_S3TC_EXT" and "RGBA_S3TC_EXT" enums be supported  
        or should we use only the DXT<n> enums?    
        RESOLVED:  No.  A generic RGBA_S3TC_EXT is problematic because DXT3  
        and DXT5 are both nominally RGBA (and DXT1 with the 1-bit alpha is  
        also) yet one format must be chosen up front.  
    (3) Should TexSubImage support all block-aligned edits or just the minimal  
        functionality required by the ARB_texture_compression extension?  
        RESOLVED:  Allow all valid block-aligned edits.  
    (4) A pre-compressed image with a DXT1 format can be used as either an  
        RGB_S3TC_DXT1 or an RGBA_S3TC_DXT1 image.  If the image has  
        transparent texels, how are they treated in each format?  
        RESOLVED:  The renderer has to make sure that an RGB_S3TC_DXT1 format  
        is decoded as RGB (where alpha is effectively one for all texels),  
        while RGBA_S3TC_DXT1 is decoded as RGBA (where alpha is zero for all  
        texels with "transparent" encodings).  Otherwise, the formats are  
    (5) Is the encoding of the RGB components for DXT1 formats correct in this  
        spec?  MSDN documentation does not specify an RGB color for the  
        "transparent" encoding.  Is it really black?  
        RESOLVED:  Yes.  The specification for the DXT1 format initially  
        required black, but later changed that requirement to a  
        recommendation.  All vendors involved in the definition of this  
        specification support black.  In addition, specifying black has a  
        useful behavior.  
        When blending multiple texels (GL_LINEAR filtering), mixing opaque and  
        transparent samples is problematic.  Defining a black color on  
        transparent texels achieves a sensible result that works like a  
        texture with premultiplied alpha.  For example, if three opaque white  
        and one transparent sample is being averaged, the result would be a  
        75% intensity gray (with an alpha of 75%).  This is the same result on  
        the color channels as would be obtained using a white color, 75%  
        alpha, and a SRC_ALPHA blend factor.  
    (6) Is the encoding of the RGB components for DXT3 and DXT5 formats  
        correct in this spec?  MSDN documentation suggests that the RGB blocks  
        for DXT3 and DXT5 are decoded as described by the DXT1 format.  
        RESOLVED:  Yes -- this appears to be a bug in the MSDN documentation.  
        The specification for the DXT2-DXT5 formats require decoding using the  
        opaque block encoding, regardless of the relative values of "color0"  
        and "color1".  
homeprevnext New Procedures and Functions
homeprevnext New Tokens
    Accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of TexImage2D, CopyTexImage2D,  
    and CompressedTexImage2DARB and the <format> parameter of  
        COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT                   0x83F0  
        COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT                  0x83F1  
        COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT                  0x83F2  
        COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT                  0x83F3  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization)
    Add to Table 3.16.1:  Specific Compressed Internal Formats  
        Compressed Internal Format         Base Internal Format  
        ==========================         ====================  
    Modify Section 3.8.2, Alternate Image Specification  
    (add to end of TexSubImage discussion, p.123 -- after edit from the  
    ARB_texture_compression spec)  
    If the internal format of the texture image being modified is  
    texture is stored using one of the several S3TC compressed texture image  
    formats.  Such images are easily edited along 4x4 texel boundaries, so the  
    limitations on TexSubImage2D or CopyTexSubImage2D parameters are relaxed.  
    TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D will result in an INVALID_OPERATION  
    error only if one of the following conditions occurs:  
        * <width> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH,   
          unless <xoffset> and <yoffset> are both zero.  
        * <height> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT,  
          unless <xoffset> and <yoffset> are both zero.  
        * <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.  
    The contents of any 4x4 block of texels of an S3TC compressed texture  
    image that does not intersect the area being modified are preserved during  
    valid TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D calls.  
    Add to Section 3.8.2, Alternate Image Specification (adding to the end of  
    the CompressedTexImage section introduced by the ARB_texture_compression  
    If <internalformat> is COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,  
    COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, the compressed texture is stored using one  
    of several S3TC compressed texture image formats.  The S3TC texture  
    compression algorithm supports only 2D images without borders.  
    CompressedTexImage1DARB and CompressedTexImage3DARB produce an  
    INVALID_ENUM error if <internalformat> is an S3TC format.  
    CompressedTexImage2DARB will produce an INVALID_OPERATION error if  
    <border> is non-zero.  
