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homeprevnext Name
homeprevnext Name Strings
    None (impled by NV_GPU_program4)  
homeprevnext Contact
    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'  
    Eric Werness, NVIDIA Corporation (ewerness 'at'  
homeprevnext Status
    Shipping for GeForce 8 Series (November 2006)  
homeprevnext Version
    Last Modified Date:         04/18/2007  
    NVIDIA Revision:            7  
homeprevnext Number
homeprevnext Dependencies
    OpenGL 2.0 is required.  
    NV_gpu_program4 is required.  
    This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0 specification.  
    NV_transform_feedback affects this extension.  
homeprevnext Overview
    This extension, in conjunction with NV_gpu_program4, provides a new type  
    of program parameter than can be used as a constant during vertex,  
    fragment, or geometry program execution.  Each program target has a set of  
    parameter buffer binding points to which buffer objects can be attached.  
    A vertex, fragment, or geometry program can read data from the attached  
    buffer objects using a binding of the form "program.buffer[a][b]".  This  
    binding reads data from the buffer object attached to binding point <a>.  
    The buffer object attached is treated either as an array of 32-bit words  
    or an array of four-component vectors, and the binding above reads the  
    array element numbered <b>.  
    The use of buffer objects allows applications to change large blocks of  
    program parameters at once, simply by binding a new buffer object.  It  
    also provides a number of new ways to load parameter values, including  
    readback from the frame buffer (EXT_pixel_buffer_object), transform  
    feedback (NV_transform_feedback), buffer object loading functions such as  
    MapBuffer and BufferData, as well as dedicated parameter buffer update  
    functions provided by this extension.  
homeprevnext New Procedures and Functions
    void BindBufferRangeNV(enum target, uint index, uint buffer,  
                           intptr offset, sizeiptr size);  
    void BindBufferOffsetNV(enum target, uint index, uint buffer,  
                            intptr offset);  
    void BindBufferBaseNV(enum target, uint index, uint buffer);  
    void ProgramBufferParametersfvNV(enum target, uint buffer, uint index,  
                                     sizei count, const float *params);  
    void ProgramBufferParametersIivNV(enum target, uint buffer, uint index,   
                                      sizei count, const int *params);  
    void ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV(enum target, uint buffer, uint index,   
                                       sizei count, const uint *params);  
    void GetIntegerIndexedvEXT(enum value, uint index, boolean *data);  
homeprevnext New Tokens
    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetProgramivARB:  
    Accepted by the <target> parameter of ProgramBufferParametersfvNV,  
    ProgramBufferParametersIivNV, and ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV,  
    BindBufferRangeNV, BindBufferOffsetNV, BindBufferBaseNV, and BindBuffer  
    and the <value> parameter of GetIntegerIndexedvEXT:  
      VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV                0x8DA2  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
    Modify "Section 2.14.1" of the ARB_vertex_program specification.  
    (Add after the discussion of environment parameters.)  
    Additionally, each program target has an array of parameter buffer binding  
    points, to which a buffer object (Section 2.9) can be bound.  The number  
    of available binding points is given by the implementation-dependent  
    constant MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_BINDINGS_NV. These binding points  
    are shared by all programs of a given type.  All bindings are initialized  
    to the name zero, which indicates that no valid binding is present.  
    A program parameter binding is associated with a buffer object using  
    BindBufferOffset with a <target> of VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV,  
    FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV and <index> corresponding to the  
    number of the desired binding point. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated  
    if the value of <index> is greater than or equal to  
    Buffer objects are made to be sources of program parameter buffers by  
    calling one of  
      void BindBufferRangeNV(enum target, uint index, uint buffer,  
                             intptr offset, sizeiptr size)  
      void BindBufferOffsetNV(enum target, uint index, uint buffer,  
                              intptr offset)  
      void BindBufferBaseNV(enum target, uint index, uint buffer)  
    where <target> is set to VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV,  
    FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV.  Any of the three BindBuffer*  
    commands perform the equivalent of BindBuffer(target, buffer).  <buffer>  
    specifies which buffer object to bind to the target at index number  
    <index>.  <index> must be less than the value of  
    MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_BINDINGS_NV.  <offset> specifies a starting  
    offset into the buffer object <buffer>.  <size> specifies the number of  
    elements in the bound portion of the buffer.  Both <offset> and <size> are  
    in basic machine units. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if the value  
    of <size> is less than or equal to zero.  The error INVALID_VALUE is  
    generated if <offset> or <size> are not word-aligned.  For program  
    parameter buffers, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <offset> is  
    BindBufferBaseNV is equivalent to calling BindBufferOffsetNV with an  
    <offset> of 0. BindBufferOffsetNV is the equivalent of calling  
    BindBufferRangeNV with <size> = sizeof(buffer) - <offset> and rounding  
    <size> down so that it is word-aligned.  