    Add to Section 3.8.2, Alternate Image Specification (adding to the end of  
    the CompressedTexSubImage section introduced by the  
    ARB_texture_compression spec)  
    If the internal format of the texture image being modified is  
    texture is stored using one of the several S3TC compressed texture image  
    formats.  Since the S3TC texture compression algorithm supports only 2D  
    images, CompressedTexSubImage1DARB and CompressedTexSubImage3DARB produce  
    an INVALID_ENUM error if <format> is an S3TC format.  Since S3TC images  
    are easily edited along 4x4 texel boundaries, the limitations on  
    CompressedTexSubImage2D are relaxed.  CompressedTexSubImage2D will result  
    in an INVALID_OPERATION error only if one of the following conditions  
        * <width> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH.  
        * <height> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT.  
        * <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.  
    The contents of any 4x4 block of texels of an S3TC compressed texture  
    image that does not intersect the area being modified are preserved during  
    valid TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D calls.  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Special Functions)
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (State and State Requests)
homeprevnext Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Invariance)
homeprevnext Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
homeprevnext GLX Protocol
homeprevnext Errors
    INVALID_ENUM is generated by CompressedTexImage1DARB or  
    CompressedTexImage3DARB if <internalformat> is  
    INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CompressedTexImage2DARB if  
    <internalformat> is COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,  
    COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT and <border> is not equal to zero.  
    INVALID_ENUM is generated by CompressedTexSubImage1DARB or  
    CompressedTexSubImage3DARB if <format> is COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,  
    INVALID_OPERATION is generated by TexSubImage2D CopyTexSubImage2D, or  
    CompressedTexSubImage2D if TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT is  
    the following apply: <width> is not a multiple of four or equal to  
    TEXTURE_WIDTH; <height> is not a multiple of four or equal to  
    TEXTURE_HEIGHT; <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.  
    The following restrictions from the ARB_texture_compression specification  
    do not apply to S3TC texture formats, since subimage modification is  
    straightforward as long as the subimage is properly aligned.  
    DELETE: INVALID_OPERATION is generated by TexSubImage1D, TexSubImage2D,  
    DELETE: TexSubImage3D, CopyTexSubImage1D, CopyTexSubImage2D, or  
    DELETE: CopyTexSubImage3D if the internal format of the texture image is  
    DELETE: compressed and <xoffset>, <yoffset>, or <zoffset> does not equal  
    DELETE: -b, where b is value of TEXTURE_BORDER.  
    DELETE: INVALID_VALUE is generated by CompressedTexSubImage1DARB,  
    DELETE: CompressedTexSubImage2DARB, or CompressedTexSubImage3DARB if the  
    DELETE: entire texture image is not being edited:  if <xoffset>,  
    DELETE: <yoffset>, or <zoffset> is greater than -b, <xoffset> + <width> is  
    DELETE: less than w+b, <yoffset> + <height> is less than h+b, or <zoffset>  
    DELETE: + <depth> is less than d+b, where b is the value of  
    DELETE: TEXTURE_BORDER, w is the value of TEXTURE_WIDTH, h is the value of  
    DELETE: TEXTURE_HEIGHT, and d is the value of TEXTURE_DEPTH.  
    See also errors in the GL_ARB_texture_compression specification.  
homeprevnext New State
    In the "Textures" state table, increment the TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT  
    subscript for Z by 4 in the "Type" row.  
homeprevnext New Implementation Dependent State
homeprevnext Appendix
    S3TC Compressed Texture Image Formats  
    Compressed texture images stored using the S3TC compressed image formats  
    are represented as a collection of 4x4 texel blocks, where each block  
    contains 64 or 128 bits of texel data.  The image is encoded as a normal  
    2D raster image in which each 4x4 block is treated as a single pixel.  If  
    an S3TC image has a width or height less than four, the data corresponding  
    to texels outside the image are irrelevant and undefined.  
    When an S3TC image with a width of <w>, height of <h>, and block size of  
    <blocksize> (8 or 16 bytes) is decoded, the corresponding image size (in  
    bytes) is:  
        ceil(<w>/4) * ceil(<h>/4) * blocksize.  
    When decoding an S3TC image, the block containing the texel at offset  
    (<x>, <y>) begins at an offset (in bytes) relative to the base of the  
    image of:  
        blocksize * (ceil(<w>/4) * floor(<y>/4) + floor(<x>/4)).  
    The data corresponding to a specific texel (<x>, <y>) are extracted from a  
    4x4 texel block using a relative (x,y) value of  
        (<x> modulo 4, <y> modulo 4).  
    There are four distinct S3TC image formats:  
    COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT:  Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64  
    bits of RGB image data.    
    Each RGB image data block is encoded as a sequence of 8 bytes, called (in  
    order of increasing address):  
            c0_lo, c0_hi, c1_lo, c1_hi, bits_0, bits_1, bits_2, bits_3  
        The 8 bytes of the block are decoded into three quantities:  
            color0 = c0_lo + c0_hi * 256  
            color1 = c1_lo + c1_hi * 256  
            bits   = bits_0 + 256 * (bits_1 + 256 * (bits_2 + 256 * bits_3))  
        color0 and color1 are 16-bit unsigned integers that are unpacked to  
        RGB colors RGB0 and RGB1 as though they were 16-bit packed pixels with  
        a <format> of RGB and a type of UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5.  
        bits is a 32-bit unsigned integer, from which a two-bit control code  
        is extracted for a texel at location (x,y) in the block using:  
            code(x,y) = bits[2*(4*y+x)+1..2*(4*y+x)+0]  
        where bit 31 is the most significant and bit 0 is the least  
        significant bit.  
        The RGB color for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is given by:  
            RGB0,              if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 0  
            RGB1,              if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 1  
            (2*RGB0+RGB1)/3,   if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 2  
            (RGB0+2*RGB1)/3,   if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 3  
            RGB0,              if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 0  
            RGB1,              if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 1  
            (RGB0+RGB1)/2,     if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 2  
            BLACK,             if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 3  
        Arithmetic operations are done per component, and BLACK refers to an  
        RGB color where red, green, and blue are all zero.  
    Since this image has an RGB format, there is no alpha component and the  
    image is considered fully opaque.  
    COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT:  Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64  
    bits of RGB image data and minimal alpha information.  The RGB components  
    of a texel are extracted in the same way as COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT.  
        The alpha component for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is  
        given by:  
            0.0,               if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 3  
            1.0,               otherwise  
        IMPORTANT:  When encoding an RGBA image into a format using 1-bit  
        alpha, any texels with an alpha component less than 0.5 end up with an  
        alpha of 0.0 and any texels with an alpha component greater than or  
        equal to 0.5 end up with an alpha of 1.0.  When encoding an RGBA image  
        into the COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, the resulting red,  
        green, and blue components of any texels with a final alpha of 0.0  
        will automatically be zero (black).  If this behavior is not desired  
        by an application, it should not use COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT.  
        This format will never be used when a generic compressed internal  
        format (Table 3.16.2) is specified, although the nearly identical  
        format COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT (above) may be.  
    COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT:  Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64  
    bits of uncompressed alpha image data followed by 64 bits of RGB image  
    Each RGB image data block is encoded according to the  
    COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, with the exception that the two code  
    bits always use the non-transparent encodings.  In other words, they are  
    treated as though color0 > color1, regardless of the actual values of  
    color0 and color1.  
    Each alpha image data block is encoded as a sequence of 8 bytes, called  
    (in order of increasing address):  
            a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7  
        The 8 bytes of the block are decoded into one 64-bit integer:  
            alpha = a0 + 256 * (a1 + 256 * (a2 + 256 * (a3 + 256 * (a4 +  
                         256 * (a5 + 256 * (a6 + 256 * a7))))))  
        alpha is a 64-bit unsigned integer, from which a four-bit alpha value  
        is extracted for a texel at location (x,y) in the block using:  
            alpha(x,y) = bits[4*(4*y+x)+3..4*(4*y+x)+0]  
        where bit 63 is the most significant and bit 0 is the least  
        significant bit.  
        The alpha component for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is  
        given by alpha(x,y) / 15.  
    COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT:  Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64  
    bits of compressed alpha image data followed by 64 bits of RGB image data.  
    Each RGB image data block is encoded according to the  
    COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, with the exception that the two code  
    bits always use the non-transparent encodings.  In other words, they are  
    treated as though color0 > color1, regardless of the actual values of  
    color0 and color1.  
    Each alpha image data block is encoded as a sequence of 8 bytes, called  
    (in order of increasing address):  
        alpha0, alpha1, bits_0, bits_1, bits_2, bits_3, bits_4, bits_5  
        The alpha0 and alpha1 are 8-bit unsigned bytes converted to alpha  
        components by multiplying by 1/255.  