    All program parameter buffer parameters are either single-component 32-bit  
    words or four-component vectors made up of 32-bit words.  The program  
    parameter buffers may hold signed integer, unsigned integer, or  
    floating-point data.  There is a limit on the maximum number of words of a  
    buffer object that can be accessed using any single parameter buffer  
    binding point, given by the implementation-dependent constant  
    MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE_NV.  Buffer objects larger than this  
    size may be used, but the results of accessing portions of the buffer  
    object beyond the limit are undefined.  
    The commands  
      void ProgramBufferParametersfvNV(enum target, uint buffer, uint index,  
                                       sizei count, const float *params);  
      void ProgramBufferParametersIivNV(enum target, uint buffer, uint index,   
                                        sizei count, const int *params);  
      void ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV(enum target, uint buffer, uint index,   
                                        sizei count, const uint *params);  
    update words <index> through <index>+<count>-1 in the buffer object bound  
    to the binding point numbered <buffer> for the program target <target>.  
    The new data is referenced by <params>.  The error INVALID_OPERATION is  
    generated if no buffer object is bound to the binding point numbered  
    <buffer>.  The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index>+<count> is  
    greater than either the number of words in the buffer object or the  
    maximum parameter buffer size MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE_NV.  These  
    functions perform an operation functionally equivalent to calling  
    BufferSubData, but possibly with higher performance.  
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)
homeprevnext Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and State Requests)
    Modify the second paragraph of section 6.1.1 (Simple Queries) p. 244 to  
    read as follows:  
    ...<data> is a pointer to a scalar or array of the indicated type in which  
    to place the returned data.  
        void GetIntegerIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index,  
                                   boolean *data);  
    are used to query indexed state.  <target> is the name of the indexed  
    state and <index> is the index of the particular element being queried.  
    <data> is a pointer to a scalar or array of the indicated type in which to  
    place the returned data.  
homeprevnext Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
homeprevnext GLX Protocol
homeprevnext Dependencies on NV_transform_feedback
    Both NV_transform_feedback and this extension define the behavior of  
    BindBuffer{Range, Offset, Base}NV. Both definitions should be functionally  
homeprevnext Errors
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by BindBufferRangeNV,  
    BindBufferOffsetNV, or BindBufferBaseNV if <target> is  
    or FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV, and <index> is greater than or  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by BindBufferRangeNV or  
    BindBufferOffsetNV if <offset> or <size> is not word-aligned.  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by BindBufferRangeNV if <size> is  
    less than zero.  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by BindBufferRangeNV or  
    BindBufferOffsetNV if <target> is VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV,  
    FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV, and <offset> is non-zero.  
    The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by ProgramBufferParametersfvNV,  
    ProgramBufferParametersIivNV, or ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV if no  
    buffer object is bound to the binding point numbered <buffer> for program  
    target <target>.  
    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by ProgramBufferParametersfvNV,  
    ProgramBufferParametersIivNV, or ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV if the sum  
    of <index> and <count> is greater than either the number of words in the  
    buffer object boudn to <buffer> or the maximum parameter buffer size  
homeprevnext New State
    (Modify ARB_vertex_program, Table X.6 -- Program State)  
    Get Value                    Type    Get Command  Value   Description               Sec.    Attribute  
    ---------                    ------- -----------  ------- ------------------------  ------  ---------  
    VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_    Z+      GetIntegerv  0       Active vertex program     2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_NV                                               buffer object binding  
    VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_    nxZ+    GetInteger-  0       Buffer objects bound for  2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_NV                          IndexedvEXT          vertex program use  
    GEOMETRY_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_  Z+      GetIntegerv  0       Active geometry program   2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_NV                                               buffer object binding  
    GEOMETRY_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_  nxZ+    GetInteger-  0       Buffer objects bound for  2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_NV                          IndexedvEXT          geometry program use  
    FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_  Z+      GetIntegerv  0       Active fragment program   2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_NV                                               buffer object binding  
    FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_  nxZ+    GetInteger-  0       Buffer objects bound for  2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_NV                          IndexedvEXT          fragment program use  
homeprevnext New Implementation Dependent State
    Get Value                    Type    Get Command  Value   Description       Sec.    Attribute  
    ---------                    ------- -----------  ------- ----------------  ------  ---------  
    MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_       Z       GetProgram-  8       size of program   2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_BINDINGS_NV                   ivARB              parameter binding  
    MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_       Z       GetProgram-  4096    maximum usable    2.14.1  -  
      BUFFER_SIZE_NV                       ivARB              size of program  
                                                              parameter buffers  
    # Legal  
    BUFFER bones[] = { program.buffer[0] };  
    ALIAS funBone = bones[69];  
    MOV t, bones[1];  
    # Illegal  
    ALIAS numLights = program.buffer[5][6];  
    MOV t, program.buffer[3][x];  
homeprevnext Issues
    (1) PBO is already taken as an acronym?  What do we call this?  
      RESOLVED: PaBO.  
    (2) How should the ability to simultaneously access multiple parameter  
        buffers be exposed?  
      RESOLVED: In the program text (see NV_gpu_program4), the buffers are  
      referred to using a buffer binding statement which is dereferenced in  
      the instructions.  In the rest of the APIs, an array of internal binding  
      points is provided, which are dereferenced using the index parameter of  
      BindBufferBase and associated functions.  
    (3) Should program parameter buffer bindings be provided per-target (i.e.,  
        environment parameters), per-program (i.e., local parameters), or some  
        combination of the two?  
      RESOLVED: Per-target. That fits most naturally with the ARB program  
      model, similar to textures. Having both per-program and per-target add  
      complexity with no benefit.  
    (4) Should references to the parameter buffer be scalar or vector?  
      RESOLVED: Scalar. Having vector is more consistent with the legacy APIs,  
      but is more difficult to build the arbitrary data structures that are  
      interesting to store in a parameter buffer. A future extension can  
      define an alternate keyword in the program text to specify accesses of a  
      different size.  
    (5) Should parameter buffers be editable using the ProgramEnvParameter  
      RESOLVED: No. There is a new parallel API for the bindable buffers,  
      including the ability to update multiple parameters at a time. These are  
      more convenient than having to rebind for BufferData and potentially  
    (6) Should parameter buffers be editable outside the ProgramBufferParameters  
      RESOLVED:  Yes.  The use of buffer objects allows the buffers to be  
      naturally manipulated using normal buffer object mechanisms.  That  
      includes CPU mapping, loading via BufferData or BufferSubData, and even  
      reading data back using the ARB_pixel_buffer_object extension.  
    (7) Will buffer object updates from different sources cause potential  
        synchronization problems?  If so, how will they be resolved.  
      RESOLVED: If reads and write occur in the course of the same call  
      (e.g. reading from a buffer using parameter buffer binding while writing  
      to it using transform feedback. All other cases are allowed and occur in  
      command order. Any synchronization is handled by the GL.  
    (8) Is there an implementation-dependent limit to the size of program  
        parameter buffers?  
      RESOLVED: Yes, limited-size buffers are provided to reduce the  
      complexity of the GPU design that supports program parameter buffer  
      access and updates.  However, the minimum limit is 16K scalar  
      parameters, or 64KB.  A larger buffer object can be provided, but only  
      the first 64KB is accessible. The limit is queryable with  
      GetProgramivARB with <pname> MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE_NV.  
    (9) With scalar buffers, which parameter setting routines do we need?  
      UNRESOLVED: A function to set N scalars is very important. It might be  
      nice to have convenience functions that take 1 or 4 parameters directly.  
    (10) Do we need GetProgramBufferParameter functions?  
      UNRESOLVED: Probably not - they aren't perf critical and offer no  
      functionality beyond getting the buffer object data any of the standard  
    (11) What happens if a value written using ProgramBufferParametersfNV is  
         read as an integer or the other way around?  
      RESOLVED: Undefined - likely just a raw bit cast between whatever  
      internal representations are used by the GL.  
homeprevnext Revision History
    Rev.    Date    Author    Changes  
    ----  --------  --------  -----------------------------------------  
     7    04/18/07  pbrown    Fixed state table to include the buffer  
                              object binding array for each program type.  
     6    02/07/07  ewerness  Updated inconsistent prototypes in spec -  
                              <count> for ProgramBufferParameters* is  
                              a <sizei>, not a <uint>.  
    1-5                       Internal revisions.  
    1-5                       Internal revisions.  
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