        The 6 "bits" bytes of the block are decoded into one 48-bit integer:  
          bits = bits_0 + 256 * (bits_1 + 256 * (bits_2 + 256 * (bits_3 +   
                          256 * (bits_4 + 256 * bits_5))))  
        bits is a 48-bit unsigned integer, from which a three-bit control code  
        is extracted for a texel at location (x,y) in the block using:  
            code(x,y) = bits[3*(4*y+x)+1..3*(4*y+x)+0]  
        where bit 47 is the most significant and bit 0 is the least  
        significant bit.  
        The alpha component for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is  
        given by:  
              alpha0,                   code(x,y) == 0  
              alpha1,                   code(x,y) == 1  
              (6*alpha0 + 1*alpha1)/7,  alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 2  
              (5*alpha0 + 2*alpha1)/7,  alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 3  
              (4*alpha0 + 3*alpha1)/7,  alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 4  
              (3*alpha0 + 4*alpha1)/7,  alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 5  
              (2*alpha0 + 5*alpha1)/7,  alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 6  
              (1*alpha0 + 6*alpha1)/7,  alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 7  
              (4*alpha0 + 1*alpha1)/5,  alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 2  
              (3*alpha0 + 2*alpha1)/5,  alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 3  
              (2*alpha0 + 3*alpha1)/5,  alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 4  
              (1*alpha0 + 4*alpha1)/5,  alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 5  
              0.0,                      alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 6  
              1.0,                      alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 7  
NVIDIA Implementation Note  
    NVIDIA GeForce 6 and 7 Series of GPUs (NV4x- and G7x-based GPUs)  
    and their Quadro counterparts (Quadro FX 4000, 4400, 4500; Quadro  
    NVS 440; etc.) do not ignore the order of the 16-bit RGB values  
    color0 and color1 when decoding DXT3 and DXT5 texture formats (i.e.,  
    This is at variance with the specification language saying:  
        Each RGB image data block is encoded according to the  
        COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, with the exception that  
        the two code bits always use the non-transparent encodings.  
        In other words, they are treated as though color0 > color1,  
        regardless of the actual values of color0 and color1.  
    With these NV4x and G7x GPUs, when decoding the DXT3 and DXT5 formats,  
    if color0 <= color1 then the code(x,y) values of 2 and 3 encode  
    (RGB0+RGB1)/2 and BLACK respectively (as is the case for DXT1).  
    All other NVIDIA GPUs (those based on GPU designs other than NV4x  
    and G7x) implement DXT3 and DXT5 decoding strictly according to the  
    specification.  Specifically, the order of color0 and color1 does  
    not affect the decoding of the DXT3 and DXT5 format, consistent with  
    the specification paragraph cited above.  
    To ensure reliable decoding of DXT3 and DXT5 textures, please avoid  
    encoding an RGB image data block with color0 <= color1 when the  
    block also uses code(x,y) values of 2 and 3.  
homeprevnext Revision History
    1.3   07/07/07 mjk        Correct NVIDIA note about DXT3/5 decoding issue.  
    1.2   01/26/06 mjk        Add NVIDIA note about DXT3/5 decoding issue.  
    1.1,  11/16/01 pbrown:    Updated contact info, clarified where texels  
                              fall within a single block.  
    1.0,  07/07/00 prbrown1:  Published final version agreed to by working  
                              group members.  
    0.9,  06/24/00 prbrown1:  Documented that block-aligned TexSubImage calls  
                              do not modify existing texels outside the  
                              modified blocks.  Added caveat to allow for a  
                              (0,0)-anchored TexSubImage operation of  
                              arbitrary size.  
    0.7,  04/11/00 prbrown1:  Added issues on DXT1, DXT3, and DXT5 encodings  
                              where the MSDN documentation doesn't match what  
                              is really done.  Added enum values from the  
                              extension registry.  
    0.4,  03/28/00 prbrown1:  Updated to reflect final version of the  
                              ARB_texture_compression extension.  Allowed  
                              block-aligned TexSubImage calls.  
    0.3,  03/07/00 prbrown1:  Resolved issues pertaining to the format of RGB  
                              blocks in the DXT3 and DXT5 formats (they don't  
                              ever use the "transparent" encoding).  Fixed  
                              decoding of DXT1 blocks.  Pointed out issue of  
                              "transparent" texels in DXT1 encodings having  
                              different behaviors for RGB and RGBA internal  
    0.2,  02/23/00 prbrown1:  Minor revisions; added several issues.  
    0.11, 02/17/00 prbrown1:  Slight modification to error semantics  
                              (INVALID_ENUM instead of INVALID_OPERATION).  
    0.1,  02/15/00 prbrown1:  Initial revision.  
    0.1,  02/15/00 prbrown1:  Initial revision.  
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